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Editorial Introduction
Historical Introduction
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Warrant, 31 December 1695, Edinburgh
1 January 1695
Warrant: Warrand to continue Innes of Towie at Liberty
2 January 1695
Procedure: Address by the Councill To his Majestie
Proclamation: Proclamatione for the exercise of the Government in his Majesties name only
Procedure: The Lords of Sessions behaviour upon the news of the Queens death
Act: Act Continowing the sealls aprincipall
Act: Act Discharging the stamps in the mint
Proclamation: Proclamatione for a nationall humiliatione
Order: The Church and pulpits ordered to be put in Mourning
3 January 1695
Act: Act Westsheill Master of his Majesties mint for Copper blanks
Procedure: New Dyet to the Commissione for Shools and Colledges
10 January 1695
Act: Act and Recomendatione Sir Æneas Mcphersone
Procedure: Approbatione Alexander Kellies Imprisonment
Procedure: Querie anent Irish salt beeff
Procedure: Querie anent Hearthmoney
Act: Act upon Collonell Fergusons petitione for levieing recruits
15 January 1695
Letter: from the Council: Letter from the Councill to the Secretary anent Desertors frae Flander serving in Scotland
Order: Anent Alexander Kelly
Procedure: Lord Justice Clerk goes to Court
Procedure: Sir John Maxuell goes to Court
17 January 1695
Procedure: Anent the accompts resting by the Forces to the Countrey
Letter: to the Council: Letter frae the Secretary of State anent the Councills letter of Condolence to the King
Act: Act anent subcollectors of Hearth money
Warrant: Warrand for burriang the Lady Hiltouns sone in the Abbay Church
Procedure: [Lord Chancellor delivered letter to king]
Act: Change of sentance Margaret Watt
22 January 1695
Letter: royal: Letter from the King to the Councill approving the nominating the Earle of Annandale to be their president
Procedure: Comittie for visiting the Prisoners
Warrant: Warrand Lady Strowan to wryte to France to her sone
Procedure: [Lord Melfort's oath in France]
Proclamation: Proclamatione anent the accompts
Proclamation: Proclamatione Dischargeing salt beeff from Ireland
Letter: from the Council: Letter to the particular Councillours
Letter: royal: Letter from the Councill to the King anent the Laird of Mcintoches losses
24 January 1695
Order: Recomendatione Lord Advocat anent the Earl of Seaforth
Procedure: Recomendatione Lord Advocat anent two preists
29 January 1695
Letter: royal: Letter from the King appoynting Sir George Campbell of Cessnock to be added to the privy Council
Letter: to the Council: Letter the secretary of state to the Councill anent Desertors
Warrant: Warrant to delyver James Marshell to Leutt Hamilton
Act: Act Earle of Aboyn anent Mr Fordyce
Commission by the Council: Commissione for trying and Judgeing William Petrie
Warrant: Warrand for wryting to the Lady Strowan's sone In France
31 January 1695
Act: Act Collonell Fergusone anent Recruits
5 February 1695
Act: Repryve Andersone and Lausone
Procedure: [Committee anent Soldiers and Deserters]
7 February 1695
Procedure: committee formed: Rabble among the Guards at Edinburgh
Procedure: Earl of Strathmore his Excuse
Order: Recommendatione Grahamhall To the Thesaurie
Act: Act Gladstanes of that ilk
Order: James Carrind committed Prisoner
12 February 1695
Warrant: Warrand Mr Fordyce to goe to Glams
Act: Liberatione Carrin
Act: Liberatione Duncan Kennedy
Letter: royal: Letter from the King Adjourning the parliament
Proclamation: Proclamatione adjourneing the parliament
Letter: royal: Letter from the King anent Recruits
14 February 1695
Order: Ordor anent the Shipping and Draughts of Recruits of Souldiers
Act: Liberatione Peter Baird
Act: Act James Forbes
Act: Liberatione James Carrin
19 February 1695
Order: Recomendatione Stueart of Balaquane
21 February 1695
Procedure: Comittie anent a popish meeting
Act: Act Mr Jon Wilsone
26 February 1695
Proclamation: Proclamatione indemnifieing Desertors
Act: Act and ordinance anent Lord Drummond and Servants
Procedure: Remitt to the Comittie anent the popish meeting
Warrant: Warrand to delyver Scarlet to Captaine Scott
Procedure: Anent the Shirriff of Dumbartone
28 February 1695
Act: Continuatione of Duke Gordons liberty
Decreet: Interloquitor anent bale for Lord Drummonds servants
Act: Act anent persons taken at a popish meeting
Order: Recomendatione To the Lord Advocat to wryte to the Secretaries of State anent vaccant affairs
Order: Recomendatione Craufurd of Drumsuie to the Thesaurie
Commission by the Council: Comissione anent three Countreymen in Dumbartane Castle
Act: Act Andrew Johnstoune and Ensigne Cockburne
6 March 1695
Act: Act changeing the sentence of death against Andersone and Lawsone to Banishment
Order: Ordor recalling former act anent Scarlote
Act: Liberatione Dewar and Insch
Act: Act Changeing sentance of death against Carmichaell to Banishment
Letter: royal: Kings letter anent Duke Gordone
Act: Act The Duke of Gordone
Procedure: Ane Essay of the fyneness of the Coyn
Procedure: Remitt to parliament anent the tryall of Essays of Fyness of Coyne
7 March 1695
Warrant: Warrand Captaine Lindsay to goe aboard the Recruit ships
Warrant: Warrand to give Lieutt Cormock to Major Bruce
Warrant: Warrand for pass to Lord Glasfoords sone
Act: Act delaying the payment of accounts untill the Creditors depone they are not transacted
7 March 1695 (pm)
Letter: royal: Letter from the King repryveing Vallance of Poschills
Act: Act upon the Letter
Warrant: Warrand Mr Fordyce to goe to the North
Proclamation: Proclamatione Dischargeing King Jam's Copper Coyne in Ireland
12 March 1695
Proclamation: Proclamation Dischargeing Irish Victuall
Act: Liberatione Mr David Fairfoull
Commission by the Council: Commissione to Drumsiue anent Irish victuall
Warrant: Warrand Robert Malloch to wryte to France
Acts: [Act discharging circuit courts 1695]
14 March 1695
Procedure: [Committee to consider letters to France]
Order: Recomendatione to the Lord Advocat to wryte to the Secretaries anent Prisoners in France
Order: Recomendatione Alexander Stueart to the Thesaurie
Order: Girvanmayns committed Prisoner
19 March 1695
Letter: royal: Letter for adjourneing the parliament
Proclamation: Proclamatione Adjourning the parliament
Letter: royal: Master of Stairs letter anent adjournment of the Parliament
Act: Act Scott of Hedderwick
Act: Protectione Raitt of Halgreen
Procedure: Approbatione of act Comittie anent money
22 March 1695
Letter: royal: Letter from the Councill to the King anent cryeing up Scots money
Procedure: Remitt to the Lord Advocat anent Lady Lauderdals letter to France
Order: Recomendatione to Lord Advocat anent two boats with victuall from Ireland
27 March 1695
Warrant: Warrand Lord Register to subscryve a lybell before the parliament against persones in France
Warrant: Warrand for suspensions and Relaxationes to persones processed for being in France
28 March 1695
Letter: royal: Letter frae the King to adjourne the generall assemblie
Proclamation: Proclamatione Adjourning the generall assemblie
Warrant: Lauderdales freinds allowed to wryte to him
Letter: royal: Kings Letter anent the Earle of Home
Procedure: [Concerning rebels in France]
3 April 1695
Act: Act ordering Doctor Burnet and ane Chirurgeon to visite the Earl of Home
Order: [Lord Advocat and prisoner Scarlot]
9 April 1695
Order: Recomendatione to the Lord Advocat to wryte to the Shiriff anent Preists
Act: Liberatione Master David Fairfoule
Act: Act Mr James Forbes
Act: Act Earle of Home
Act: Act appoynting the Sollicitor to pay the Doctor and Chirurgeon who visited the Earl of Home
9 April 1695 (pm)
Letter: royal: Letter from the Councill to the King anent the Earle of Home
10 April 1695
Act: Act Byres of Coats
Order: Recomendatione Souldiers of the Bass to the Lords of Thesaurie
12 April 1695
Letter: royal: Letter frae the King anent raising the value of the Coyne
Act: Liberatione William Finlaysone
17 April 1695
Letter: royal: Letter from the King adjourneing the parliament
Proclamation: Proclamatione adjourning the Parliament
Procedure: Anent the money
Act: Act Earle of Buchane
6 May 1695
Warrant: Warand for appending the Privie seall to the Marques of Twedalles Commissiones etc
Procedure: Approbatione of sending Preist Fairfoul aboard
9 May 1695
Procedure: Patent Earle of Tweddale to be marquis of Tweddale etc
Procedure: Commissione to The marques of Tweedale for being his Majesties High Commissioner to the ensueing parliament
13 May 1695
16 May 1695
Letter: royal: Letter frae the King allowing a moneth farder to recruit the standing Regiments
Act: Act for filling up the standing Regiments
Commission by the Council: Commissione of Justiciary for tryeing Margaret Baird
Proclamation: Proclamatione dischargeing English clipt money
23 May 1695
Order: Anent the Articles of regulatione of the Sessions
Order: Mr James Elphingstoune called anent the stamps of money
Order: Recommendation to Secretary Johnstoune to wryte to Secretary Stairs anent the Sealls.
28 May 1695
Warrant: Warrand for ceitting the Baillie of Calder
Letter: royal: Letter frae the King in favors of Duke of Gordone
Act: Act the Duke of Gordone continowing his Libertie
Act: Act Edmonstoune of Ednem
Act: Act anent the Earle of Buchans continowing at Liberty
Order: [Liberty to James Baillie]
Order: [Recommendation anent the mint]
Act: [Act changing sentence of John Mcmillan]
Commission by the Council: [Judicial commission Margaret Mckean for child murder]
Warrant: Warrand to give up Findlaysons bond
4 June 1695
Act: Act taking of the Earle of Aboyns Confynment
Proclamation: Proclamatione offering reward to such as apprehend Inchbrakoe
11 June 1695
Act: Act Byres of Coats
Act: Act Gladstanes of that Ilk
Act: Act of Banishment Jonet Cook
25 June 1695
Letter: royal: Letter for receiving Provost Cheisly a privy Councillor
Procedure: Master of Stair's lyne anent the Stamps
9 July 1695
Letter: royal: Letter frae the King Adjourneing the generall assemblie
Proclamation: Proclamatione adjourning the generall assemblie
Warrant: Warrand for giving up Lord Frazers bond
Procedure: Lord Yester's gift to be Shirriff of East Lothiane
Procedure: Provest Cheisly received a Privie Councillour
Order: Recomendatione to the Thesaurie anent the Horses of the Army
11 July 1695
Act: Act upon Lady Cardross petitione anent the bobie peices and tourners
Order: Recommendation to Lord Advocat anent the tyme appoynted for compleiting the Journalls of Copper Coyne
Warrant: Warrand for makeing use of the dyes of the fourtie shilling and ten shilling peices.
12 July 1695
Proclamation: Proclamatione Cryeing up the money
23 July 1695
Warrant: Warrand to give up Lord Ballandins bond and take a new one
Procedure: Anent the Earl of Buchan
Act: Liberatione Alexander Kellie
Act: Liberatione Lilias Sympsone
Act: Act Hendry Payne
Act: Act Earle of Home
Act: Protectiones Cameron of Locheill and McDonald of Keppoch
Act: Liberatione Sir Æneas Mcphersone
Act: Protectione Lord Banff
Order: Recomendatione to Duke of Queensberry to quarter the troops of Horse and Dragoons
Order: Recomendatione to the said Duke to quarter the Troop of Guards
Order: [Privateers at Orkney]
Decreet: Decreet Lord Advocat q. Maxuell etc
Act: Protectione Leslie of Burdsbank
25 July 1695
Order: Recomendatione the Inhabitants of Glencoe to the Thesaurie
Warrant: Warrand Master Andrew Hay to goe to France
Warrant: Warrand for magistratts of Edinburgh to transport two women to America
Act: Act anent the half doucadouns and old merk peices
27 July 1695
Warrant: Warrand to apprehend the Baillie of Calder
Warrant: Warrand Mcphersone Kellie and Simpsone
Order: Ordor to Shiriffs of Lithgow and Bathgate to the quartering of the Troop of Guards
Procedure: Recommendatione to a Committee to meet with the Magistrats of Edinburgh anent the Pole
Proclamation: Proclamatione for Collecting and inbringing the polemoney 1695
6 August 1695
Warrant: Warrand to Lady Lauderdale to wryte to France
Act: Act Captain James Maitland
Act: Act Mr Thomas Gordone
8 August 1695
Warrant: Warrand to give up Master David Hayes bond
Act: Act Stuart of Ballachane and his Brother
Act: Protectione Sir Patrick Hepburne
Act: Act Captaine George Douglass
Warrant: [Ship William and Mary seized by French privateers]
Commission by the Council: Comissione for tryeing Mcconochies.
Act: Act Explanatory of the proclamatione 27 July anent the pole money
Procedure: Committie anent publict affairs
9 August 1695
Warrant: Warrand Captain Douglass and James Hamilton anent house dues
Letter: royal: Letter to the King anent Earl of Seaforth
14 August 1695
Warrant: Warrand to Collect Cess in Fyfe
Warrant: Warrand Duke of Queensberry to be Master of the Game within the shyre of Dumfreis.
Act: Act anent the fourty shilling peices
Proclamation: Proclamatione for ingathering the Excise
2 September 1695
Proclamation: Proclamatione for a Solemn Thanksgiveing
Act: Liberatione Mary Rotch and Murdock McKenzie
1 October 1695
Warrant: Warrand to wryte for the principall oaths and assurances taken by Ministers
3 October 1695
Proclamation: Proclamatione for the more effectuall inbringing of the pole money
Petition: [Petition Earl of Breadalbane]
Warrant: Warrand to wryte answers to queries anent the pole money
5 November 1695
Letter: royal: Letter for adjourneing the parliament
Proclamation: Proclamatione adjourning the parliament etc
Letter: royal: Letter for adjourning the generall assembly
Act: Act declaring Bradeisholme younger a Commissioner for Lanerk Shyre
Act: Act appoynting William Williamsone to be Collector of the pole money etc
Commission by the Council: Commission for additionall Comissioners within the shyre of Haddingtoune
Commission by the Council: Commissione for additionall Comissioners within the shyre of Fyfe
7 November 1695
Proclamation: A Proclamation adjourneing the generall assemblie
Order: Recomendatione to the Lord Advocat to raise a lybell against Ministers
Warrant: Warrand for takeing in Mr Collin Nicolsones oath of alleadgeance and assurance
14 November 1695
Commission by the Council: Comisione for trying of John Craufurd
Procedure: Lord Justice Clerk allowed to wryte to Sir Robert Sinclair anent the polleing of 2 Millers
Procedure: Vote anent tryeing a persone for incest
Act: Act allowing the Comissioners of supply to Choise their Collectors of Supply to be Collectors of the polemoney etc
19 November 1695
Warrant: Warrand to Lord Advocat and Sollicitor to give in bonds to the Clerks of Councill and to take new bonds of some persones etc
20 November 1695
Proclamation: Proclamatione dischargeing the importatione of forraigne victuall
21 November 1695
Act: Liberatione John Orrock
26 November 1695
Warrant: Warrand to the Clerks of Councill to wryte to Mr Hamilton in Ireland anent the Ship belonging to Fort William
Act: Act George Cumine
Act: Act for Æneas Mcphersone to the Thesaurie
Order: Continuatione of the Duke of Gordon's Confynment
Acts: Act and Recomendatione Captain Haly Spence
28 November 1695
Proclamation: Proclamatione dischargeing the melting doune of Currant Coynes etc
Act: Act against Exportatione of money furth of the Kingdome
Act: Act takeing of the Viscount Stormonth's confynement
Warrant: Warrand for delyvering Scarlott to Robert Plumer
3 December 1695
Act: : Liberatione James Dalziell
5 December 1695
Warrant: : Warrand for delyvering Angus McGruther to Captain Lindsay
Decreet: : Decreet his majesties Advocat q. Ministers etc
Commission by the Council: : Commissione for trying Bessie Scott
Warrant: : Warrand Comissaries of the Armie for ceitting and apprehending Laird of Pourie younger
10 December 1695
Act: : Act changeing Christian Parks sentance etc
Order: : Ordor for coyneing 60 stone of Bullione in 40ss peices etc
Warrant: : Warrand requyreing Commissioners of Highlands Justiciary to sute executione against Lochabermen and others
Letter: royal: : Kings Letter anent Recruits of foot and Dragoons and the Levie of ane thousand men
12 December 1695
Decreet: : Decreet Lord Advocat q. Mr Barkly and Peterheid etc
Act: : Act Mr McQueen and Mr Nicolsone in Sky.
13 December 1695
Act: : Act allowing importatione of meall from Ireland.
Order: : [Recommendation anent James Clark, ingraver to the Mint]
17 December 1695
Act: : Liberatione Major James Buchane
19 December 1695
Procedure: : [Lord Advocat and the Duke of Queensberry called to Court]
Act: : Act banishing fyve persones in Glasgow Tolbooth to Flanders as Souldiers.
Commission by the Council: : Commissione for examening the Baxters of Glasgow and others anent the importatione of Irish Victuall
Proclamation: : Proclamatione and delyverance prorogating the dyet of giving in Lists of poleable persons and payment of ther polemoney etc
Warrant: : Warrand to Clerks to wryt to Councillors to attend the Councill
24 December 1695
Procedure: : [Earl of Breadalbane's position on the council]
26 December 1695
Letter: royal: : Letter frae ye King ordering the draught of Coll Mcgils regiment to be given to Collonell Mckay
Act: : Act Duke of Gordons Liberatione
31 December 1695
Procedure: : [Lord Murray gone to Court]
Proclamation: : a proclamatione Dischargeing persons to Travell to Ireland without Passes.
Act: : Act Sir William Bruce
1 January 1695
Act: Act Mr Francis Montgomries tennants anent accompts
Act: Act anent Hamilton alias Scarlott robber
Act: Act Philip Enstruther
Act: Act James Goodburgh
3 January 1695
Warrant: Warrand for receiveing Caruthers and others Cautioners for each other in a laborowes
Act: Act anent the additionall accompts due to the Toun of Glasgow
Act: Act and Recommendation the Countess of Weemes accompts
Act: Act and Remitt Wilson and the Laird of Carseburn
Procedure: remission: Remitt anent John Foubester
8 January 1695
Act: Act Mr Hew Craig
Act: Act William Strachan
Act: Act Jean Durhame Against John Foubster her husband
Act: Act Mr Duncan Menzies minister at Weyme
15 January 1695
Act: Act John Gulespie merchant in Glasgow
Act: Act and Recomendation Drumond of Meginsh anent accompts
Act: Act and Recomendation The Toune of Paisley anent accompts
Act: Act and Recomendation anent The Toun of Kirkaldies accompts
Act: Act and Recomendatione anent Compts resting to Robert Arnot of Easterind
Act: Act and Recomendation The Lord Kinards tenents of Inchmicheall anent accompts
Act: Act and Recomendation The Lord Kinairds tenents of Inchsture Longforgan and Rossie etc anent accompts
17 January 1695
Act: Act and Recomendatione The Laird of Sauchie and his tenants anent acompts
Act: Act The Lady Dalvey
Order: Order anent Mountwhany anent Cess of Coalls in Fyfeshyre
Decreet: Decreet Certification Mckenzie contra Rait and others
22 January 1695
Order: Recomendation Grahame of Gramshall and others in Orkney
24 January 1695
Act: Act William Callander
Act: Act George Dallas
Commission by the Council: Commission Thomas Young and the Inhabitants of Dunkell
Act: Act The Lady Rentoune against The Laird her husband
Act: Act The Burgh of Pearth
Order: Recomendation Johnston and Mcintyre Souldiers
29 January 1695
Procedure: remission: Remitt Stivenson and Greir Against Greg and Malloch
Commission by the Council: Act and Commission The Earle of Broadalbine.
Act: Act Young and Sibbald
Act: Act William Beattie for a bridge.
Act: Act James Forresst for a pin-manufacturoy
Commission by the Council: Comission for Alexander Burnetts oath
Warrant: Warrand to the merchants of Edinburgh to see Captain Campbells bond
Act: Act poor Seamen
Order: Recomendation To the Lord Jedburgh To releive The Lord Muray's regiment
Act: Act anent the poor in the paroch of Portmach
31 January 1695
Act: Act Arthur Straitton
Act: Act Anent the accompts resting to the inhabitants of Kirkpatrick
Act: Act Alexander Southerland
Act: Act Home of Nynwalls anent accompts
Act: Act The Inhabitants of Dundie anent accompts
Act: Act Anent the shyre of Clackmanans accompts
Act: Act anent the Toune of Banffs accompts
Act: Act Anent the Toune of Elgins accompts
5 February 1695
Decreet: Interloquitor Stewart of Bigtoune Against Mitchell of Westshoar
7 February 1695
Act: Act Against Sarah Greir
12 February 1695
Warrant: Warrand for a Lybell Fea contra Lapnes
Act: Act Killmaranock Tennents
Act: Act Alexander Gordon for Charity
Order: Order To the Clerks of Councill to give out Lybells anent the poor
Act: Act Simervell of Corehouse and his Lady
14 February 1695
Order: Recomendatione Pittarro and his Lady and tenents anent accompts
Act: Act Discharging Suspensions sist or stop to debtors of the Commissioners for the peace of the Highlands
Order: Recomendation to the thesaury John Simervell
Act: Act and Recomendation Stewart of Bigtoune
19 February 1695
Act: Act Margaret Durham for a Colectione
Warrant: Warrand for Giving up a bond be Babertoune and his Cautioner
Act: Act Robert Davidson for a Collectione
21 February 1695
Act: Act The heritors of Woodhouse
Act: Act Gordon of Braikley
Warrant: Warrand for Giveing up Bartlemans bond
Act: Act Captain Campbell
Act: Act Jean Durhame
Act: Act John Irvin for the Toune of Dumfrees
26 February 1695
Decreet: Decreet Sinclars and Hemprigs Against Sinclars
28 February 1695
Act: [Act for poor seamen]
Act: Act Robert Campbell of Drumsynie
Act: Act Margrat Ker for ane aliement
6 March 1695
Warrant: Warrand for Delivering Duncan Stewart to the Lord Murray
7 March 1695
Act: Act Colquhoune contra The Land of Luss
Warrant: Warrand for Open prison to Alexander Kelly
Act: Act and Recomendation, The Laird of Balhousie
7 March 1695 (pm)
Order: Recomendation Douglass of Lumsden
Decreet: Interloquitor William Sinclar
Act: Act and Warrand Park and Rothemay
Act: Act Nathaniall Gordon of Gordonstoune
Order: Recomendatione The Lord Murray to the thesaurie
12 March 1695
Decreet: Decreet The Lady Arbuthnot
14 March 1695
Act: Act The Lady Newgrange
Act: Act Sir Alexander Purves Childrein
Warrant: Warrand Glenkindie for a Lybell befor the parliament
Act: Act Jean Jancie
Warrant: Warrand To Group Drumsuries Bond
Act: Act James and Margrat Pringles
Order: Recomendation Alexander Maitland to the thesaurie
Act: Act George Wilsone
Order: Anent James Williamsone
Act: Act The Heritors of Badenoch and Kincardine
19 March 1695
Order: Recomendation John Bowman to the thesaury
Order: Recomendatione Anent The Toune of Irvines accompts
Act: Act Johnstone of Wamphray
Commission by the Council: Commission For Trying the Losses of Finlarig
Procedure: John Watson gives his oath anent money
Procedure: James Cockburn gold smith gives his oath anent money
Act: Act The Magistrats of Edinburgh anent Whoors
Procedure: committee formed: Committie Dureing the vaccance
Order: Recomendation anent The accompts resting to the Earle of Pearths vassells
9 April 1695
Act: Act for building a Parkhouse in Pearth
9 April 1695 (pm)
Act: Act The Lady Arbuthnot
Act: Act Robert Naesmith
Act: Act Sir John Ramsay etc
Act: Act Margret Hamiltone Lady Harwood
10 April 1695
Act: Act Lord Neill Campbells relict
Act: Act Auchinbreck
Act: Act The Kirk Session of Dunning
Order: Recomendation Anent the accompts resting be Captain Rollo
Act: Act The Earl of Anandale and his majesties advocat contra Dalzell
16 April 1695
Warrant: Warrand for citeing the officers concerned In the Earl of Brodalbins Losses at Finlarig
17 April 1695
Order: Recomendatione The Lord Strathnaver
Order: Recomendatione Earl of Southerland and Dalfolly etc anent stipends
Warrant: Warrand to the Lord Hatton for citeing the Dutches of Lauderdale before the parliament
Act: Act and Remitt James Williamsone
Act: Act anent the Polemoney in Orkney and Zetland
16 May 1695
Act: Act The Toune of Lanerk for a Bridge
Act: Act Sir Patrick Hepburn
Act: Act The viscount of Arbuthnot and Mr Mongo Carnegie
28 May 1695
Act: Act The Earl of Roxburgh
Act: Act The Magistrats of Frasersburgh
Act: Act The Creditors of Wamphrey
Warrant: Warrand to Sir William Douglass
4 June 1695
Order: Continuation of the Lybell Against the baillie of the regality of Montross
Decreet: Decreet Bell contra The magistrats of Linlithgow
Procedure: Doctor Irvine
Act: Act The Toune of Peetterhead
Act: Act Robert Hamiltone
Order: Sist of executione Grant q Menzies of Kinaldie
11 June 1695
Order: Recomendatione The principall and masters of the Marshall Colloge of Aberdein
Order: Recomendation The Lairds of Kelburne and Sornbegg
Judicial Proceeding: Comittie on the Lybell The Lady Bamff against The Lord Bamff and a protectione
25 June 1695
Act: Act For sequestrating and sealling up the Earle of Lauderdales papers
Procedure: Approbation of some Councillors attending the roup of the toune of Edinburgh 2 penies on the pynt of aile
Act: Act George Reidpeith for printing of a book de homino
9 July 1695
Act: Act Arkindlass contra Drumfynie
Decreet: Decreet William Bell Against The Toune of Linlithgow
12 July 1695
Act: Act Margaret Scot relict of George Grahame
23 July 1695
Act: Act Charles Chalmers for printing a book
Procedure: committee formed: Comittie anent accompts
Warrant: [Horses from Ireland]
Act: Act Walter Stewart provest of Bamff
Act: Act Crafurd of Drumsuy
Order: Recomendatione anent the Bishop of Ross his Losses
Decreet: Decreet John Duncan Against Lumsdean of Auchindore
23 July 1695 (pm)
Order: Recomendatione anent accompts In favors of the Earl of Aboyne and his Tenents
Order: Recomendation anent accountts In favors of The Inhabitants of Bethelnie and toune of Old Meldrum
Order: Recomendation anent accompts In favors of The persones therin named within the shyre of Argyll
Order: Recomendatione anent accountts In favors of The Laird of Calder and others in the shyre of Nairne
Order: Recomendatione anent accompts In favors of the Inhabitants within the Easter Division of Ross
Order: Recomendation anent accompts In favors of The Paroch of Culsamond
Order: Recomendatione anent Compts In favors of Patrick Adam, and John Renny
Order: Recomendatione anent accomptts In favors of The Laird of Brodie and his tennents
Order: Recomendation anent acomptts In favors of The Inhabitants of North Berwick
Order: Recomendatione anent accompts In favors of Mrs Anderson and Baillie Baird
Order: Recomendatione anent accomptts In favors of Sir John Aytounes tennants
Order: Recomendation anent accompts In favors of George Killgour and Alexander Glass
Order: Recomendation anent accompts In favor of The shyre of Aberdeen
Order: Recomendatione anent accompts In favors of the Tennents of Enstruther and Killreny
Order: Recomendation anent accompts In favors of Sir Philip Enstruther and Lord Enstruthers tennents
Order: Recomendatione anent accompts In favors of The Tennents of Abercairnie
Order: Recomendation anent accompts In favors of Mr Robert Keith of Lintush
Order: Recomendatione anent accomptts In favors of The Inhabitants of Bruntisland
Order: Recomendatione anent accompts Mr William Smith
Order: Recomendatione anent accomptts In favors of The Toune of Tayne
Order: Recomendation anent accomptts In favors of The Inhabitants of Kinghorne
Order: Recomendatione anent accomptts In favors of Peetter Fultoune
Order: Recomendatione anent accomptts In favors of Glendoiks Tennents
Order: Recomendatione anent accompts In favors of the Toune of Pearth
Order: Recomendation anent accompts In favors of Commissar Stewart, Alexander Gadderer and Calder of Muretoune
Order: Recommendation anent accompts In favors of the Toune of Aberbrothick
Order: Recomendatione anent accompts In favors of The parish of Abernethie
Order: Recomendatione anent accompts In favors of the Shyre of Bamff
Order: Recomendation Anent accompts In favors of the Lady Tarbats tennants
25 July 1695
Decreet: Decreet Sandilands and Spence etc Against Hepburne
Act: Act The Magistrats of Aberdeen anent ther kirk session
Order: Recomendatione Jonet Knox to the Lords of Thesaurie
Act: Act Margret Chalmers
Act: Act The Lady Pitsligo anent the stipend of Tyrie for repairing the Kirk
Warrant: Warrand Samuell McCleland and others for getting up some bonds of Cautionrie for preists
Order: Recomendatione Provest Currie
Order: Recomendation Sir John Monro of Fowllis
Act: Act Anent Coper Coyne Lady Cardross
Act: Act Mr Rule and Mr Monro anent the stipend of Stirling
25 July 1695 (pm)
Order: Recomendation anent accompts In favors of The Tenents of the barony of Inness
Order: Recomendation anent accomptts In favors of Irvin of Murthill
Order: Recomendatione anent accomptts In favors of The toune of Glasgow additionall
Order: Recomendation anent accomptts In favors of The Toun and parish of Cumnock
Order: Recomendation anent accompts In favors of The Inhabitants of Kilsyth
Order: Recomendation anent accomptts In favors of the Toune of Alloway
Order: Recomendatione anent accompts In favors of The Laird of Grants tennents in Old Milnes of Elgine
Order: Recomendatione anent accompts In favors of Elizabeth Ferguson in Kirkaldie
Order: Recomendation anent acomptts In favors of The Lairds of Migstrath Braelyne and Balnacraig and tennents
Warrant: Warrand to receive Patrick Traill Cautioner for Patrick and James Feas
Act: Act the synod of Argyll
Act: Act The late Bishop of the Isles
Order: Recomendation anent accomptts In favors of Forbes of Auchintoull
Order: Recomendation anent accompts In favors of the Westerne Division of Ross shyre
Order: Recomendation In favors of the inhabitants of Falkirk
Order: Recomendatione anent acomptts In favors of The Toune of Stirling
Order: Recomendation anent acomptts In favors of the Laird of Dumbarnie and heritors of the paroch
Order: Recomendatione anent accomptts In favors of The Shyre of Edinburgh Additionall
Order: Recomendation anent acomptts In favors of The paroches of St Ninian, Kipen and in Stirling shyre
Order: Recomendation anent accompts In favors of The Shyre of Kincardin
Order: Recomendatione anent accomptts In favors of The Shyre of Cromarty
6 August 1695
Judicial Proceedings: Remit Mongo Carnegie Against Rait and Arbuthnot
Order: Order The Magistrats of Air to execute Baird
Judicial Proceedings: Remitt and Recommendation David Symson
Act: Act The Brewars of Edinburgh and liberties therof
Act: Act Hew Sandilands baillie of Calder
Procedure: Recomendation The late Bishope of Ross
Procedure: Recommendation anent accompts resting to the Inhabitants of the Western division of Ross
8 August 1695
Act: Act John Willisone
Act: Act Blair and others anent Bullion
Act: Act The heritors of the paroch of Leuchars
Act: Act Mr David Lyon for takeing the oathes
Judicial Proceeding: Intorloquitor Leitch Against The Magistrats of Bruntisland
Act: Act Exall and Mann against Mudie and others
Act: Act Mcguffock of Rusco
Warrant: Warrand to the Clerks of Councill for giving up John Watson and his Cautioners ther bond
Act: Act Mr Mongo Carnegie
Decreet: Decreet The Lady St Leonards against Thornidykes
Decreet: Act The Earle of Southerland for the aliment of the Viscountess of Arbuthnot
Act: Act Garden and others witnesses
Act: Act Borthwick of Stow
Decreet: Decreet Blaickwood against Kennedy of Girvin-Maynes
14 August 1695
Act: Act Ballachan and his brother and James Hamilton for house dues
5 November 1695
Act: Act Lord William Douglass for the Stipend of Maner
7 November 1695
Procedure: Sist upon bills of Suspension
Act: Act The principalls and Regents of the university of St Andrews
14 November 1695
Procedure: judicial proceedings: Vote anent the process betwixt the Countess of Rothes And the Earl of Melvill and others
Procedure: judicial proceedings: Sist upon bills of Suspensiones
Decreet: Decreit the Countess of Rothes and others Against the Earle of Melvill and others
Procedure: Recomendation The Lord Advocat To wryt to the Commissioners of Justiciary for the District of Inverness anent Lochell and others
19 November 1695
Decreet: Decreet absolvitor The Countess of Rothes and others against The Earle of Melvill and others
Act: Act Ordaineing John Baine and Robert Douglas to be Clerk and Collector of the supply in the Shire of Fyfe
Act: Act Sir John Dempster of Pitliver
Act: Act Scot of Heychester
Act: Act Adhereing to the Additionall Commissioners For Fyfe
Act: Act appointing the the lists for the polemoney of the Shire of Fyfe to be made according to the old valuation
Act: Act Appointing the revaluators of the Shire of Fyfe to meet againe and mean while the publict burdens be uplifted Conforme to the old valuatione
21 November 1695
Decreet: Interloquitor betwixt The toune of Edinburgh and Commistoune
Act: Act for Montbodies aliement
Act: Act Recalling the interloquitor upon the baxter of Glasgowes petition
Decreet: Decreet James Earle of Callander Against Mary Countes Dowager of Callander
Act: Act George Eason thesaurer of Dyssart for the behoove of the toune
26 November 1695
Decreet: Decreit Suspending the letters Ewan against Garden and others
Judicial Proceeding: Lumsdean of Auchindores bill refused
Judicial Proceeding: Protestatione for not insisting The defenders o against McGuffock of Rusco
28 November 1695
Warrant: Warrand to receive Dalfolly as one of the Cautioners for the Duke of Gordon
Act: Act appoynting Lapners agent to pay ten dollars to Patrick Feas wife
Procedure: Remitt Mr Alexander Hegins
Order: Recommendation Sir James Ramsay and his Lady
Order: Recomendatione John Duncan and others to the thesaury for transporting Souldiers
Decreet: Decreit Thomas Porteous and others against John Dick in Jedburgh
3 December 1695
Warrant: Warrand for citeing some persones Anent importing Irish victuall
Act: Liberatione John Dick
Act: Act Agnes Simpsone
Act: Act Mr James Kirkwood
Act: Act Mr James Porterfeild
Act: Act Anent Lady Drum
Order: Recomendatione to the thesaurie in favors of Westheills
5 December 1695
Act: Act and recommendatione Marqwes of Montrose
Decreet: Interloquitor Charles Jack
Act: Act and recomendatione The tenents of Scullog inhabitants of Rothsey
Act: Act and recomendation William Dumbar magazin keeper of Bamffs accompts
Act: Act and recomendatione Laird of Bruxes tenents accompts
Act: Act and recomendatione George Mckenzie
Act: Act and Recomendatione the Countess of Marr
Act: Act and recomendatione the Maister of Forbes
Act: Act and recomendatione Mackintosh of Borlum and others
10 December 1695
Warrant: Warrand for citeing of Importers of victuall
Decreet: Interloquitor Collonell John Hill
Act: Liberatione James Mcphersone
Act: Act William Cannan
12 December 1695
Act: [Pole Money]
Decreet: Interloquitor Charles Jack
Warrant: Warrand Fothringham of Pourie
Act: Act for a voluntar contributione for building a bridge at Qweensferry
Act: Act Dupine anent a water engine
Order: Recomendatione Mr James Southerland To the Thesaurie
Warrant: Warrand Doctor Trotter
17 December 1695
Act: Act and remitt Thomas Russell
Act: Act Rachell Adams
Act: Act Anent the writes of Wamphray
Act: Act Adair and Slazier
Act: Act Mr George Arnot for the Stipend of Neuburgh
Act: Act Mr David Ogilvie
19 December 1695
Act: Act Anent the pole money of Fiffe
Warrant: Warrand to Governors of Garisones etc to receave Souldiers
Warrant: Warrand for citeing importers of forraigne victuall
Act: Act Cuningham of Bwchan
26 December 1695
Warrant: Warrand for transporting Thomas Leister
Warrant: Warrand to raise Letters Against James Beth messengers
Act: Act Dowglas of Strahendrie
31 December 1695
Procedure: Letters of denunciatione Agnew
Warrant: Warrand to imprison James Mcphersone