Warrant, 13 February 1705, Edinburgh

Edinburgh 13th February 1705



Warrand appoynting the Lady Bredisholme to use Dilligence upon her Act against her Father in Law

Anent the petition given in and presented to the Lords of her Majesties privie Councill By Lady Bredisholme younger, Shewing That where their Lordships by their Act of the date the Sixteenth day of January last bypast appoynted and Ordained the Soume of Fyfte pounds Sterling money to be payed to their petitioner by James Muirhead of Breadisholme elder and that betwixt and the second day of February instant and appoynted letters of horning to be direct therupon And accordingly their petitioner having charged the said James Muirhead of Braidisholme elder to make payment therof accordingly, who upon the charge received did mean himselfe to the Lords of Councill and Session by ane Suspension, Craving that the saids Lords would Suspend their Lordships Act, and which bill was ordained by the Lord Ordinary on the bills to be seen and answered And in the mean tyme had sisted execution upon their Lordships Act and dilligence following theron, which She humbly and in all Submission to their Lordships conceive cannot be done, but their Lordships of the privie Councill allenerly, and which is ane manifest ryot and indignity done to their Lordships, not only by the said James Muirhead of Braidisholme elder, but also by John Ingles wryter to her Majesties signet, who perswaded him to doe so, and wrote and Subscrybed the forsaid bill as ane double therof in your Lordships hands will testifie, Therfore Craving it might please their Lordships not only to appoynt their Clerks to give her out ane Caption upon the forsaids letters, But also to call for the said James Muirhead, and the said John Inglis wryter to the Signet, who induced and perswaded him to present the forsaid bill of Suspension befor the Lords of Councill and Session therby to prorogat her Starveing condition, and to eleid the payment of the forsaid soume, To appear befor their Lordships and answers for the forsaid Contempt and misdemeanour Committed againest their Lordships of the Councill, and their authority that they might be punished to the terror and example of others to doe the like in tyme comeing, as the said petition bears, The Lords of her Majesties privie Councill having Considered the above petition given in to them by the Lady Braidisholme, And the samen being read in presence, The saids Lords Doe heirby allow the petitioner to goe on in her ordinary course of Dilligence, againest James Muirhead of Braidisholme elder as accords, Notwithstanding of the bill of Suspension presented to the Lords of Councill and Session.

Edinburgh 13th February 1705



Warrand appoynting the Lady Bredisholme to use Dilligence upon her Act against her Father in Law

Anent the petition given in and presented to the Lords of her Majesties privie Councill By Lady Bredisholme younger, Shewing That where their Lordships by their Act of the date the Sixteenth day of January last bypast appoynted and Ordained the Soume of Fyfte pounds Sterling money to be payed to their petitioner by James Muirhead of Breadisholme elder and that betwixt and the second day of February instant and appoynted letters of horning to be direct therupon And accordingly their petitioner having charged the said James Muirhead of Braidisholme elder to make payment therof accordingly, who upon the charge received did mean himselfe to the Lords of Councill and Session by ane Suspension, Craving that the saids Lords would Suspend their Lordships Act, and which bill was ordained by the Lord Ordinary on the bills to be seen and answered And in the mean tyme had sisted execution upon their Lordships Act and dilligence following theron, which She humbly and in all Submission to their Lordships conceive cannot be done, but their Lordships of the privie Councill allenerly, and which is ane manifest ryot and indignity done to their Lordships, not only by the said James Muirhead of Braidisholme elder, but also by John Ingles wryter to her Majesties signet, who perswaded him to doe so, and wrote and Subscrybed the forsaid bill as ane double therof in your Lordships hands will testifie, Therfore Craving it might please their Lordships not only to appoynt their Clerks to give her out ane Caption upon the forsaids letters, But also to call for the said James Muirhead, and the said John Inglis wryter to the Signet, who induced and perswaded him to present the forsaid bill of Suspension befor the Lords of Councill and Session therby to prorogat her Starveing condition, and to eleid the payment of the forsaid soume, To appear befor their Lordships and answers for the forsaid Contempt and misdemeanour Committed againest their Lordships of the Councill, and their authority that they might be punished to the terror and example of others to doe the like in tyme comeing, as the said petition bears, The Lords of her Majesties privie Councill having Considered the above petition given in to them by the Lady Braidisholme, And the samen being read in presence, The saids Lords Doe heirby allow the petitioner to goe on in her ordinary course of Dilligence, againest James Muirhead of Braidisholme elder as accords, Notwithstanding of the bill of Suspension presented to the Lords of Councill and Session.

1. NRS, PC2/28, 365v-366r.

1. NRS, PC2/28, 365v-366r.