Edinburgh The Fyfteenth of February One Thousand seven hundereth and four years
Letter: from the Council
Letter from the Councill To His Grace The Duke of Ormond Lord Livet of Ireland anent Hunters shipe
May it please your Grace
One Hyndman belonging to Ireland comeing with his vessell loaded with a Thousand Bolls of Irish meall to Scotland conterary to our Lawes againest such Import And being laufully seized in our Scots seas or watters was by sentance of the Lords of privy Councill legally confiscat And yet the Lords of Councill are informed That a Scots vessell belonging to William Hunter Master and owner goeing to Londonderry under the conduct of William Curry skipper Is there arreisted at the Instance of Hyndmans owners by way of Reprysall Which is certainly ane abuse that your Grace will condemn as tending visibly to the breach of the good correspondence that ought to be keept betuixt Her Majesties Kingdomes And Therfore Wee have thought fitt to accquaint your Grace with what hath happned That yow may cause Mr Hunters shipe to be2 restored with all damages And Lykewayes take cair on your pairt as we shall be ever cairfull on ours that the good Correspondence betuixt the Two Kingdomes may be intertained and contained as heitherto it hes been observed Signed in name presence and by warrand of the Lords of Her Majesties privy Councill By May it please your Grace, Your Graces most Humble servant sic subscribitur Eglintoune I:P:D Edinburgh the 15th February 1704
Directed thus To his Grace The Duke of Ormond Lord Livet of Ireland.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 157.
2. Insertion.
1. NRS, PC1/53, 157.
2. Insertion.