Procedure, 1 February 1704, Edinburgh

Edinburgh the first of February 17041



[Note of business]

The Councill mett and did no privat Bussines

Edinburgh the first of February 17041



[Note of business]

The Councill mett and did no privat Bussines

1. NRS, PC2/28, 279v. No sederunt recorded.

2. NRS, PC2/28, 279v.

1. NRS, PC2/28, 279v. No sederunt recorded.

2. NRS, PC2/28, 279v.

Procedure: committee formed, 1 February 1704, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The first day off February Jaj vijc and [four] years


Procedure: committee formed

Committee for drawen ane answer to the forsaid Letter

The Lords of Her Majesties privy Councill Haveing receaved ane Letter from Her Majesty this day Anent the ill practices and designes againest the Government And heard the samen read in their presence Togither with ane Bundle of the Coppies of the Declarationes and Letters of severall persones relaiting therto sealled up with the sealls of Her Majesties two secretaries of state And the samen being by order of the Councill broken up and all read in presence of the saids Lords The saids Lords of Her Majesties privy Councill Doe heirby Nominat and appoint The former Committee appointed annent ill practices and designes against the Government Viz The Earles of Loudoun, Northesk, and Glasgow The Lords president of Session, Register, Advocat, Justice Clerk, Aberuchill, Livetennent Generall Ramsay, Master Francis Montgomry, and Stevensone, And adds therto The Earles off Marr and Eglingtoun, To be a Committee to Consider the forsaid bundle of papers And to prepair and bring into the Councill nixt Councill day ane answer by the Councill To Her Majesties said Letter And Recommends to the said Committee To meet to morrow at Three of the Clock in the afternoon and declaires any […] a Quorum and to report to the Councill upon the whole matter with their Conveniencie.

Att Edinburgh The first day off February Jaj vijc and [four] years


Procedure: committee formed

Committee for drawen ane answer to the forsaid Letter

The Lords of Her Majesties privy Councill Haveing receaved ane Letter from Her Majesty this day Anent the ill practices and designes againest the Government And heard the samen read in their presence Togither with ane Bundle of the Coppies of the Declarationes and Letters of severall persones relaiting therto sealled up with the sealls of Her Majesties two secretaries of state And the samen being by order of the Councill broken up and all read in presence of the saids Lords The saids Lords of Her Majesties privy Councill Doe heirby Nominat and appoint The former Committee appointed annent ill practices and designes against the Government Viz The Earles of Loudoun, Northesk, and Glasgow The Lords president of Session, Register, Advocat, Justice Clerk, Aberuchill, Livetennent Generall Ramsay, Master Francis Montgomry, and Stevensone, And adds therto The Earles off Marr and Eglingtoun, To be a Committee to Consider the forsaid bundle of papers And to prepair and bring into the Councill nixt Councill day ane answer by the Councill To Her Majesties said Letter And Recommends to the said Committee To meet to morrow at Three of the Clock in the afternoon and declaires any […] a Quorum and to report to the Councill upon the whole matter with their Conveniencie.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 140.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 140.

Letter: royal, 1 February 1704, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The first day off February Jaj vijc and [four] years


Letter: royal

Letter from The Queen To The Councill annent the plott

Letter from the Queen to the Councill anent ill designes and practices Carried on against the Government Being read the samen was ordered to be Recorded Wherof the tennor followes
Sic supra scribitur Anne Regina
Right trusty and right weell beloved Cousin and Councellors Right trusty and enteirly beloved Cousins and Councellours Right trusty and weell beloved Cousins and Councellors Right trusty and weell beloved Councellors And Trusty and weell beloved Councellor’s We greet yow weell Wheras by our Letter of the 18th day of December last Wee did Communicat to yow the ill designes that wer againest us and our Government in that our Antient Kingdome And did Recommend to yow to give your assistance to our Advocat in all methods that the Law allowes for the examination of such persones assumed to be concerned therin And to take all due cair for the preservation of the pace of the Countrie And now we have thought fit herewith to transmit to yow Coppies of the papers and Letters relative to that matter (Haveing already showed them to those of our privy Councill here) that by them yow may be more fully Informed and rendered more capable to proceed vigorously in the detection of these evill designes and therby prevent the Mischeifs that might ensue therupon, to our Government and good subjects. And not doubting of your Cair and Zeall We bid yow heartly fairweell Given Att our Court at St James’s the 28th day of January 1703/4 And of our Rigne the 2d year. By Her Majesties Command. Sic Subscribitur Queensberry.

Att Edinburgh The first day off February Jaj vijc and [four] years


Letter: royal

Letter from The Queen To The Councill annent the plott

Letter from the Queen to the Councill anent ill designes and practices Carried on against the Government Being read the samen was ordered to be Recorded Wherof the tennor followes
Sic supra scribitur Anne Regina
Right trusty and right weell beloved Cousin and Councellors Right trusty and enteirly beloved Cousins and Councellours Right trusty and weell beloved Cousins and Councellors Right trusty and weell beloved Councellors And Trusty and weell beloved Councellor’s We greet yow weell Wheras by our Letter of the 18th day of December last Wee did Communicat to yow the ill designes that wer againest us and our Government in that our Antient Kingdome And did Recommend to yow to give your assistance to our Advocat in all methods that the Law allowes for the examination of such persones assumed to be concerned therin And to take all due cair for the preservation of the pace of the Countrie And now we have thought fit herewith to transmit to yow Coppies of the papers and Letters relative to that matter (Haveing already showed them to those of our privy Councill here) that by them yow may be more fully Informed and rendered more capable to proceed vigorously in the detection of these evill designes and therby prevent the Mischeifs that might ensue therupon, to our Government and good subjects. And not doubting of your Cair and Zeall We bid yow heartly fairweell Given Att our Court at St James’s the 28th day of January 1703/4 And of our Rigne the 2d year. By Her Majesties Command. Sic Subscribitur Queensberry.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 139-40.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 139-40.

Procedure, 1 February 1704, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The first day off February Jaj vijc and [four] sex years



[Marr elected Preses]

In absence of the Lord Chancellour and Lord president of privy Councill The Earle of Marr Elected preces.

Att Edinburgh The first day off February Jaj vijc and [four] years



[Marr elected Preses]

In absence of the Lord Chancellour and Lord president of privy Councill The Earle of Marr Elected preces.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 139.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 139.

Sederunt, 1 February 1704, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The first day off February Jaj vijc and sex1 years2



Earl of Marr; Earl of Buchan; Earl of Eglintoun; Earl of Lauderdale; Earl of Loudoun; Earl of Finlatter; Earl of Northesk; Earl of Forfar; Earl of Dunmore; Earl of Glasgow; Viscount Garnock; Viscount Primrose; Lord President of Session; Lord Advocat; Lord Justice Clerk; Lord Aberuchill; Lord Halcraig; Lord Enstruther; Lord Rankillor; Lord Phesdo; Lord Tillecultrie; Livetennent Generall Ramsay; Mr Francis Montgomry; Laird of Collingtoun; Laird of Caverse; Laird of Carnwath; Laird of Prestongrange; Lord Provost of Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The first day off February Jaj vijc and sex1 years2



Earl of Marr; Earl of Buchan; Earl of Eglintoun; Earl of Lauderdale; Earl of Loudoun; Earl of Finlatter; Earl of Northesk; Earl of Forfar; Earl of Dunmore; Earl of Glasgow; Viscount Garnock; Viscount Primrose; Lord President of Session; Lord Advocat; Lord Justice Clerk; Lord Aberuchill; Lord Halcraig; Lord Enstruther; Lord Rankillor; Lord Phesdo; Lord Tillecultrie; Livetennent Generall Ramsay; Mr Francis Montgomry; Laird of Collingtoun; Laird of Caverse; Laird of Carnwath; Laird of Prestongrange; Lord Provost of Edinburgh

1. Clerical error. This should read ‘four’.

2. NRS, PC1/53, 139.

3. NRS, PC1/53, 139.

1. Clerical error. This should read ‘four’.

2. NRS, PC1/53, 139.

3. NRS, PC1/53, 139.