Act, 24 February 1703, Edinburgh

Edinburgh the 24th February 1703



Act Infavours off Mr William Calderwood and Mr Robert Forbes off Lernie Advocats

Annent The petition given in and presented to The Lords of Her Majesties privie Councill By Mr William Calderwood and Mr Robert Forbes off Lernie Advocats Shewing That their Commissions as Shirriff Deputs off the Shirriffdome off Edinburgh Falling by the decease off the Marquess off Lothian Shirriff principall off the said Shyre And there being a great many actiones presentlie depending Befoir the said Court and the phiars ready to be struct And for preventing off the stop off the Course of Justice Befoir any Judicatory your Lordships Haveing been in use To authorize persones To act and Exerce During the vaccance As particularly upon the vaccancie, By the Earle of Pearth Shirriff principall Their Lordships Did Continow and Authorize Mr Charles Gray, and Mr David Drummond Shirriff Deputs To Act and Exerce untill the Marques of Lothian git his Commission as Shirriff principall And therfor Creaving to the effect aftermentioned as the said petition Bears The Lords of Her Majesties privie Councill haveing considered the above writtin petition given into them by Mr William Calderwood and Mr Robert Forbes off Lairnie Advocats Shirriff deputs off the Shirriffdome off Edinburgh under the deceast Marques of Lothian who was Shirriff principall off the said shyre And the samen being read in their presence The saids Lords of Her Majesties privie Councill Doe heirby Impouer and authorize The petitioners To Act and Exerce as Shirriff deputs off the said shirriffdome as formerly they wer in use to doe whyll the said shirriff principall was liveing Ay and whyll her Majestie shall be pleased to name ane Shirriff principall or Signefie her pleasure therannent

Edinburgh the 24th February 1703



Act Infavours off Mr William Calderwood and Mr Robert Forbes off Lernie Advocats

Annent The petition given in and presented to The Lords of Her Majesties privie Councill By Mr William Calderwood and Mr Robert Forbes off Lernie Advocats Shewing That their Commissions as Shirriff Deputs off the Shirriffdome off Edinburgh Falling by the decease off the Marquess off Lothian Shirriff principall off the said Shyre And there being a great many actiones presentlie depending Befoir the said Court and the phiars ready to be struct And for preventing off the stop off the Course of Justice Befoir any Judicatory your Lordships Haveing been in use To authorize persones To act and Exerce During the vaccance As particularly upon the vaccancie, By the Earle of Pearth Shirriff principall Their Lordships Did Continow and Authorize Mr Charles Gray, and Mr David Drummond Shirriff Deputs To Act and Exerce untill the Marques of Lothian git his Commission as Shirriff principall And therfor Creaving to the effect aftermentioned as the said petition Bears The Lords of Her Majesties privie Councill haveing considered the above writtin petition given into them by Mr William Calderwood and Mr Robert Forbes off Lairnie Advocats Shirriff deputs off the Shirriffdome off Edinburgh under the deceast Marques of Lothian who was Shirriff principall off the said shyre And the samen being read in their presence The saids Lords of Her Majesties privie Councill Doe heirby Impouer and authorize The petitioners To Act and Exerce as Shirriff deputs off the said shirriffdome as formerly they wer in use to doe whyll the said shirriff principall was liveing Ay and whyll her Majestie shall be pleased to name ane Shirriff principall or Signefie her pleasure therannent

1. NRS, PC2/28, 242v.

1. NRS, PC2/28, 242v.

Sederunt, 24 February 1703, Edinburgh

Edinburgh the 24th February 17031



Lord Chancellor; Earl of Eglingtoun; Earl of Strathmore; Earl of Lauderdale; Earl of Loudoun; Earl of Findlatter; Earl of Northesk; Earl of Forfar; Earl of Dunmore; Lord President of Session; Lord Register; Lord Advocat; Lord Justice Clerk; Lord Aberuchill; Lord Halcraig; Lord Rankeillor; Lord Anstruther; Lord Phesdo; Lord Tillecultrie; Mr Fra: Montgomry; Laird of Collingtoun; Laird of Stevenson; Laird of Carnwath; Lord Provost of Edinburgh

Edinburgh the 24th February 17031



Lord Chancellor; Earl of Eglingtoun; Earl of Strathmore; Earl of Lauderdale; Earl of Loudoun; Earl of Findlatter; Earl of Northesk; Earl of Forfar; Earl of Dunmore; Lord President of Session; Lord Register; Lord Advocat; Lord Justice Clerk; Lord Aberuchill; Lord Halcraig; Lord Rankeillor; Lord Anstruther; Lord Phesdo; Lord Tillecultrie; Mr Fra: Montgomry; Laird of Collingtoun; Laird of Stevenson; Laird of Carnwath; Lord Provost of Edinburgh

1. NRS, PC2/28, 242r.

2. NRS, PC2/28, 242r.

1. NRS, PC2/28, 242r.

2. NRS, PC2/28, 242r.

Act, 24 February 1703, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Twentie fourth day of February One thousand Seven hundred and thrie



Act for passing Sir Gilbert Eliots Commission to be one of the Clerks of privy Councill per Saltum

Anent the petition given in to the Lords of her Majesties privy Councill be Sir Gilbert Elliot of Headshaw Advocat and one of the Clerks of her Majesties privy Councill Shewing That wher her Majestie had been graciously pleased by ane Gift of the date the […] day of […] To nominat the petitioner one of the Clerks of her Majesties privy Councill dureing her Majesties pleasure; which gift wants ane warrant for passing the great seall per saltum which the saids Lords are in use to Supply when wanting And Therfore humbly Supplicating the saids Lords to the efect aftermentioned The Lords of her Majesties privy Councill Haveing Considered this petition given in to them by Sir Gilbert Eliot of Headshaw Advocat and one of the Clerks of her Majesties privy Councill; And the Samen being Read in their presence; The saids Lords Doe hereby order the said gift to pass the great Seall per Saltum; And Grants warrand to the director of her Majesties Chancelory and his deputs for wryting therof; And to the keepers of the great seall and his deputes for appending the Samen therto without passing any other register or seall

Att Edinburgh the Twentie fourth day of February One thousand Seven hundred and thrie



Act for passing Sir Gilbert Eliots Commission to be one of the Clerks of privy Councill per Saltum

Anent the petition given in to the Lords of her Majesties privy Councill be Sir Gilbert Elliot of Headshaw Advocat and one of the Clerks of her Majesties privy Councill Shewing That wher her Majestie had been graciously pleased by ane Gift of the date the […] day of […] To nominat the petitioner one of the Clerks of her Majesties privy Councill dureing her Majesties pleasure; which gift wants ane warrant for passing the great seall per saltum which the saids Lords are in use to Supply when wanting And Therfore humbly Supplicating the saids Lords to the efect aftermentioned The Lords of her Majesties privy Councill Haveing Considered this petition given in to them by Sir Gilbert Eliot of Headshaw Advocat and one of the Clerks of her Majesties privy Councill; And the Samen being Read in their presence; The saids Lords Doe hereby order the said gift to pass the great Seall per Saltum; And Grants warrand to the director of her Majesties Chancelory and his deputs for wryting therof; And to the keepers of the great seall and his deputes for appending the Samen therto without passing any other register or seall

1. NRS, PC1/52, 513-14.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 513-14.

Act, 24 February 1703, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Twentie fourth day of February One thousand Seven hundred and thrie



Act for passing Lord Charles Kerrs Commission to be director of the Chancelary Per Saltum

Anent the petition given in to the Lords of her Majesties privy Councill be Lord Charles Kerr Shewing That wher her Majestie haveing been pleased to grant ane new Commission to the petitioner to be director of her Majesties Chancery of the date the Twenty nynth day of January last In which the Ordinary warrand for passing the Same per Saltum is ommited And Seing the saids Lords were in use to interpose their authority in the Like caice And Therfore Humbly Supplicating the Saids Lords to the effect aftermentioned The Lords of her Majesties privy Councill haveing Considered the above petition given in to them by Lord Charles Kerr; And the Samen being read in their presence The saids Lords of her Majesties privy Councill Doe hereby Order the Commission In favors of the petitioner to be direction of her Majesties Chancelory of the date the Twenty Nynth of January Last to pass the great Seall per Saltum, And Grants warrant to the director of her Majesties Chancelary and his deput for wryting therof; And to the keeper of the great Seall and his deputes for appending of the Samen therto without passing any other register or seall.

Att Edinburgh the Twentie fourth day of February One thousand Seven hundred and thrie



Act for passing Lord Charles Kerrs Commission to be director of the Chancelary Per Saltum

Anent the petition given in to the Lords of her Majesties privy Councill be Lord Charles Kerr Shewing That wher her Majestie haveing been pleased to grant ane new Commission to the petitioner to be director of her Majesties Chancery of the date the Twenty nynth day of January last In which the Ordinary warrand for passing the Same per Saltum is ommited And Seing the saids Lords were in use to interpose their authority in the Like caice And Therfore Humbly Supplicating the Saids Lords to the effect aftermentioned The Lords of her Majesties privy Councill haveing Considered the above petition given in to them by Lord Charles Kerr; And the Samen being read in their presence The saids Lords of her Majesties privy Councill Doe hereby Order the Commission In favors of the petitioner to be direction of her Majesties Chancelory of the date the Twenty Nynth of January Last to pass the great Seall per Saltum, And Grants warrant to the director of her Majesties Chancelary and his deput for wryting therof; And to the keeper of the great Seall and his deputes for appending of the Samen therto without passing any other register or seall.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 513-14.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 513-14.

Warrant, 24 February 1703, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Twentie fourth day of February One thousand Seven hundred and thrie



Warrant to the officers of 6 Regiments in Holland for beatting Drums and Levieing men for recruiting the saids Regiments

The Lords of her Majesties privy Councill Doe hereby Grant Licence and warrand to the officers of the respective Battallions aftermentioned To beatt drums for Levieing of men and takeing on of volunteers in the severall burghs of this kingdome wher they shall happen to resort for recruiting the Six Regiments of Foott Commanded by David Lord Portmore; Brigadeer George Lauder, Brigadeer Robert Murray, Brigadeer Walter Collier, John Marques of Lorne and Collonell George Hamilton now in the Service of her Majesties Allies the States Generall; And Allowes the Saids officers of the respective Battallions forsaid to have the use of the prisoners in any burgh within this kingdome For detaineing and keeping the persone so takeing on untill they shall be transported for Holland; And Grants warrand to the officers of the respective Battalions forsaid to Seize upon take and apprehend all deserters from the saids Battalions And Ordaines all Magistrates and others to give their Concurrance to the saids officers for Secureing the deserters from the saids Battallions and others who shall willingly engage with them upon their oun proper charges and expences; And prohibits and discharges any disorders or abuses to be Committed by the saids officers in Levieing and Secureing as above, but allwayes to keep themselves within the bounds the Law prescribes.

Att Edinburgh the Twentie fourth day of February One thousand Seven hundred and thrie



Warrant to the officers of 6 Regiments in Holland for beatting Drums and Levieing men for recruiting the saids Regiments

The Lords of her Majesties privy Councill Doe hereby Grant Licence and warrand to the officers of the respective Battallions aftermentioned To beatt drums for Levieing of men and takeing on of volunteers in the severall burghs of this kingdome wher they shall happen to resort for recruiting the Six Regiments of Foott Commanded by David Lord Portmore; Brigadeer George Lauder, Brigadeer Robert Murray, Brigadeer Walter Collier, John Marques of Lorne and Collonell George Hamilton now in the Service of her Majesties Allies the States Generall; And Allowes the Saids officers of the respective Battallions forsaid to have the use of the prisoners in any burgh within this kingdome For detaineing and keeping the persone so takeing on untill they shall be transported for Holland; And Grants warrand to the officers of the respective Battalions forsaid to Seize upon take and apprehend all deserters from the saids Battalions And Ordaines all Magistrates and others to give their Concurrance to the saids officers for Secureing the deserters from the saids Battallions and others who shall willingly engage with them upon their oun proper charges and expences; And prohibits and discharges any disorders or abuses to be Committed by the saids officers in Levieing and Secureing as above, but allwayes to keep themselves within the bounds the Law prescribes.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 513.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 513.

Letter: royal, 24 February 1703, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Twentie fourth day of February One thousand Seven hundred and thrie


Letter: royal

Letter from the Queen to the Councill anent Recruiting 6 Scots Regiments in Holland

Letter from the Queen to the Councill Anent Levieing Recruits to the Six Regiments of foott Commanded by David Lord Portmore; Brigadeer George Lauder; Brigadeer Robert Murray; Brigadeer Walter Colzier; John Marques of Lorne and Collonell George Hamilton now in the Service of the States Generall her Majesties Allies; Read and ordered to be Recorded and warrand ordained to be extended in the termes therof. Off which Letter the tenor Followes
Sic Supra Scribitur Anne Regina
Right Trustie and right well beloved Cousine and Councillor, Right trustie and intirely beloved Cousins and Councillors, Right trustie and well beloved Cousins and Councillors. Right trustie and well beloved Councillors; and trustie and well beloved Councillors; Wee greet yow well; Wheras ther are Severall men wanting to recruit our Six Regiments of Foott Commanded by David Lord Portmore Brigadeer George Lauder; Brigadeer Robert Murray Brigadeer Walter Collier. John Marques of Lorne and Collonell George Hamilton now in the Service of the Allies the States Generall; And it being the concerne and intrest of our ancient kingdome that a reasonable Capitulation and Just provisiones be made for these Regiments; and what other Scots Regiments may be entertained in the Service of the States Generall; Wee think it necessary; That the said recruits be Levied in that our kingdome; To which and there are officers ordered from each of the said Battallians to repair thither; It is therfore our will and pleasure that yow give the said officers (upon their application) all due encouragment and assistance from time to time in makeing recruits by allowing them to beatt Drum’s and to take Such other methods as are usuall; And giveing them all other encouragments needfull on Such occasiones; allwayes keeping them within the bounds that the Law prescribs; And wee doe Recommend to yow a due care and dilligence in this matter; by giveing Speciall orders for preventing any abuses in makeing the said Levies now or at any time hereafter; So wee bid yow heartily farewell; Given at our Court at St James’s the 29th day of January 1702/3 And of our Reign the first year.2 By her Majesties Command Sic Subscribitur Queensberry

Att Edinburgh the Twentie fourth day of February One thousand Seven hundred and thrie


Letter: royal

Letter from the Queen to the Councill anent Recruiting 6 Scots Regiments in Holland

Letter from the Queen to the Councill Anent Levieing Recruits to the Six Regiments of foott Commanded by David Lord Portmore; Brigadeer George Lauder; Brigadeer Robert Murray; Brigadeer Walter Colzier; John Marques of Lorne and Collonell George Hamilton now in the Service of the States Generall her Majesties Allies; Read and ordered to be Recorded and warrand ordained to be extended in the termes therof. Off which Letter the tenor Followes
Sic Supra Scribitur Anne Regina
Right Trustie and right well beloved Cousine and Councillor, Right trustie and intirely beloved Cousins and Councillors, Right trustie and well beloved Cousins and Councillors. Right trustie and well beloved Councillors; and trustie and well beloved Councillors; Wee greet yow well; Wheras ther are Severall men wanting to recruit our Six Regiments of Foott Commanded by David Lord Portmore Brigadeer George Lauder; Brigadeer Robert Murray Brigadeer Walter Collier. John Marques of Lorne and Collonell George Hamilton now in the Service of the Allies the States Generall; And it being the concerne and intrest of our ancient kingdome that a reasonable Capitulation and Just provisiones be made for these Regiments; and what other Scots Regiments may be entertained in the Service of the States Generall; Wee think it necessary; That the said recruits be Levied in that our kingdome; To which and there are officers ordered from each of the said Battallians to repair thither; It is therfore our will and pleasure that yow give the said officers (upon their application) all due encouragment and assistance from time to time in makeing recruits by allowing them to beatt Drum’s and to take Such other methods as are usuall; And giveing them all other encouragments needfull on Such occasiones; allwayes keeping them within the bounds that the Law prescribs; And wee doe Recommend to yow a due care and dilligence in this matter; by giveing Speciall orders for preventing any abuses in makeing the said Levies now or at any time hereafter; So wee bid yow heartily farewell; Given at our Court at St James’s the 29th day of January 1702/3 And of our Reign the first year.2 By her Majesties Command Sic Subscribitur Queensberry

1. NRS, PC1/52, 511-12.

2. The words ‘Sic Subscribitur’ have been scored out at this point of the MS.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 511-12.

2. The words ‘Sic Subscribitur’ have been scored out at this point of the MS.

Letter, 24 February 1703, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Twentie fourth day of February One thousand Seven hundred and thrie



Letter from the Queen to the Councill; Anent Civil Ecclesiasticak and Military affairs

Letter from the Queen to the Councill anent the Civill Ecclesiastick and Millitary, affairs of this kingdome Read and ordered to be Recorded printed and published Wherof the tenor followes
Sic Supra Scribitur Anne Regina
Right Trustie and Right well beloved Cousine and Councillor Right trustie and intirely beloved Cousins and Councillors Right trustie and right well beloved Cousins and Councillors Right trustie and well beloved Councillors; and trustie and well beloved Councillors; Wee Greet yow well. Haveing by our Royall Commission of this date established yow to be our privy Councill in our ancient Kingdome of Scotland; in an intire confidence of your prudence Experience and Loyaltie; And especially of your firmnes to the Reformed protestant Religion; Wee doe in the first place Recommend to your care the Church now Established by Law in its Supperior and inferior Judicaturs Such as Sessiones Presbytries Synods and Generall assemblies As also in the exercise of their holy functions, and in what concernes their persones and benefices Wee are informed that ther are many dissenters within that kingdome; who albeit they differ from the Established Church in oppinion as to Church Government and forme; yet are of the Protestant reformed religion; Some of which are in possession of benefices, and others exercise their worship in meetting houses. It is our Royall pleasure; That they Should be directed to Live Suitably to the reformed Religion which they profess, Submissively to our Lawes; decently and regularly with relation to the Church established by Law; as good Christians and Subjects; and in so doeing that they be protected in the peaceable exercise of their Religion and in their persones and estates according to the Lawes of the kingdome; And Wee Recommend to the Clergy of the Established discipline their Liveing in brotherly Love and Communion With Such dissenters; In the nixt place Wee Recommend to yow the protection of all our Civill Judicatures and the executione of our Law’s for the good of our people And that yow direct our Shirifs and Justices of the peace to a diligent execution of the Lawes in so farr as is committed to them. And in the thrid place the Security and peace of the Kingdom And for this and that yow will take Speciall inspection of the diligences done by our Highland Commissions; Wee Recommend Likewayes to yow to enjoine the observation of these Law’s which tend to the encouragment of trade and Manufactories for the good and profitt of our people; whose prosperity and Safety is our greatest concerne; That our forces within the Kingdome observe2 discipline and occasion no grivances to our other Subjects and for this and It is our Royall pleasure And wee have given our Speciall orders to our thesaury for paying them exactly and timeously according to our Establishment Wee doubt not that the funds appointed for their pay, by us, and our parliament (whose authority wee are firmly Resolved to Sustaine) will be duely payed in by all who are Lyable therto; and if any Shall faill therin; to evite the inconveniencies by the Souldiers want of pay. It is our Royall pleasure That yow cause Such executiones to be made by our Lawes; and if their be any undutifull opposition made by whatsomever persone or persones to those our Just Commands; Wee Require of yow to call them before yow in Legall manner and to punish the guilty as accords by Law. Wee expect your information from time to time of what occurrs in our and our peoples concern’s And that they may know these our Royall intention’s and affection to them, yow Shall cause print and publish this our Letter in such manner as is usuall; And So wee bid yow heartily farewell Given at our Court at St James’s, the fourth day of February 1702/3 And of our Reigne the first year, By her Majesties Command Sic Subscribitur Tarbat

Att Edinburgh the Twentie fourth day of February One thousand Seven hundred and thrie



Letter from the Queen to the Councill; Anent Civil Ecclesiasticak and Military affairs

Letter from the Queen to the Councill anent the Civill Ecclesiastick and Millitary, affairs of this kingdome Read and ordered to be Recorded printed and published Wherof the tenor followes
Sic Supra Scribitur Anne Regina
Right Trustie and Right well beloved Cousine and Councillor Right trustie and intirely beloved Cousins and Councillors Right trustie and right well beloved Cousins and Councillors Right trustie and well beloved Councillors; and trustie and well beloved Councillors; Wee Greet yow well. Haveing by our Royall Commission of this date established yow to be our privy Councill in our ancient Kingdome of Scotland; in an intire confidence of your prudence Experience and Loyaltie; And especially of your firmnes to the Reformed protestant Religion; Wee doe in the first place Recommend to your care the Church now Established by Law in its Supperior and inferior Judicaturs Such as Sessiones Presbytries Synods and Generall assemblies As also in the exercise of their holy functions, and in what concernes their persones and benefices Wee are informed that ther are many dissenters within that kingdome; who albeit they differ from the Established Church in oppinion as to Church Government and forme; yet are of the Protestant reformed religion; Some of which are in possession of benefices, and others exercise their worship in meetting houses. It is our Royall pleasure; That they Should be directed to Live Suitably to the reformed Religion which they profess, Submissively to our Lawes; decently and regularly with relation to the Church established by Law; as good Christians and Subjects; and in so doeing that they be protected in the peaceable exercise of their Religion and in their persones and estates according to the Lawes of the kingdome; And Wee Recommend to the Clergy of the Established discipline their Liveing in brotherly Love and Communion With Such dissenters; In the nixt place Wee Recommend to yow the protection of all our Civill Judicatures and the executione of our Law’s for the good of our people And that yow direct our Shirifs and Justices of the peace to a diligent execution of the Lawes in so farr as is committed to them. And in the thrid place the Security and peace of the Kingdom And for this and that yow will take Speciall inspection of the diligences done by our Highland Commissions; Wee Recommend Likewayes to yow to enjoine the observation of these Law’s which tend to the encouragment of trade and Manufactories for the good and profitt of our people; whose prosperity and Safety is our greatest concerne; That our forces within the Kingdome observe2 discipline and occasion no grivances to our other Subjects and for this and It is our Royall pleasure And wee have given our Speciall orders to our thesaury for paying them exactly and timeously according to our Establishment Wee doubt not that the funds appointed for their pay, by us, and our parliament (whose authority wee are firmly Resolved to Sustaine) will be duely payed in by all who are Lyable therto; and if any Shall faill therin; to evite the inconveniencies by the Souldiers want of pay. It is our Royall pleasure That yow cause Such executiones to be made by our Lawes; and if their be any undutifull opposition made by whatsomever persone or persones to those our Just Commands; Wee Require of yow to call them before yow in Legall manner and to punish the guilty as accords by Law. Wee expect your information from time to time of what occurrs in our and our peoples concern’s And that they may know these our Royall intention’s and affection to them, yow Shall cause print and publish this our Letter in such manner as is usuall; And So wee bid yow heartily farewell Given at our Court at St James’s, the fourth day of February 1702/3 And of our Reigne the first year, By her Majesties Command Sic Subscribitur Tarbat

1. NRS, PC1/52, 510.

2. The word ‘the’ scored out here.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 510.

2. The word ‘the’ scored out here.

Commission to the Council, 24 February 1703, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Twentie fourth day of February One thousand Seven hundred and thrie


Commission to the Council

Commissio Dominorum Secreti Concilii

Commission under the great seall of this Kingdome Nominating and appointing the Lords and of hers therin named to be of her Majesties privy Councill for this kingdom Read and ordered to be Recorded; and the Councell present as marked in the Sederunt did qualifie themselves to her Majestie by Swearing the Oath of alledgance and Subscryveing the same with the assurance; and the Clerk Did tender the oath de fideli to my Lord Chancelor and his Lordship did tender the samen to the rest of the privy Councillors. Off the which Commission the tenor follows.
Anna Dei Gratia Magnae Brittaniae Franciae et Hiberniae Regina fideique defensor; Omnibus probis hominibus ad quos praesentes Literae Nostrae pervenerint Salutem Quandoquidem Nos Considerantes quam Necessarium sit pro cummodo2 cum servitii Nostri cum Antiqui Regni Nostri Scotiae Quod Secretum Nostrum Consilium Consistat ex personis Eximiis Animi Dotibus et probata fidelitate Imbutis Cumque per plurima habeamus Testimonia fidelitatis fiduciae et eximiarum Animi dotum personarum infrascriptarum ad tam summae fiduciae Munus obeundum Noveritis Igitur Nos Nominasse et Ordinasse sicuti nos tenore praesentium Nominamus et Ordinamus Charissimum et dilectissimum Nostrum Conjugem Georgium Danorum principem Jacobum Comitem de Seafeild Summum Nostrum Cancelarium Gulielmum Marchionem de Annandale Secreti Nostri Consilii praesidem Joannem Comitem de Tillibardine Secreti Nostri Sigilli Custodem Jacobum Ducem de Queensbery Status Secretarium pro dicto Regno; Archibaldum Ducem de Argyll Joannem Marchionem de Atholl , Robertum Marchionem Marchionem de Lothian Joannem Comitem de Crafurd Joannem Comitem de Erroll Georgium Comitem de Southerland Joannem Comitem de Marr; Jacobum Comitem de Mortoun Davidem Comitem de Buchan Joannem Comitem de Glencairne Alexandrum Comitem de Eglingtoune; Joannem Comitem de Strathmore Jacobum Comitem de Galloway Joannem Comitem de Lauderdale Hugonem Comitem de Loudoun Jacobum Comitem de Finlator, Davidem Comitem de Leven Davidem Comitem de Northesk Archibaldum Comitem de Forfar Joannem Comitem de Kintoir ; Joannem Comitem de Broadalbine Carolum Comitem de Dunmore Gulielmum Comitem de March Joannem Comitem de Hyndfoord Gulielmum dominum Jedburgh, Georgium vicecomitem de Tarbat Status Secretarium pro dicto regno Joannem vicecomitem de Stair; Thomam vicecomitem de Dupline Archibaldum vicecomitem de Roseberry, Joannem Dominum Strathnaver Gulielmum dominum Inverurie Patricium Dominum Polwarth; Gulielmum dominum Forbes Gulielmum dominum Ross; Georgium dominum Rae Davidem dominum Boyle Nostrum Thesaurarium deputatum , Joannem Magistrum de Tarbat Dominum Hugonem Dalrymple de Northberwick Collegii Justiciae Praesidem dominum Jacobum Murray de Philiphaugh Registrum ; Dominum Jacobum Stewart Nostrum Advocatum Magistrum Rodoricum McKenzie de Prestonhall Nostrum Justiciarium Clericum dominum Collinum Campbell de Aberuchill Dominum Joannem Hamiltone de Halcraig Dominum Archibaldum Hope de Rankeillor; Dominum Gulielmum Anstruther de Eodem; Dominum Jacobum Falconer de Phesdoe Magistrum Robertum Stewart de Tillicultrie Senatores Collegii Nostri Justiciae ; Majorem Generalem Georgium Ramsay Nostrarum Copiarum Imperatorem et Nostrorum Satellitum in dicto regno Collonellum Magistrum Franciscum Montgomrie de Giffan Dominum Jacobum Foulis de Collintoune Dominum Jacobum Stewart vicecomitem de Bute Dominum Robertum Sinclair de Stivensone dominum Jacobum Primrose de Caringtoune Archibaldum Douglas de Caverse Joannem Crafurd de Kilbany Georgium Lockhart de Carnwath Carolum Hope de Hopetoune et Praepositum burgi Nostri de Edinburgh Dominos Nostri Secreti Consilii dicti regni Nostri Scotiae Committendo illis sive quibusvis eorum novem administrationem Regiminis ejusdem In omnibus officiis Commodem3 pacem et Salutem dicti Nostri regni Tangentibus et de jure et praxi ejusdem ad judicium Cognitionem et determinationem Secreti Nostri Consilii spectantibus Cum potestate iis et quibuscunque eorum Novem Conveniendi et Congregandi In Loco pro ordinaria Residentia Nostri Secreti Consilii In nostra Civitate de Edinburgh statuto et procunque alio Loco magis Idones et Commodo ; Atque absente domino summo Cancellario seu Secreti Concilii Praeside, Praesidem quem libet de eorum Numero pro tempore eligendi ; Ac Consulendi deliberandi; Concludendi Decernendi et determinandi omnia et singula Negotia Actiones et preposita ad Commodum et pacem dicti regni Nostri attinentia Juxta leges et parliamenti acta hactennus4 stabilita et Ibidem Stabilienda; Ac Audiendi Decidendi et determinandi omnes actiones et Causas inter subditos nostros (in vicem) movendas ac Judicio dominorum Secreti Consilii proprie Competentis5 dummodo Nullus eorum Conventibus Intersit praeter Concilliarios Nominatos una cum clerico aut Clericis Nostris pro tempore Cumque potestate iis et eorum unicuique exoriente quolibet tumultu aut Molestia in illis regni partibus ubi pro tempore residebunt Mandandi et Imperandi personae seu personis ejusmodi tumultuum authoribus pacem observare nostram et ejusdem Transgressoribus Mandandi personas suas Carceri Committere in Locis iis ac Infra tam breve spatium prout iis visum fuerit ac Ibidem Remanere donec per plenarium Concillii numerum pronunciabitur de re illa in qua pecaverint Quibusquidem Licebit Mulctam pecuniariam Immorigeris et Mandatum spernentibus Juxta delinquentium qualitatem et Naturam delicti Exigere quin etiam ipsos; Apprehendere et Carceri Committere Dummodo dictos6 Dominus aut domini Nostri Consilii ita Mandantes nobis nostrisque Reliquis Consiliariis aut eorum Completo Numero (vulgo quorum) pro hujusmodi Mandato rationem Reddant Cumque potestate iis Statuta pro Regni Nostri politia [et] Gubernatione et Tumultuum Suppressione Sauciendi Atque Justiciario Nostro Generali et Justiciario Clerico et Justiciarie Nostra[e] Commissionariis potestatem Concedendi Executionem post convictionem protelare aut supplicum Legis Mitigare in Causis Criminalibus ubi Crimina sunt Capitalia et prout Natura et qualitates Criminum postulabunt Atque Commissiones Justiciaria[e] aliasque Commissiones in rebus Commodum hujus regni nostri Tangentibus Concedendi Ac etiam Justiciario nostro Generali Justiciario Clerico et Nostrae Justiciariae Commissionariis potestatem Concedendi Mulchtas pecuniarias in Crimina Adulterii portationis Tormentorum et scloptarum aliorumque actorum parliamenti transgressionum ubi supplicum de jure personas seu bona sequitur vel arbitrio Judicis Relinquitur Imponere Atque Etiam exemptiones ab exercitibus equitationibus et assisis et Licentias Edicto Regno Migrare et decedere secundum Conditiones in Nostri parliamenti Actis Expreessas7 Concedendi Nec Non Cum potestate iis si qua publica et professa oriatur Rebellio quae absque vi Restringi nequit Commissiones praefecturae vel justiciariae unam seu plures pro ejusdem suppressione Concedere atque mandata sua talibus partibus dicti nostri regni Dirigendi prout iis pro concursu ad hibendo in debita Executione dictae Commissiones8 Maxime expediens videbitur Et Mandata et directiones faciendi pro suppeditandis ejusmodi pecuniarum summis quas Expeditiones tales postulabunt Cumque potestate iis Interveniente Necessitate sessionem prorogandi Atque tempora et Loco sessioni iterum praescribendi Et similiter Omnia et singula praestandi gerendi et Excercendi Quae secretum nostrum Concilium dicti Regni Scotiae quolibet tempore Retroacto fecit aut de Jure facere potuerit Regnantibus Illistrissimis9 nostris predecessoribus Ac Vlterius cum potestate iis vel quibuslibet eorum Novem Regulas et ordines pro eorum Conventibus ac tempus et spatium earundem pro ut iis placuerit praescribendi (Integro numero Omnimodo praesente ex praemon[i]tione a domino Cancellario seu praesede pro tempore Existente iis facienda gravibus Magnique momenti negotiis publicis eadem postulantibus et Casu eorum absentiae absque venia a nobis aut Legitimo plenario numero Consilii Impetrata aliave justa causa licebit reliquis Conciliariis eorumve plenaris numero antedicto ipsos tanquam servitium nostrum neglegentes Condigna Censura prosequi Firmumque et stabile habemus et habebimus quiquid predictae domini earumve Legitimus plenarius numerus antedictus in praemisses Legitime fecerint dummodo illi eorumve sigilli10 nobis rationem reddant de fideli executione dicti officii et Commissionis quaequidem durante beneplacito nostro duntaxat durabit atque dominum11 per nos Revocetur omnesque priores Concilii Commissiones et mandata pro admissione Cujus vis ex Conciliariis diem datanque12 presentium praecedent Nulla et irrita Declaramus Reservata Etiam nobis potestate per Epistolam aut mandatum submano13 nostra numero praedicto personas Cujusmodi14 addendi pro ut de tempore in tempus nobis visum fuerit Quaequidem persona[e] ita nominande eadem potestate et authoritate gaudebunt ac si in hac praesente Commissione Nostra exprimerentur Reservatur denique nobis plenar[i]a potestate per quamcunque Epistolam seu Mandatam sub regi Manu quoscunque ex Nostris Consiliariis ab eum15 Locis in Concilio Renovendi16 et suspendendi In Cujus Rei Testimonium praesentibus Magnum Sigillum nostrum appendi praeceptimus17 appud18 aulam nostram de St James’s quarto die Mensis Februarii anno domini Millesimo septingentesimo tertio Et anno Regni nostri primo Per Signaturam Manu S: D N: Reginae supra scriptam , Wryten to the great seall and Registrat the Twentie thrid day of February 1703 Sic Subscribitur Charles Kerr Sealled at Edinburgh the Twentie fourth day of February 1703 By speciall order till the seall be renewed Sic Subscribitur Alexander Ogilvie.

Att Edinburgh the Twentie fourth day of February One thousand Seven hundred and thrie


Commission to the Council

Commissio Dominorum Secreti Concilii

Commission under the great seall of this Kingdome Nominating and appointing the Lords and of hers therin named to be of her Majesties privy Councill for this kingdom Read and ordered to be Recorded; and the Councell present as marked in the Sederunt did qualifie themselves to her Majestie by Swearing the Oath of alledgance and Subscryveing the same with the assurance; and the Clerk Did tender the oath de fideli to my Lord Chancelor and his Lordship did tender the samen to the rest of the privy Councillors. Off the which Commission the tenor follows.
Anna Dei Gratia Magnae Brittaniae Franciae et Hiberniae Regina fideique defensor; Omnibus probis hominibus ad quos praesentes Literae Nostrae pervenerint Salutem Quandoquidem Nos Considerantes quam Necessarium sit pro cummodo2 cum servitii Nostri cum Antiqui Regni Nostri Scotiae Quod Secretum Nostrum Consilium Consistat ex personis Eximiis Animi Dotibus et probata fidelitate Imbutis Cumque per plurima habeamus Testimonia fidelitatis fiduciae et eximiarum Animi dotum personarum infrascriptarum ad tam summae fiduciae Munus obeundum Noveritis Igitur Nos Nominasse et Ordinasse sicuti nos tenore praesentium Nominamus et Ordinamus Charissimum et dilectissimum Nostrum Conjugem Georgium Danorum principem Jacobum Comitem de Seafeild Summum Nostrum Cancelarium Gulielmum Marchionem de Annandale Secreti Nostri Consilii praesidem Joannem Comitem de Tillibardine Secreti Nostri Sigilli Custodem Jacobum Ducem de Queensbery Status Secretarium pro dicto Regno; Archibaldum Ducem de Argyll Joannem Marchionem de Atholl , Robertum Marchionem Marchionem de Lothian Joannem Comitem de Crafurd Joannem Comitem de Erroll Georgium Comitem de Southerland Joannem Comitem de Marr; Jacobum Comitem de Mortoun Davidem Comitem de Buchan Joannem Comitem de Glencairne Alexandrum Comitem de Eglingtoune; Joannem Comitem de Strathmore Jacobum Comitem de Galloway Joannem Comitem de Lauderdale Hugonem Comitem de Loudoun Jacobum Comitem de Finlator, Davidem Comitem de Leven Davidem Comitem de Northesk Archibaldum Comitem de Forfar Joannem Comitem de Kintoir ; Joannem Comitem de Broadalbine Carolum Comitem de Dunmore Gulielmum Comitem de March Joannem Comitem de Hyndfoord Gulielmum dominum Jedburgh, Georgium vicecomitem de Tarbat Status Secretarium pro dicto regno Joannem vicecomitem de Stair; Thomam vicecomitem de Dupline Archibaldum vicecomitem de Roseberry, Joannem Dominum Strathnaver Gulielmum dominum Inverurie Patricium Dominum Polwarth; Gulielmum dominum Forbes Gulielmum dominum Ross; Georgium dominum Rae Davidem dominum Boyle Nostrum Thesaurarium deputatum , Joannem Magistrum de Tarbat Dominum Hugonem Dalrymple de Northberwick Collegii Justiciae Praesidem dominum Jacobum Murray de Philiphaugh Registrum ; Dominum Jacobum Stewart Nostrum Advocatum Magistrum Rodoricum McKenzie de Prestonhall Nostrum Justiciarium Clericum dominum Collinum Campbell de Aberuchill Dominum Joannem Hamiltone de Halcraig Dominum Archibaldum Hope de Rankeillor; Dominum Gulielmum Anstruther de Eodem; Dominum Jacobum Falconer de Phesdoe Magistrum Robertum Stewart de Tillicultrie Senatores Collegii Nostri Justiciae ; Majorem Generalem Georgium Ramsay Nostrarum Copiarum Imperatorem et Nostrorum Satellitum in dicto regno Collonellum Magistrum Franciscum Montgomrie de Giffan Dominum Jacobum Foulis de Collintoune Dominum Jacobum Stewart vicecomitem de Bute Dominum Robertum Sinclair de Stivensone dominum Jacobum Primrose de Caringtoune Archibaldum Douglas de Caverse Joannem Crafurd de Kilbany Georgium Lockhart de Carnwath Carolum Hope de Hopetoune et Praepositum burgi Nostri de Edinburgh Dominos Nostri Secreti Consilii dicti regni Nostri Scotiae Committendo illis sive quibusvis eorum novem administrationem Regiminis ejusdem In omnibus officiis Commodem3 pacem et Salutem dicti Nostri regni Tangentibus et de jure et praxi ejusdem ad judicium Cognitionem et determinationem Secreti Nostri Consilii spectantibus Cum potestate iis et quibuscunque eorum Novem Conveniendi et Congregandi In Loco pro ordinaria Residentia Nostri Secreti Consilii In nostra Civitate de Edinburgh statuto et procunque alio Loco magis Idones et Commodo ; Atque absente domino summo Cancellario seu Secreti Concilii Praeside, Praesidem quem libet de eorum Numero pro tempore eligendi ; Ac Consulendi deliberandi; Concludendi Decernendi et determinandi omnia et singula Negotia Actiones et preposita ad Commodum et pacem dicti regni Nostri attinentia Juxta leges et parliamenti acta hactennus4 stabilita et Ibidem Stabilienda; Ac Audiendi Decidendi et determinandi omnes actiones et Causas inter subditos nostros (in vicem) movendas ac Judicio dominorum Secreti Consilii proprie Competentis5 dummodo Nullus eorum Conventibus Intersit praeter Concilliarios Nominatos una cum clerico aut Clericis Nostris pro tempore Cumque potestate iis et eorum unicuique exoriente quolibet tumultu aut Molestia in illis regni partibus ubi pro tempore residebunt Mandandi et Imperandi personae seu personis ejusmodi tumultuum authoribus pacem observare nostram et ejusdem Transgressoribus Mandandi personas suas Carceri Committere in Locis iis ac Infra tam breve spatium prout iis visum fuerit ac Ibidem Remanere donec per plenarium Concillii numerum pronunciabitur de re illa in qua pecaverint Quibusquidem Licebit Mulctam pecuniariam Immorigeris et Mandatum spernentibus Juxta delinquentium qualitatem et Naturam delicti Exigere quin etiam ipsos; Apprehendere et Carceri Committere Dummodo dictos6 Dominus aut domini Nostri Consilii ita Mandantes nobis nostrisque Reliquis Consiliariis aut eorum Completo Numero (vulgo quorum) pro hujusmodi Mandato rationem Reddant Cumque potestate iis Statuta pro Regni Nostri politia [et] Gubernatione et Tumultuum Suppressione Sauciendi Atque Justiciario Nostro Generali et Justiciario Clerico et Justiciarie Nostra[e] Commissionariis potestatem Concedendi Executionem post convictionem protelare aut supplicum Legis Mitigare in Causis Criminalibus ubi Crimina sunt Capitalia et prout Natura et qualitates Criminum postulabunt Atque Commissiones Justiciaria[e] aliasque Commissiones in rebus Commodum hujus regni nostri Tangentibus Concedendi Ac etiam Justiciario nostro Generali Justiciario Clerico et Nostrae Justiciariae Commissionariis potestatem Concedendi Mulchtas pecuniarias in Crimina Adulterii portationis Tormentorum et scloptarum aliorumque actorum parliamenti transgressionum ubi supplicum de jure personas seu bona sequitur vel arbitrio Judicis Relinquitur Imponere Atque Etiam exemptiones ab exercitibus equitationibus et assisis et Licentias Edicto Regno Migrare et decedere secundum Conditiones in Nostri parliamenti Actis Expreessas7 Concedendi Nec Non Cum potestate iis si qua publica et professa oriatur Rebellio quae absque vi Restringi nequit Commissiones praefecturae vel justiciariae unam seu plures pro ejusdem suppressione Concedere atque mandata sua talibus partibus dicti nostri regni Dirigendi prout iis pro concursu ad hibendo in debita Executione dictae Commissiones8 Maxime expediens videbitur Et Mandata et directiones faciendi pro suppeditandis ejusmodi pecuniarum summis quas Expeditiones tales postulabunt Cumque potestate iis Interveniente Necessitate sessionem prorogandi Atque tempora et Loco sessioni iterum praescribendi Et similiter Omnia et singula praestandi gerendi et Excercendi Quae secretum nostrum Concilium dicti Regni Scotiae quolibet tempore Retroacto fecit aut de Jure facere potuerit Regnantibus Illistrissimis9 nostris predecessoribus Ac Vlterius cum potestate iis vel quibuslibet eorum Novem Regulas et ordines pro eorum Conventibus ac tempus et spatium earundem pro ut iis placuerit praescribendi (Integro numero Omnimodo praesente ex praemon[i]tione a domino Cancellario seu praesede pro tempore Existente iis facienda gravibus Magnique momenti negotiis publicis eadem postulantibus et Casu eorum absentiae absque venia a nobis aut Legitimo plenario numero Consilii Impetrata aliave justa causa licebit reliquis Conciliariis eorumve plenaris numero antedicto ipsos tanquam servitium nostrum neglegentes Condigna Censura prosequi Firmumque et stabile habemus et habebimus quiquid predictae domini earumve Legitimus plenarius numerus antedictus in praemisses Legitime fecerint dummodo illi eorumve sigilli10 nobis rationem reddant de fideli executione dicti officii et Commissionis quaequidem durante beneplacito nostro duntaxat durabit atque dominum11 per nos Revocetur omnesque priores Concilii Commissiones et mandata pro admissione Cujus vis ex Conciliariis diem datanque12 presentium praecedent Nulla et irrita Declaramus Reservata Etiam nobis potestate per Epistolam aut mandatum submano13 nostra numero praedicto personas Cujusmodi14 addendi pro ut de tempore in tempus nobis visum fuerit Quaequidem persona[e] ita nominande eadem potestate et authoritate gaudebunt ac si in hac praesente Commissione Nostra exprimerentur Reservatur denique nobis plenar[i]a potestate per quamcunque Epistolam seu Mandatam sub regi Manu quoscunque ex Nostris Consiliariis ab eum15 Locis in Concilio Renovendi16 et suspendendi In Cujus Rei Testimonium praesentibus Magnum Sigillum nostrum appendi praeceptimus17 appud18 aulam nostram de St James’s quarto die Mensis Februarii anno domini Millesimo septingentesimo tertio Et anno Regni nostri primo Per Signaturam Manu S: D N: Reginae supra scriptam , Wryten to the great seall and Registrat the Twentie thrid day of February 1703 Sic Subscribitur Charles Kerr Sealled at Edinburgh the Twentie fourth day of February 1703 By speciall order till the seall be renewed Sic Subscribitur Alexander Ogilvie.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 505-9.

2. Sic. Recte ‘commodo’.

3. Sic. Recte ‘commodum’.

4. Sic.

5. Sic. Recte ‘competentes’.

6. Sic. Recte ‘dictus’.

7. Sic.

8. Sic. Recte ‘commissionis’.

9. Sic.

10. Sic. Recte ‘singuli’.

11. Sic. Recte ‘donec’.

12. Sic.

13. Sic. Recte ‘sub manu’.

14. Sic.

15. Sic. Recte ‘eorum’.

16. Sic. Recte ‘removendi’.

17. Sic.

18. Sic.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 505-9.

2. Sic. Recte ‘commodo’.

3. Sic. Recte ‘commodum’.

4. Sic.

5. Sic. Recte ‘competentes’.

6. Sic. Recte ‘dictus’.

7. Sic.

8. Sic. Recte ‘commissionis’.

9. Sic.

10. Sic. Recte ‘singuli’.

11. Sic. Recte ‘donec’.

12. Sic.

13. Sic. Recte ‘sub manu’.

14. Sic.

15. Sic. Recte ‘eorum’.

16. Sic. Recte ‘removendi’.

17. Sic.

18. Sic.

Sederunt, 24 February 1703, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Twentie fourth day of February One thousand Seven hundred and thrie1



Lord Chancelor; Earl of Eglingtoune; Earl of Strathmore; Earl of Lauderdale; Earl of Loudoun; Earl of Findlator; Earl of Northesk; Earl of Forfar; Earl of Dunmore; Lord President of Session; Lord Register; Lord Advocat; Lord Justice Clerk; Lord Aberurchill; Lord Halcraig; Lord Rankeillor; Lord Enstruther; Lord Phesdoe; Lord Tillicultrie; Mr Fra: Montgomry; Laird of Collingtoun; Laird of Stivenstoune; Laird of Carnwath; Provest of Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Twentie fourth day of February One thousand Seven hundred and thrie1



Lord Chancelor; Earl of Eglingtoune; Earl of Strathmore; Earl of Lauderdale; Earl of Loudoun; Earl of Findlator; Earl of Northesk; Earl of Forfar; Earl of Dunmore; Lord President of Session; Lord Register; Lord Advocat; Lord Justice Clerk; Lord Aberurchill; Lord Halcraig; Lord Rankeillor; Lord Enstruther; Lord Phesdoe; Lord Tillicultrie; Mr Fra: Montgomry; Laird of Collingtoun; Laird of Stivenstoune; Laird of Carnwath; Provest of Edinburgh

1. NRS, PC1/52, 505.

2. NRS, PC1/52, 505.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 505.

2. NRS, PC1/52, 505.