Procedure, 25 April 1704, Edinburgh

Edinburgh The Tuenty fifth of Apprill Jaj vijc and four years



The oath of Alleadgence and assurance sworn and signed at Court by the Duke of Argyle and Viscount of Dupline as privie Councellors In presence of Her Majestie and the Scotts Councill

The Oath of Alleadgence sworn and the samen with the assurance signed by John Duke of Argyle And Thomas Lord Dupline In presence of Ane Scotts Councill Att St James’s Her Majestie present And attested by the Lord high Chancellour the Eighteen day of December Jaj vijc and Three years Being read In presence of the Lords of Her Majesties privie Councill was ordered to be Recorded And his Grace and the said Viscount marked in the Rolls as privie Councellors Whereof the tennor followes
I […] Doe sincerely promise and swear that I will be faithfull and bear true alleadgence to Her Majestie Queen Anne So help me God sic subscribitur Argyll Dupplin
I […] Doe in the sincerity of my heart Assert acknowledge and Declair that Her Majestie Queen Anne Is the only Laufull undoubted Soveraigne of this Realme as weell Jure that is of right Queen; As de facto that is in the possession and Exercise of the Government and Thairfor I Do sincerely and faithfully promise and Engage That I will with heart and hand, Life and goods maintain and defend Her Majesties titule and Government Against the pretended Prince of Wales (now takeing upon him the Title of King of this Realme) And his adherents and all other enemies who either by open or secret attempts shall disturb or Disquiet Her Majestie in the possession and Exercise thereof Sic Subscribitur Argyll Dupplin.
At St James’s the Eleventh day of December 1703
This day (Her Majestie being present in her Scots Councill) John Duke of Argyle and Thomas Lord Duplin Did swear the oath of Alleadgence and subscryve the samen with the assurance As members of Her Majesties privy Councill of Scotland sic subscribitur Seafield Cancellar.

Edinburgh The Tuenty fifth of Apprill Jaj vijc and four years



The oath of Alleadgence and assurance sworn and signed at Court by the Duke of Argyle and Viscount of Dupline as privie Councellors In presence of Her Majestie and the Scotts Councill

The Oath of Alleadgence sworn and the samen with the assurance signed by John Duke of Argyle And Thomas Lord Dupline In presence of Ane Scotts Councill Att St James’s Her Majestie present And attested by the Lord high Chancellour the Eighteen day of December Jaj vijc and Three years Being read In presence of the Lords of Her Majesties privie Councill was ordered to be Recorded And his Grace and the said Viscount marked in the Rolls as privie Councellors Whereof the tennor followes
I […] Doe sincerely promise and swear that I will be faithfull and bear true alleadgence to Her Majestie Queen Anne So help me God sic subscribitur Argyll Dupplin
I […] Doe in the sincerity of my heart Assert acknowledge and Declair that Her Majestie Queen Anne Is the only Laufull undoubted Soveraigne of this Realme as weell Jure that is of right Queen; As de facto that is in the possession and Exercise of the Government and Thairfor I Do sincerely and faithfully promise and Engage That I will with heart and hand, Life and goods maintain and defend Her Majesties titule and Government Against the pretended Prince of Wales (now takeing upon him the Title of King of this Realme) And his adherents and all other enemies who either by open or secret attempts shall disturb or Disquiet Her Majestie in the possession and Exercise thereof Sic Subscribitur Argyll Dupplin.
At St James’s the Eleventh day of December 1703
This day (Her Majestie being present in her Scots Councill) John Duke of Argyle and Thomas Lord Duplin Did swear the oath of Alleadgence and subscryve the samen with the assurance As members of Her Majesties privy Councill of Scotland sic subscribitur Seafield Cancellar.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 211-12.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 211-12.