Act, 13 February 1705, Edinburgh

Edinburgh 13th February 1705



Act in favours of Adam Boig for printing the Edinburgh Currant

Anent the petition given in and presented to the Lord high Chancellor, and remanent Lords of privie Councill, By Adam Boig, Humbly Shewing That wheras their petitioner intends to Sett forth a paper by the name of Edinburgh Courant, which will come out thrice weekly, viz: Monday, Wednesday, and Fryday, containing most of the remarkable forreign newes from their prints and letters, and also the home newes from the ports within this Kingdom when ships comes and goes, and from whence; which its hoped will prove a great advantage to Merchants and others within the Nation, (it being now altogether neglected) and seeing their petitioner has no inclination to give offence therby to the Government, and that he cannot safely doe the same without he be impowered therto by their Lordships, And therfore Craving to the effect aftermentioned as the said petition bears, The Lords of her Majesties privie Councill having Considered the above petition, given in to them by Adam Boig, and the samen being read in their presence The saids Lords Doe heirby allow and grant warrand to the petitioner to sett furth and print ane paper entituled Edinburgh Currant, containing the remarkable forreign newes from the ports within this Kingdome when Ships comes and goods, and from whence, he alwayes being answerable for the samen and for the newes therin specified and sett doun.

Edinburgh 13th February 1705



Act in favours of Adam Boig for printing the Edinburgh Currant

Anent the petition given in and presented to the Lord high Chancellor, and remanent Lords of privie Councill, By Adam Boig, Humbly Shewing That wheras their petitioner intends to Sett forth a paper by the name of Edinburgh Courant, which will come out thrice weekly, viz: Monday, Wednesday, and Fryday, containing most of the remarkable forreign newes from their prints and letters, and also the home newes from the ports within this Kingdom when ships comes and goes, and from whence; which its hoped will prove a great advantage to Merchants and others within the Nation, (it being now altogether neglected) and seeing their petitioner has no inclination to give offence therby to the Government, and that he cannot safely doe the same without he be impowered therto by their Lordships, And therfore Craving to the effect aftermentioned as the said petition bears, The Lords of her Majesties privie Councill having Considered the above petition, given in to them by Adam Boig, and the samen being read in their presence The saids Lords Doe heirby allow and grant warrand to the petitioner to sett furth and print ane paper entituled Edinburgh Currant, containing the remarkable forreign newes from the ports within this Kingdome when Ships comes and goods, and from whence, he alwayes being answerable for the samen and for the newes therin specified and sett doun.

1. NRS, PC2/28, 366r-366v.

1. NRS, PC2/28, 366r-366v.

Warrant, 13 February 1705, Edinburgh

Edinburgh 13th February 1705



Warrand appoynting the Lady Bredisholme to use Dilligence upon her Act against her Father in Law

Anent the petition given in and presented to the Lords of her Majesties privie Councill By Lady Bredisholme younger, Shewing That where their Lordships by their Act of the date the Sixteenth day of January last bypast appoynted and Ordained the Soume of Fyfte pounds Sterling money to be payed to their petitioner by James Muirhead of Breadisholme elder and that betwixt and the second day of February instant and appoynted letters of horning to be direct therupon And accordingly their petitioner having charged the said James Muirhead of Braidisholme elder to make payment therof accordingly, who upon the charge received did mean himselfe to the Lords of Councill and Session by ane Suspension, Craving that the saids Lords would Suspend their Lordships Act, and which bill was ordained by the Lord Ordinary on the bills to be seen and answered And in the mean tyme had sisted execution upon their Lordships Act and dilligence following theron, which She humbly and in all Submission to their Lordships conceive cannot be done, but their Lordships of the privie Councill allenerly, and which is ane manifest ryot and indignity done to their Lordships, not only by the said James Muirhead of Braidisholme elder, but also by John Ingles wryter to her Majesties signet, who perswaded him to doe so, and wrote and Subscrybed the forsaid bill as ane double therof in your Lordships hands will testifie, Therfore Craving it might please their Lordships not only to appoynt their Clerks to give her out ane Caption upon the forsaids letters, But also to call for the said James Muirhead, and the said John Inglis wryter to the Signet, who induced and perswaded him to present the forsaid bill of Suspension befor the Lords of Councill and Session therby to prorogat her Starveing condition, and to eleid the payment of the forsaid soume, To appear befor their Lordships and answers for the forsaid Contempt and misdemeanour Committed againest their Lordships of the Councill, and their authority that they might be punished to the terror and example of others to doe the like in tyme comeing, as the said petition bears, The Lords of her Majesties privie Councill having Considered the above petition given in to them by the Lady Braidisholme, And the samen being read in presence, The saids Lords Doe heirby allow the petitioner to goe on in her ordinary course of Dilligence, againest James Muirhead of Braidisholme elder as accords, Notwithstanding of the bill of Suspension presented to the Lords of Councill and Session.

Edinburgh 13th February 1705



Warrand appoynting the Lady Bredisholme to use Dilligence upon her Act against her Father in Law

Anent the petition given in and presented to the Lords of her Majesties privie Councill By Lady Bredisholme younger, Shewing That where their Lordships by their Act of the date the Sixteenth day of January last bypast appoynted and Ordained the Soume of Fyfte pounds Sterling money to be payed to their petitioner by James Muirhead of Breadisholme elder and that betwixt and the second day of February instant and appoynted letters of horning to be direct therupon And accordingly their petitioner having charged the said James Muirhead of Braidisholme elder to make payment therof accordingly, who upon the charge received did mean himselfe to the Lords of Councill and Session by ane Suspension, Craving that the saids Lords would Suspend their Lordships Act, and which bill was ordained by the Lord Ordinary on the bills to be seen and answered And in the mean tyme had sisted execution upon their Lordships Act and dilligence following theron, which She humbly and in all Submission to their Lordships conceive cannot be done, but their Lordships of the privie Councill allenerly, and which is ane manifest ryot and indignity done to their Lordships, not only by the said James Muirhead of Braidisholme elder, but also by John Ingles wryter to her Majesties signet, who perswaded him to doe so, and wrote and Subscrybed the forsaid bill as ane double therof in your Lordships hands will testifie, Therfore Craving it might please their Lordships not only to appoynt their Clerks to give her out ane Caption upon the forsaids letters, But also to call for the said James Muirhead, and the said John Inglis wryter to the Signet, who induced and perswaded him to present the forsaid bill of Suspension befor the Lords of Councill and Session therby to prorogat her Starveing condition, and to eleid the payment of the forsaid soume, To appear befor their Lordships and answers for the forsaid Contempt and misdemeanour Committed againest their Lordships of the Councill, and their authority that they might be punished to the terror and example of others to doe the like in tyme comeing, as the said petition bears, The Lords of her Majesties privie Councill having Considered the above petition given in to them by the Lady Braidisholme, And the samen being read in presence, The saids Lords Doe heirby allow the petitioner to goe on in her ordinary course of Dilligence, againest James Muirhead of Braidisholme elder as accords, Notwithstanding of the bill of Suspension presented to the Lords of Councill and Session.

1. NRS, PC2/28, 365v-366r.

1. NRS, PC2/28, 365v-366r.

Sederunt, 13 February 1705, Edinburgh

Edinburgh 13th February 17051



Lord Chancellor; Marquis of Annandale P:C:; Earl of Rothes P:S:; Earl of Crafurd; Earl of Buchan; Earl of Haddingtoun; Earl of Loudoun; Earl of Leven; Earl of Dunmore; Earl of Ruglen; Earl of Hyndfoord; Earl of Roseberry; Lord Yester; Lord Belhaven; Lord Advocat; Lord Thesaurer Deput; Lord Justice Clerk; Lord Anstruther; Mr Fra: Montgomry; Laird of Blackadder; Laird of Ormistoun younger; Lord Provost of Edinburgh

Edinburgh 13th February 17051



Lord Chancellor; Marquis of Annandale P:C:; Earl of Rothes P:S:; Earl of Crafurd; Earl of Buchan; Earl of Haddingtoun; Earl of Loudoun; Earl of Leven; Earl of Dunmore; Earl of Ruglen; Earl of Hyndfoord; Earl of Roseberry; Lord Yester; Lord Belhaven; Lord Advocat; Lord Thesaurer Deput; Lord Justice Clerk; Lord Anstruther; Mr Fra: Montgomry; Laird of Blackadder; Laird of Ormistoun younger; Lord Provost of Edinburgh

1. NRS, PC2/28, 365v.

2. NRS, PC2/28, 365v.

1. NRS, PC2/28, 365v.

2. NRS, PC2/28, 365v.

Warrant, 13 February 1705, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Thirteinth day of February Jaj vijc and fyve years



Warrand to Meacers to advertise the Advocats To attend the Lord Advocat

The Lords of her Majesties Privie Counsell, Doe heirby Appoynt and Ordaine their Meacers to advertise the two Solicitors, Sir Patrick Hume, Sir Gilbert Elliot, Mr Alexander Mcleod, and Mr Francis Grant, Assistants named by the saids Lords to the procurator Fiscall of the Admirality Court To attend Sir James Steuart her Majesties Advocat when Called, As also Mr Roderick Mckenzie Clerk to the Affrican Company to attend the Lord Advocat, and Assistants forsaid with the Journall books and other wrytts and papers in his custody.

Att Edinburgh the Thirteinth day of February Jaj vijc and fyve years



Warrand to Meacers to advertise the Advocats To attend the Lord Advocat

The Lords of her Majesties Privie Counsell, Doe heirby Appoynt and Ordaine their Meacers to advertise the two Solicitors, Sir Patrick Hume, Sir Gilbert Elliot, Mr Alexander Mcleod, and Mr Francis Grant, Assistants named by the saids Lords to the procurator Fiscall of the Admirality Court To attend Sir James Steuart her Majesties Advocat when Called, As also Mr Roderick Mckenzie Clerk to the Affrican Company to attend the Lord Advocat, and Assistants forsaid with the Journall books and other wrytts and papers in his custody.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 357.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 357.

Act, 13 February 1705, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Thirteinth day of February Jaj vijc and fyve years



Act In favours of Captain Green and Crew

Anent the Supplication given in and presented to the Lords of her Majesties Privie Counsell by Captain Thomas Green Commander of the Worchester, John Maders chiefe Mate, John Reynolds Secund Mate, Thomas Lintstide Assistant to the deceased Supercargo, James Sympson Gunner, Henry Kigill Carpenter, James Burne Boatswine, Samuell Urline Carpenters Mate, Andrew Rotsone Gunners Mate, Samuell Wilcocks Chirurgions Mate, John Brockly Cowper, George Kilchine Quarter-Master, John Ballingtoun Quarter-Master George Haynes Steuart, Alexander Taylior Foirmast man, Henry Barnes Idem, Shewing That wher the Saids Lords by ther Act the Twentie fyfth of January Last bypast In answer to ane petition given in by the Supplicants, Did ordaine them to be alimented dureing ther incarceration as they had been formerly befor that tyme, And they being alimented by Mr Roderick Mckenzie In name of the Affrican Company at one Shilling Sterling per day befor ther Imprisonement, They did requyre the Said Roderick by way of Instrument to pay them ther bygone aliment And to intertaine them as formerly, And ane Instrument on the back therof, theirwith produced, They humbly begged leave to lay befor the Saids Lords ther Starving condition heir in prisone wher they have now remained these Six weeks bypast and wpwards, dureing which tyme they had nothing, but what was furnished them wpon the faith and credite that the saids Lords would in Justice, as they had done, Ordaine them to be alimented; But now Seeing the Saids Lords ther Act had not taken effect, nor received due obedience, no persone will credite them any farder, So that they wer in danger of dying by reasone of Cold and hunger, which they hoped the Saids Lords would by ther Justice and clemencie prevent, For if they after tryall wer found guilty of what is laid to ther charge, they would willingly Submitt to Justice, But if Innocent as truly they wer, then it wer very hard, that they Should Suffer death by reasone of ther incarceration and want of necessary Subsistance; They lykewayes further begged leave to represent to the Saids Lords that by the practise of all Europe Yea it is the Law of all Nations that all pairties who are putt in wpon the accompt of crymes, Should be mantained untill their tryall; Otherwayes ane Innocent persone might come to Suffer death befor his tryall, And malitious persons might work ther revenge without any controle, And when pairties wer Incarcerat for civill debts, the Justice of the Nation hes provyded ane remedy In favours of Indigent debitors; And Therfor humbly begging the Saids Lords would be pleased to take ther miserable condition to ther Serious consideration, And would fall wpon Some methode for ther being alimented, while Imprisoned to prevent ther death by Cold and hunger, As the Said Petition bears; And als Anent another petition and representation given in and presented to the Saids Lords of her Majesties privie Counsell by Mr Roderick Mckenzie Secretary to the Indian and Affrican Company for himselfe and in name and behalfe of the said Companie, Humbly Shewing That wheras by the saids Lords delyverance on two Severall Petitions of Captain Green and his Crew the twentie fyfth of January Last, and eight of February instant, The Saids Lords wer pleased to appoynt and Ordaine that they Should be alimented by the Said Companie at one Shilling Sterling per diem, that the Same Should be payed wp and continued to them dureing ther Imprisonement, And had ordered that horning Should proceed against the petitioner for the Same, And declaired that the Said aliment Should affect the Cargo of the Shipe Worchester, The petitioner could not but be extreamly Surpryzed at Such pairt therof as concerns him in particular Since he hes neither any pairt of the Said Cargo in his possession, nor is intrusted by the Government, nor hes one Single pennie of the said Companys money in his hand In respect wherof he humbly hoped the Saids Lords would be pleased to recall ther order, at Least insofarr as directly concerned the petitioner; That Since Captain Green and his officers have Sufficient credite, not only to maintaine themselves, But lykewayes to answer all their other occasions, and wer never mantained by the said Company at a Shilling per diem, as was falsely represented to the saids Lords, It was humbly conceaved that they ought farr less to be so now, when the Company hes not alltogether the possession of the effects of that Ship as they had formerly; That if such of the crew as wer formerly mantained by the Company at a Shilling per diem Shall Still, by the saids Lords authoritie, have mantenance from the Company, It ought at least to be restricted to Such a moderat allowance, as is commonly given to state prisoners of ther qualitie, especiallie Since Some of them have for severall weeks been mantained to ther contentment by the keepers of Edinburgh, Cannongat Leith and Bruntisland Tollbooths at Six pence per diem each, And it is hoped that what the Company did formerly, meerly in generositie, may not now be urged as a precedent to their prejudice by any compulsory Act; That two of the persons formerly alimented by the Company viz Samull Urline and Henry Barns haveing only been engaged by Captain Green at Bengall long after his comeing from the coast of Mallabar, It was humbly offerred to the saids Lords consideration whither it may not be thought ane unnecessary hardshipe and expence to continue them prisoners, wnder the Same treatment with those who are accused of horrid crymes, as the said petition lykewayes bears; The Lords of her Majesties Privie Counsell haveing this day considered the within petition given in to them by Mr Roderick Mckenzie Together with another petition given in by Captain Thomas Green Commander of the Shipe the Worchester, Captain John Madder chiefe Mate and Severall others of his Shipe and Crew, And the Samen being read in their presence, The Saids Lords have restricted and heirby Restricts the aliment formerly payed and appoynted to be payed by the said Mr Roderick Mckenzie to these of Captain Greens Crew who wer formerly alimented by the Company, and each of them to Six Shilling Scots a day, except as to Such of them as are prisoners in the Castell of Edinburgh, And continues their aliment as formerly being to them twelve Shilling Scots per diem, And appoynts the Saids Mr Roderick Mckenzie to make payment therof accordingly to such of the said crew as are above mentioned; And Letters of horning under the Signet of Counsell wpon fyftein dayes to be directed heirwpon at the instance of the foirnamed persons, whose names and designations Shall be given in wnder their hand, Against the said Mr Roderick Mckenzie for payment therof as said is; And Appoynts and Ordains Samuell Urline, and Henry Barnes two of the said Captain Greens Crew, and who engaged with him after he came from the coast of Mallabar, To be sett at Liberty furth of the Tollbooth of […] And Gives order and warrand to the Magistrats of […] and keepers of ther Tollbooth to Sett them at Liberty accordingly, And refuses the desyre of Captain Greens bill, and such others of his Crew and Company, as wer not formerly alimented by the Affrican Company befor their committment.

Att Edinburgh the Thirteinth day of February Jaj vijc and fyve years



Act In favours of Captain Green and Crew

Anent the Supplication given in and presented to the Lords of her Majesties Privie Counsell by Captain Thomas Green Commander of the Worchester, John Maders chiefe Mate, John Reynolds Secund Mate, Thomas Lintstide Assistant to the deceased Supercargo, James Sympson Gunner, Henry Kigill Carpenter, James Burne Boatswine, Samuell Urline Carpenters Mate, Andrew Rotsone Gunners Mate, Samuell Wilcocks Chirurgions Mate, John Brockly Cowper, George Kilchine Quarter-Master, John Ballingtoun Quarter-Master George Haynes Steuart, Alexander Taylior Foirmast man, Henry Barnes Idem, Shewing That wher the Saids Lords by ther Act the Twentie fyfth of January Last bypast In answer to ane petition given in by the Supplicants, Did ordaine them to be alimented dureing ther incarceration as they had been formerly befor that tyme, And they being alimented by Mr Roderick Mckenzie In name of the Affrican Company at one Shilling Sterling per day befor ther Imprisonement, They did requyre the Said Roderick by way of Instrument to pay them ther bygone aliment And to intertaine them as formerly, And ane Instrument on the back therof, theirwith produced, They humbly begged leave to lay befor the Saids Lords ther Starving condition heir in prisone wher they have now remained these Six weeks bypast and wpwards, dureing which tyme they had nothing, but what was furnished them wpon the faith and credite that the saids Lords would in Justice, as they had done, Ordaine them to be alimented; But now Seeing the Saids Lords ther Act had not taken effect, nor received due obedience, no persone will credite them any farder, So that they wer in danger of dying by reasone of Cold and hunger, which they hoped the Saids Lords would by ther Justice and clemencie prevent, For if they after tryall wer found guilty of what is laid to ther charge, they would willingly Submitt to Justice, But if Innocent as truly they wer, then it wer very hard, that they Should Suffer death by reasone of ther incarceration and want of necessary Subsistance; They lykewayes further begged leave to represent to the Saids Lords that by the practise of all Europe Yea it is the Law of all Nations that all pairties who are putt in wpon the accompt of crymes, Should be mantained untill their tryall; Otherwayes ane Innocent persone might come to Suffer death befor his tryall, And malitious persons might work ther revenge without any controle, And when pairties wer Incarcerat for civill debts, the Justice of the Nation hes provyded ane remedy In favours of Indigent debitors; And Therfor humbly begging the Saids Lords would be pleased to take ther miserable condition to ther Serious consideration, And would fall wpon Some methode for ther being alimented, while Imprisoned to prevent ther death by Cold and hunger, As the Said Petition bears; And als Anent another petition and representation given in and presented to the Saids Lords of her Majesties privie Counsell by Mr Roderick Mckenzie Secretary to the Indian and Affrican Company for himselfe and in name and behalfe of the said Companie, Humbly Shewing That wheras by the saids Lords delyverance on two Severall Petitions of Captain Green and his Crew the twentie fyfth of January Last, and eight of February instant, The Saids Lords wer pleased to appoynt and Ordaine that they Should be alimented by the Said Companie at one Shilling Sterling per diem, that the Same Should be payed wp and continued to them dureing ther Imprisonement, And had ordered that horning Should proceed against the petitioner for the Same, And declaired that the Said aliment Should affect the Cargo of the Shipe Worchester, The petitioner could not but be extreamly Surpryzed at Such pairt therof as concerns him in particular Since he hes neither any pairt of the Said Cargo in his possession, nor is intrusted by the Government, nor hes one Single pennie of the said Companys money in his hand In respect wherof he humbly hoped the Saids Lords would be pleased to recall ther order, at Least insofarr as directly concerned the petitioner; That Since Captain Green and his officers have Sufficient credite, not only to maintaine themselves, But lykewayes to answer all their other occasions, and wer never mantained by the said Company at a Shilling per diem, as was falsely represented to the saids Lords, It was humbly conceaved that they ought farr less to be so now, when the Company hes not alltogether the possession of the effects of that Ship as they had formerly; That if such of the crew as wer formerly mantained by the Company at a Shilling per diem Shall Still, by the saids Lords authoritie, have mantenance from the Company, It ought at least to be restricted to Such a moderat allowance, as is commonly given to state prisoners of ther qualitie, especiallie Since Some of them have for severall weeks been mantained to ther contentment by the keepers of Edinburgh, Cannongat Leith and Bruntisland Tollbooths at Six pence per diem each, And it is hoped that what the Company did formerly, meerly in generositie, may not now be urged as a precedent to their prejudice by any compulsory Act; That two of the persons formerly alimented by the Company viz Samull Urline and Henry Barns haveing only been engaged by Captain Green at Bengall long after his comeing from the coast of Mallabar, It was humbly offerred to the saids Lords consideration whither it may not be thought ane unnecessary hardshipe and expence to continue them prisoners, wnder the Same treatment with those who are accused of horrid crymes, as the said petition lykewayes bears; The Lords of her Majesties Privie Counsell haveing this day considered the within petition given in to them by Mr Roderick Mckenzie Together with another petition given in by Captain Thomas Green Commander of the Shipe the Worchester, Captain John Madder chiefe Mate and Severall others of his Shipe and Crew, And the Samen being read in their presence, The Saids Lords have restricted and heirby Restricts the aliment formerly payed and appoynted to be payed by the said Mr Roderick Mckenzie to these of Captain Greens Crew who wer formerly alimented by the Company, and each of them to Six Shilling Scots a day, except as to Such of them as are prisoners in the Castell of Edinburgh, And continues their aliment as formerly being to them twelve Shilling Scots per diem, And appoynts the Saids Mr Roderick Mckenzie to make payment therof accordingly to such of the said crew as are above mentioned; And Letters of horning under the Signet of Counsell wpon fyftein dayes to be directed heirwpon at the instance of the foirnamed persons, whose names and designations Shall be given in wnder their hand, Against the said Mr Roderick Mckenzie for payment therof as said is; And Appoynts and Ordains Samuell Urline, and Henry Barnes two of the said Captain Greens Crew, and who engaged with him after he came from the coast of Mallabar, To be sett at Liberty furth of the Tollbooth of […] And Gives order and warrand to the Magistrats of […] and keepers of ther Tollbooth to Sett them at Liberty accordingly, And refuses the desyre of Captain Greens bill, and such others of his Crew and Company, as wer not formerly alimented by the Affrican Company befor their committment.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 355-7.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 355-7.

Act, 13 February 1705, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Thirteinth day of February Jaj vijc and fyve years



Act and Warrand approveing of the Committies Report anent Captain Greens Crew and nameing assistants to the procurator Fiscall of Admiralitie

Committie anent Captain Green and his Crew, Sederunt Lord Chancellor, Marques of Annandale, Earles of Hadingtoun, Levine, Ruglen, Lords Yester, Ballhavine, Advocat, Theasaurer Deput, Ensteruther Sir John Hume and Ormiestoun att Edinburgh the twelth of February instant, It’s the oppinion of the Committie that my Lord Chancellor Should wryt to Court for remissions to Charles May Chirurgeon, Antonio Ferdinando Cooks mate, Antonio Francisco the Captains Mate, George Hames Steuart, George Glen Quarter-Master, Alexander Tailzier Formast-man, And that the tryall Against Captain Green and his Crew Should be perused befor the Admirall Court, And that Assessors Should be named to the Judges and assistants to the procurator Fiscall Sic Subscribitur Tweeddale Cancellar I.P.C. The above report of the Committie anent Captain Green Commander of the Shipe the Worchester and his Crew, being this day read In presence of the Lords of her Majesties privie Counsell, The Samen was voted and approven; And the saids Lords doe heirby Nominat and appoynt Sir James Steuart her Majesties Advocat, Sir David Dalrymple and Mr William Carmichell her Majesties Solicitors, Sir Patrick Hume, and Sir Gilbert Elliot, Mr Alexander Mccleod, and Mr Francis Grant, To be assistants to Master Alexander Meggins procurator fiscall to the Admirall Court, In prosecuteing the lybell and Indytement to be given at his instance Against the said Captain Green and his Crew befor the Admirall Court to the finall end and decision therof, And the saids Lords declaires that they will nixt Councill day Name fyve of their own number to be assessors to the Judges of Admirality dureing the dependance of the forsaid proces, And recommends to the Lords of Theasaurie to pay the Lawyers that are Imployed to be assistants accordingly.

Att Edinburgh the Thirteinth day of February Jaj vijc and fyve years



Act and Warrand approveing of the Committies Report anent Captain Greens Crew and nameing assistants to the procurator Fiscall of Admiralitie

Committie anent Captain Green and his Crew, Sederunt Lord Chancellor, Marques of Annandale, Earles of Hadingtoun, Levine, Ruglen, Lords Yester, Ballhavine, Advocat, Theasaurer Deput, Ensteruther Sir John Hume and Ormiestoun att Edinburgh the twelth of February instant, It’s the oppinion of the Committie that my Lord Chancellor Should wryt to Court for remissions to Charles May Chirurgeon, Antonio Ferdinando Cooks mate, Antonio Francisco the Captains Mate, George Hames Steuart, George Glen Quarter-Master, Alexander Tailzier Formast-man, And that the tryall Against Captain Green and his Crew Should be perused befor the Admirall Court, And that Assessors Should be named to the Judges and assistants to the procurator Fiscall Sic Subscribitur Tweeddale Cancellar I.P.C. The above report of the Committie anent Captain Green Commander of the Shipe the Worchester and his Crew, being this day read In presence of the Lords of her Majesties privie Counsell, The Samen was voted and approven; And the saids Lords doe heirby Nominat and appoynt Sir James Steuart her Majesties Advocat, Sir David Dalrymple and Mr William Carmichell her Majesties Solicitors, Sir Patrick Hume, and Sir Gilbert Elliot, Mr Alexander Mccleod, and Mr Francis Grant, To be assistants to Master Alexander Meggins procurator fiscall to the Admirall Court, In prosecuteing the lybell and Indytement to be given at his instance Against the said Captain Green and his Crew befor the Admirall Court to the finall end and decision therof, And the saids Lords declaires that they will nixt Councill day Name fyve of their own number to be assessors to the Judges of Admirality dureing the dependance of the forsaid proces, And recommends to the Lords of Theasaurie to pay the Lawyers that are Imployed to be assistants accordingly.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 355.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 355.

Sederunt, 13 February 1705, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Thirteinth day of February Jaj vijc and fyve years1



Lord Chancellor; Marquis of Annandale P.C.; Earl of Rothes P.S.; Earl of Crafurd; Earl of Buchan; Earl of Hadingtoun; Earl of Loudoun; Earl of Levine; Earl of Dunmore; Earl of Ruglen; Earl of Hyndfurd; Earl of Roseberrie; Lord Yester; Lord Ballhavine; Lord Advocat; Lord Thesaurer Deput; Lord Justice Clerk; Lord Ensteruther; Mr Fr Montgomrie; Laird of Blaccader; Laird of Ormiestoun younger; Lord Provest of Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Thirteinth day of February Jaj vijc and fyve years1



Lord Chancellor; Marquis of Annandale P.C.; Earl of Rothes P.S.; Earl of Crafurd; Earl of Buchan; Earl of Hadingtoun; Earl of Loudoun; Earl of Levine; Earl of Dunmore; Earl of Ruglen; Earl of Hyndfurd; Earl of Roseberrie; Lord Yester; Lord Ballhavine; Lord Advocat; Lord Thesaurer Deput; Lord Justice Clerk; Lord Ensteruther; Mr Fr Montgomrie; Laird of Blaccader; Laird of Ormiestoun younger; Lord Provest of Edinburgh

1. NRS, PC1/53, 355.

2. NRS, PC1/53, 355.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 355.

2. NRS, PC1/53, 355.