Letter: royal, 28 April 1707, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Twentie eight day of Apryll Jaj vijc and Sevine yeirs


Letter: royal

Letter from the Queen Continueing the Councell etc

Letter from the Queens Majestie to the Councell for continueing the Councell, officers of state and other officers till further orders being Read, The Lords of her Majesties privie Councell Doe heirby Nominat and appoynt the Earles of Buchan, Forfar and Glasgow, Viscount of Garnock, Lord Advocat, Mr Francis Montgomrie and Laird Cavers Douglas to be a Committie for considering the said Letter, and matter therein contained, and to prepare a proclamation in the termes thereof, And Recommends to the said Committie to meet this day att six a clock in the afternoon in the Lord Advocats Lodging, and declairs any three a quorum, and to report to morrow at nyne a cloak, and ordered the said Letter to be recorded.
Sic Suprascribitur Anne Regina
Right trustie and right intirely beloved Cousine and Counsellor, Right trustie and Right well beloved Cousine and Councellor, Right trustie and intirely beloved Cousine and Councellor, Right trustie and well beloved Cousins and Councellors, Right trustie and well beloved Councellor, and trustie and well beloved Councellors, Wee Greet yow well, Wheras by the nynteinth Article of the Treatie of Union of the two kingdoms of Scotland and England, which commenses on the first day of May nixt, It is provyded that wee and our Royall Successors may continue a Privie Councill in Scotland for preserveing of publict peace and order Untill the parliament of Great Brittaine Shall think fitt to alter it, or establish any other effectuall methode for that end, And that it is necessary att this tyme, Not only to continue our privie Councell of Scotland, But also to continue other offices and officers, which may Seem upon the commensement of the Union to cease, or to require alteration, Untill further orders, and provision be made theranent after the first of May in competent forme: Therfor wee have thought fitt for the preservation of good order, and better observation of the terms of the Union to authorize and requyre yow to meet after the said first day of May And to continue to Act by vertue of our former Commission as our Privie Counsell in Scotland in all things necessary for these ends, Untill wee Shall otherwayes provyde; And wee doe also heirby Authorize and requyre yow with due Solemnities to publish a proclamation in our name, ordaining that wntill wee Shall otherwayes provyde, All our officers of State, Councellers, Magistrats, and all other officers whatsoever, Doe continue to Act in all things for the ends forsaid, Conforme to ther Commissions formerly granted by ws as Queen of Scotland; For doeing of all which this Shall be to yow, and all others concerned, a Sufficient warrand, And So wee bid yow heartily farwell; Given att our Court at Kensingtoun the twentie fourth day of Apryll Jaj vijc and Sevine, And of our reigne the Sixth year By her Majesties Command Sic Subscribitur Loudoun.

Att Edinburgh the Twentie eight day of Apryll Jaj vijc and Sevine yeirs


Letter: royal

Letter from the Queen Continueing the Councell etc

Letter from the Queens Majestie to the Councell for continueing the Councell, officers of state and other officers till further orders being Read, The Lords of her Majesties privie Councell Doe heirby Nominat and appoynt the Earles of Buchan, Forfar and Glasgow, Viscount of Garnock, Lord Advocat, Mr Francis Montgomrie and Laird Cavers Douglas to be a Committie for considering the said Letter, and matter therein contained, and to prepare a proclamation in the termes thereof, And Recommends to the said Committie to meet this day att six a clock in the afternoon in the Lord Advocats Lodging, and declairs any three a quorum, and to report to morrow at nyne a cloak, and ordered the said Letter to be recorded.
Sic Suprascribitur Anne Regina
Right trustie and right intirely beloved Cousine and Counsellor, Right trustie and Right well beloved Cousine and Councellor, Right trustie and intirely beloved Cousine and Councellor, Right trustie and well beloved Cousins and Councellors, Right trustie and well beloved Councellor, and trustie and well beloved Councellors, Wee Greet yow well, Wheras by the nynteinth Article of the Treatie of Union of the two kingdoms of Scotland and England, which commenses on the first day of May nixt, It is provyded that wee and our Royall Successors may continue a Privie Councill in Scotland for preserveing of publict peace and order Untill the parliament of Great Brittaine Shall think fitt to alter it, or establish any other effectuall methode for that end, And that it is necessary att this tyme, Not only to continue our privie Councell of Scotland, But also to continue other offices and officers, which may Seem upon the commensement of the Union to cease, or to require alteration, Untill further orders, and provision be made theranent after the first of May in competent forme: Therfor wee have thought fitt for the preservation of good order, and better observation of the terms of the Union to authorize and requyre yow to meet after the said first day of May And to continue to Act by vertue of our former Commission as our Privie Counsell in Scotland in all things necessary for these ends, Untill wee Shall otherwayes provyde; And wee doe also heirby Authorize and requyre yow with due Solemnities to publish a proclamation in our name, ordaining that wntill wee Shall otherwayes provyde, All our officers of State, Councellers, Magistrats, and all other officers whatsoever, Doe continue to Act in all things for the ends forsaid, Conforme to ther Commissions formerly granted by ws as Queen of Scotland; For doeing of all which this Shall be to yow, and all others concerned, a Sufficient warrand, And So wee bid yow heartily farwell; Given att our Court at Kensingtoun the twentie fourth day of Apryll Jaj vijc and Sevine, And of our reigne the Sixth year By her Majesties Command Sic Subscribitur Loudoun.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 506-7.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 506-7.