Edinburgh the Tuelf day of February One Thousand seven hundereth and [four] years
Warrand declairing David Baillie refusing to give answers to the writtin Interogattors ane high contempt of the Councills authoritie
David Baillie brother to Mannerhill Being called to the Barr and being Interrogat if he had wrytten any answers to the Interrogators given him on Thursday last He answered he had not, nor would make any till he saw the Letter or Declaratione formerly Emitted by him and being desired to subscrive the answers he had made at the Barr on Thursday Last and which were dictat by him and writin by the Clerk he said he would not doe the same Wherupone he was removed and after some reasoning on the matter The Lords of Her Majesties privie Councill Found and Declaired That David Baillies saying He would not give answers to the writtin Interrogators given in on Thursday last and his persisting still to declair he would not doe the same and that he would not subscrive the answers made to the Councill and writtin by their Clerk was ane High and Insolent contempt of the authority of privy Councill.
Edinburgh the Tuelf day of February One Thousand seven hundereth and [four] years
Warrand declairing David Baillie refusing to give answers to the writtin Interogattors ane high contempt of the Councills authoritie
David Baillie brother to Mannerhill Being called to the Barr and being Interrogat if he had wrytten any answers to the Interrogators given him on Thursday last He answered he had not, nor would make any till he saw the Letter or Declaratione formerly Emitted by him and being desired to subscrive the answers he had made at the Barr on Thursday Last and which were dictat by him and writin by the Clerk he said he would not doe the same Wherupone he was removed and after some reasoning on the matter The Lords of Her Majesties privie Councill Found and Declaired That David Baillies saying He would not give answers to the writtin Interrogators given in on Thursday last and his persisting still to declair he would not doe the same and that he would not subscrive the answers made to the Councill and writtin by their Clerk was ane High and Insolent contempt of the authority of privy Councill.