Act, 15 April 1701, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Fyfteinth day of Apryll 1701



Act George Linn anent a silk Manufactorie

Anent the petition given in and presented to the Lords of His Majesties privie Councill by George Lin Merchant in Edinburgh Humbly Shewing That the petitioner being presently to goe out of the Kingdome for Conduceing and Engadgeing Forraigne tradesmen Skilfull and expert in the art of makeing of stuffs made of silk, silk and hair, Worsett and silk and silk and Cotton such as is fitt for men and womens apparall whereby the Countrie may be profitablie and decently served at easie rates if due and suteable encowragements were granted by the saids Lords by Declareing and Erecting the forsaid work into a Manufactorie Conforme to the pouer and authoritie Lodged with their Lordships by the severall Laues and acts of parliament made anent Manufctories And particularly by the tuelth act of the parliament Jajvjc and Eighty seven and seing so good and usefull a work can naither be sett up nor the Charge and expenses of bringing home straingers borne without the said encurragement were granted And therfore Craveing to the effect aftermentioned As the said petition bears The Lords of His Majesties privie Councill haveing considered the above petition given in to them by the said George Lin They heirby Erect the above work of makeing stuffs made of silk, and silk and hair, and silk and Cotton and worsted and silk into a Manufactorie And Declares the same to have all the liberties priviledges and Immunities belonging and granted to any other Manufactory within the Kingdom by the acts of parliament Jaj vjc sixtie one and Jaj vjc and Eightie one years

Att Edinburgh the Fyfteinth day of Apryll 1701



Act George Linn anent a silk Manufactorie

Anent the petition given in and presented to the Lords of His Majesties privie Councill by George Lin Merchant in Edinburgh Humbly Shewing That the petitioner being presently to goe out of the Kingdome for Conduceing and Engadgeing Forraigne tradesmen Skilfull and expert in the art of makeing of stuffs made of silk, silk and hair, Worsett and silk and silk and Cotton such as is fitt for men and womens apparall whereby the Countrie may be profitablie and decently served at easie rates if due and suteable encowragements were granted by the saids Lords by Declareing and Erecting the forsaid work into a Manufactorie Conforme to the pouer and authoritie Lodged with their Lordships by the severall Laues and acts of parliament made anent Manufctories And particularly by the tuelth act of the parliament Jajvjc and Eighty seven and seing so good and usefull a work can naither be sett up nor the Charge and expenses of bringing home straingers borne without the said encurragement were granted And therfore Craveing to the effect aftermentioned As the said petition bears The Lords of His Majesties privie Councill haveing considered the above petition given in to them by the said George Lin They heirby Erect the above work of makeing stuffs made of silk, and silk and hair, and silk and Cotton and worsted and silk into a Manufactorie And Declares the same to have all the liberties priviledges and Immunities belonging and granted to any other Manufactory within the Kingdom by the acts of parliament Jaj vjc sixtie one and Jaj vjc and Eightie one years

1. NRS, PC2/28, 78r-78v.

1. NRS, PC2/28, 78r-78v.