Act, 15 February 1704, Edinburgh

Edinburgh The Fyfteenth of February One Thousand seven hundereth and four years



Act Infavours off David Baillie

Anent The petition Given in and presented To the Lords of Her Majesties privy Councill By David Baillie son to the deceased George Baillie of Mannerhall Shewing That where as The petitioner is Conveened befoir their Lordships at the Instance of Her Majesties Advocat for alleadged leasing making and other pretended crimes lybled And seing it is necessary That the petitioner have advocats with whom he may consult and who may appear for him and plead his cause And the petitioner Haveing made choyse of Sir Patrick Home, Sir David Cunynghame Mr David Forbes, Mr Alexr McCleod, Sir John Erskine, Mr James Hamilton, and Mr Alexr Arbuthnet But they declyne to consult or appear for the petitioner in this matter unless they have ther Lordships order and warrand for that effect And Therfore Humbly creaving That their Lordships might be pleased to give order and warrand to the saids advocats and such others as the petitioner shall Imploy to consult and appear for him in the said cause as the said petition Bears The Lords of Her Majesties privy Councill Haveing considered the above petition Giveing into them By David Baillie sone to the deceast George Baillie of Mannerhall and the samen being read in their presence The saids Lords Doe heirby allow The petitioner to Imploy such advocats as he thinks fitt and allowes the advocats so to be Imployed by him To Compear and plead for him in the action persewed at the Instance of Her Majesties Advocat against him befoir their Lordships.

Edinburgh The Fyfteenth of February One Thousand seven hundereth and four years



Act Infavours off David Baillie

Anent The petition Given in and presented To the Lords of Her Majesties privy Councill By David Baillie son to the deceased George Baillie of Mannerhall Shewing That where as The petitioner is Conveened befoir their Lordships at the Instance of Her Majesties Advocat for alleadged leasing making and other pretended crimes lybled And seing it is necessary That the petitioner have advocats with whom he may consult and who may appear for him and plead his cause And the petitioner Haveing made choyse of Sir Patrick Home, Sir David Cunynghame Mr David Forbes, Mr Alexr McCleod, Sir John Erskine, Mr James Hamilton, and Mr Alexr Arbuthnet But they declyne to consult or appear for the petitioner in this matter unless they have ther Lordships order and warrand for that effect And Therfore Humbly creaving That their Lordships might be pleased to give order and warrand to the saids advocats and such others as the petitioner shall Imploy to consult and appear for him in the said cause as the said petition Bears The Lords of Her Majesties privy Councill Haveing considered the above petition Giveing into them By David Baillie sone to the deceast George Baillie of Mannerhall and the samen being read in their presence The saids Lords Doe heirby allow The petitioner to Imploy such advocats as he thinks fitt and allowes the advocats so to be Imployed by him To Compear and plead for him in the action persewed at the Instance of Her Majesties Advocat against him befoir their Lordships.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 157-8.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 157-8.