Letter: from the Council, 15 February 1704, Edinburgh

Edinburgh The Fyfteenth of February One Thousand seven hundereth and four years


Letter: from the Council

Letter from the Councill To The Earle of Cromerty Lord Secretary of State for Scotland anent Hunters Shipe

My Lord
One Hyndman comeing from Ireland into our Scots watters as the same are Expresly bounded by the act of parliament 1672: Dischairging the Importatione of Irish victwall And being there seised with a loadning of Ane Thousand bolls of Irish meall The loadning and vessell was by sentance of privy Councill confiscat upon most clear grounds of Law And yet wee understand that a Scotts vessell belonging to William Hunter goeing to Londonderry under the Conduct of William Currie skipper is there arreisted by way of Reprisall as if the Lords of Councill had committed unjustice in judging according to our Lawes Which is a practice that wee Judge inconsistant with that Correspondence which ought to be betwixt her Majesties Kingdomes since wee would not Expect such a treatment from any Kingdome or state in the world in amity with her Majestie albeit not subject to her Impire And Therfore The Lords of Councill have ordered me to signifie to your Lordship in their name that this matter should be laid befoir her Majesty To the effect she may give such directiones to the Lord Livetennent of Ireland and others in the Government there as this abuse may be remeaded and Mr Hunters shipe restored with damnages and the lyke prevented in tyme comeing Signed in name presence and by warrand of the Lords of Her Majesties privy Councill By, My Lord your Lordships most humble servant sic subscribitur Eglintoun I:P:D.
Edinburgh the 15th February 1704
Directed thus To the Right Honourable the Earle of Cromerty principall secretar of state for Scotland London.

Edinburgh The Fyfteenth of February One Thousand seven hundereth and four years


Letter: from the Council

Letter from the Councill To The Earle of Cromerty Lord Secretary of State for Scotland anent Hunters Shipe

My Lord
One Hyndman comeing from Ireland into our Scots watters as the same are Expresly bounded by the act of parliament 1672: Dischairging the Importatione of Irish victwall And being there seised with a loadning of Ane Thousand bolls of Irish meall The loadning and vessell was by sentance of privy Councill confiscat upon most clear grounds of Law And yet wee understand that a Scotts vessell belonging to William Hunter goeing to Londonderry under the Conduct of William Currie skipper is there arreisted by way of Reprisall as if the Lords of Councill had committed unjustice in judging according to our Lawes Which is a practice that wee Judge inconsistant with that Correspondence which ought to be betwixt her Majesties Kingdomes since wee would not Expect such a treatment from any Kingdome or state in the world in amity with her Majestie albeit not subject to her Impire And Therfore The Lords of Councill have ordered me to signifie to your Lordship in their name that this matter should be laid befoir her Majesty To the effect she may give such directiones to the Lord Livetennent of Ireland and others in the Government there as this abuse may be remeaded and Mr Hunters shipe restored with damnages and the lyke prevented in tyme comeing Signed in name presence and by warrand of the Lords of Her Majesties privy Councill By, My Lord your Lordships most humble servant sic subscribitur Eglintoun I:P:D.
Edinburgh the 15th February 1704
Directed thus To the Right Honourable the Earle of Cromerty principall secretar of state for Scotland London.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 155-6.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 155-6.