Proclamation, 28 April 1707, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Twentie eight day of Apryll Jaj vijc and Sevine yeirs



Proclamation Dissolving the parliament

Anne by the Grace of God Queen of Great Brittaine, France and Irland defender of the faith To our Lyon King att arms, and his Brethren Heraulds, Meacers of our Privie Councell, Pursevants messengers att arms, our Shirreffs in that pairt Conjunctllie and Severallie Speciallie constitut Greeting, wheras by the Treatie of Union happily concluded and approven in the parliaments of our Kingdoms of Scotland and England respectively, It is provyded that our Saids two Kingdoms Shall wpon the first day of May next and for ever afterwards, Be united into one Kingdome To be called by the name of the Kingdome of Great Brittaine, and by the third article of the said treatie, It is Stipulated that the Said United Kingdome of Great Brittaine be represented by one and the same parliament, to be Styled the parliament of Great Brittaine; And by the twentie Second article of the said Treatie, It is expressly provyded That if wee Shall on or befor the said first day of May next (on which day the Union is to take place) Declaire under the great seall of England that it is expedient the Lords of parliament of England, and Commons of the present parliament of England, Should be the members of the respective houses of the first parliament of Great Brittaine for and on the pairt of England, Then the saids Lords of the parliament of England, and Commons of the present parliament of England, Shall be the members of the respective houses of the first parliament of Great Brittaine, for and on the pairt of England. And farther by ane act past in the Last Session of our Current parliament of this our Kingdome (Entituled ane act Setling the maner of electing the Sixteen peers and fourtie fyve members to represent Scotland in the parliament of great Brittaine) It is provyded that in case wee Should on or befor the said first day of May next, Declaire that it is expedient The Lords and Commons of the present parliament of England, Should be the members of the respective houses of the first parliament of Great Brittaine, That in that case only the Sixteen peers and fourtie fyve Commissioners for Shyres and Burrowgs, who Should be chosen by the peers Barrons and Burghs respectively in the said Last Session of our Current parliament, And out of the members therof in maner therinmentioned, Shall be the members of the respective houses of the first parliament of Great Brittaine for and on the pairt of Scotland; As the said Act received and declaired by ane act of the parliament of England in the fyfth year of our Reigne, to be as valide as if the Same had been pairt of and ingrossed in the Saids articles of Union, Ratified and approven by the respective acts of parliament of both Kingdoms att more length proports. In persueance wherof Sixteen peers and Fourtie fyve Commissioners for Shyres and Burghs wer elected in our Said Last Session of our Current parliament of Scotland, upon the thretteinth day of February Last. And wee being resolved conforme to the said Twentie Second article of the said treatie on or befor the said first day of May nixt To declaire that it is expedient That the Lords of the parliament of England, and Commons of the present parliament of England, Should be the members of the respective houses of the first parliament of Great Brittaine, In which case the Sixteen peers and fourty fyve Commissioners for Shyres and Burrows elected in maner forsaid will be the members of the respective houses of the first parliament of Great Brittaine for and on the pairt of Scotland. And Seeing ther cane be no other parliament within the United Kingdome after the said first day of May next, but the parliament of Great Brittaine; Wherwpon wee have determined to dissolve our present parliament of Scotland, Therfor wee with advyce of the Lords of our privie Councell, Have Dissolved and heirby dissolve our said parliament, and declairs the Same to be dissolved. Our Will is Heirfor and wee charge yow Strictly and Command that in continent thir our Letters Seen ye pass to the mercat Cross of Edinburgh, and to the mercat Crosses of the remanent head Burghs of the of the2 Severall Shyres and Steuartries within this our Kingdome; And ther in our name and authoritie Make 3 publication of this our proclamation, dissolving our said Current parliament, and declairing the Same to be accordingly dissolved; And that wee are resolved to Call and Conveen the forsaid parliament of Great Brittaine in maner abovementioned when wee Shall See cause and Judge expedient; And ordains these presents to be printed and published that non may pretend ignorance, Given wnder our Signet att Edinburgh the Twentie eight day of Apryll, And of our reigne the Sixth year Jaj vijc and Sevine. Sic Subscribitur Glasgow P. Buchan. Findlater. Forfar. Garnock. James Steuart. Robert Dundas F Montgomrie A Douglas. Sa: Mcclellan.

Att Edinburgh the Twentie eight day of Apryll Jaj vijc and Sevine yeirs



Proclamation Dissolving the parliament

Anne by the Grace of God Queen of Great Brittaine, France and Irland defender of the faith To our Lyon King att arms, and his Brethren Heraulds, Meacers of our Privie Councell, Pursevants messengers att arms, our Shirreffs in that pairt Conjunctllie and Severallie Speciallie constitut Greeting, wheras by the Treatie of Union happily concluded and approven in the parliaments of our Kingdoms of Scotland and England respectively, It is provyded that our Saids two Kingdoms Shall wpon the first day of May next and for ever afterwards, Be united into one Kingdome To be called by the name of the Kingdome of Great Brittaine, and by the third article of the said treatie, It is Stipulated that the Said United Kingdome of Great Brittaine be represented by one and the same parliament, to be Styled the parliament of Great Brittaine; And by the twentie Second article of the said Treatie, It is expressly provyded That if wee Shall on or befor the said first day of May next (on which day the Union is to take place) Declaire under the great seall of England that it is expedient the Lords of parliament of England, and Commons of the present parliament of England, Should be the members of the respective houses of the first parliament of Great Brittaine for and on the pairt of England, Then the saids Lords of the parliament of England, and Commons of the present parliament of England, Shall be the members of the respective houses of the first parliament of Great Brittaine, for and on the pairt of England. And farther by ane act past in the Last Session of our Current parliament of this our Kingdome (Entituled ane act Setling the maner of electing the Sixteen peers and fourtie fyve members to represent Scotland in the parliament of great Brittaine) It is provyded that in case wee Should on or befor the said first day of May next, Declaire that it is expedient The Lords and Commons of the present parliament of England, Should be the members of the respective houses of the first parliament of Great Brittaine, That in that case only the Sixteen peers and fourtie fyve Commissioners for Shyres and Burrowgs, who Should be chosen by the peers Barrons and Burghs respectively in the said Last Session of our Current parliament, And out of the members therof in maner therinmentioned, Shall be the members of the respective houses of the first parliament of Great Brittaine for and on the pairt of Scotland; As the said Act received and declaired by ane act of the parliament of England in the fyfth year of our Reigne, to be as valide as if the Same had been pairt of and ingrossed in the Saids articles of Union, Ratified and approven by the respective acts of parliament of both Kingdoms att more length proports. In persueance wherof Sixteen peers and Fourtie fyve Commissioners for Shyres and Burghs wer elected in our Said Last Session of our Current parliament of Scotland, upon the thretteinth day of February Last. And wee being resolved conforme to the said Twentie Second article of the said treatie on or befor the said first day of May nixt To declaire that it is expedient That the Lords of the parliament of England, and Commons of the present parliament of England, Should be the members of the respective houses of the first parliament of Great Brittaine, In which case the Sixteen peers and fourty fyve Commissioners for Shyres and Burrows elected in maner forsaid will be the members of the respective houses of the first parliament of Great Brittaine for and on the pairt of Scotland. And Seeing ther cane be no other parliament within the United Kingdome after the said first day of May next, but the parliament of Great Brittaine; Wherwpon wee have determined to dissolve our present parliament of Scotland, Therfor wee with advyce of the Lords of our privie Councell, Have Dissolved and heirby dissolve our said parliament, and declairs the Same to be dissolved. Our Will is Heirfor and wee charge yow Strictly and Command that in continent thir our Letters Seen ye pass to the mercat Cross of Edinburgh, and to the mercat Crosses of the remanent head Burghs of the of the2 Severall Shyres and Steuartries within this our Kingdome; And ther in our name and authoritie Make 3 publication of this our proclamation, dissolving our said Current parliament, and declairing the Same to be accordingly dissolved; And that wee are resolved to Call and Conveen the forsaid parliament of Great Brittaine in maner abovementioned when wee Shall See cause and Judge expedient; And ordains these presents to be printed and published that non may pretend ignorance, Given wnder our Signet att Edinburgh the Twentie eight day of Apryll, And of our reigne the Sixth year Jaj vijc and Sevine. Sic Subscribitur Glasgow P. Buchan. Findlater. Forfar. Garnock. James Steuart. Robert Dundas F Montgomrie A Douglas. Sa: Mcclellan.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 508-9.

2. Sic.

3. The word ‘intimation’ scored out.

1. NRS, PC1/53, 508-9.

2. Sic.

3. The word ‘intimation’ scored out.