Warrant, 8 February 1705, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Eight day of February Jaj vjc and fyve years



Warrand for Generall Maitland to continue the possession of fewall for the Garison of Fort William

The Lords of her Majesties privie Councill Doe heirby Appoynt and Ordaine Major Generall Maitland to continue the possession of feuall and other conveniencies for the Garison of Fort William as formerly, and to mantaine and defend himselfe therin and nominats and Appoynts the Lords Advocat, Theasaurer Deput and Justice Clerk to be a Committie to prepare a full representation of what past betwixt the Lords of Theasaurie and Duke of Gordon In reference to Fort-William, and Burgh of Barronie therto belonging that the Samen may be laid befor her Majestie, And recommends to the said Committie to meet to morrow morning at ten acloak in the foirnoon, And declairs any two a Quorum and to report.


Att Edinburgh the Eight day of February Jaj vjc and fyve years



Warrand for Generall Maitland to continue the possession of fewall for the Garison of Fort William

The Lords of her Majesties privie Councill Doe heirby Appoynt and Ordaine Major Generall Maitland to continue the possession of feuall and other conveniencies for the Garison of Fort William as formerly, and to mantaine and defend himselfe therin and nominats and Appoynts the Lords Advocat, Theasaurer Deput and Justice Clerk to be a Committie to prepare a full representation of what past betwixt the Lords of Theasaurie and Duke of Gordon In reference to Fort-William, and Burgh of Barronie therto belonging that the Samen may be laid befor her Majestie, And recommends to the said Committie to meet to morrow morning at ten acloak in the foirnoon, And declairs any two a Quorum and to report.


1. NRS, PC1/53, 352-3.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 352-3.