Procedure, 28 April 1704, Edinburgh

Edinburgh the Tuentie Eight of Apprill One Thousand Seven hundereth and four years



Recommendation to the Lord High Chancellor to call for James Clark and know of him why the Great seall is not cutt

The Lords of Her Majesties privie Councill Doe heirby Recommend to the Lord High Chancellor To call for James Clark Engraver in the mint and to know from him what hinders his dispatching the cutting of Her Majesties great seall for this Kingdome And ordaines him to Engrave the Reverse of the said seall with Her Majesties picture upon horseback with thir words round the same Semper Eadem And the other side as formerly

Edinburgh the Tuentie Eight of Apprill One Thousand Seven hundereth and four years



Recommendation to the Lord High Chancellor to call for James Clark and know of him why the Great seall is not cutt

The Lords of Her Majesties privie Councill Doe heirby Recommend to the Lord High Chancellor To call for James Clark Engraver in the mint and to know from him what hinders his dispatching the cutting of Her Majesties great seall for this Kingdome And ordaines him to Engrave the Reverse of the said seall with Her Majesties picture upon horseback with thir words round the same Semper Eadem And the other side as formerly

1. NRS, PC1/53, 232.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 232.