Act, 15 April 1701, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Fyfteinth day of Apryll 1701



Act Gavin Plummer and others anent Import some wines

Anent the petition given in to the Lords of His Majesties privie Councill by John and James Marjorybanks William Neilson Archibald Cockburne George Lauson William Dumbar John Baillie Alexander Tait Gavin Plumber for themselves and severall other Merchants in Edinburgh concerned in the Cargo of the Saint Andrew of Leith Shewing that Charles Charters Master of the Saint Andrews of Leith Loaden with Wine and Brandie from Burdeaux bound for this place was stranded at the pole head comeing out of the River of Burdeaux wpon the tuenty sixt of March last old stile and the saids petitioners haveing advyce with this post that most pairt of the Loadning is saved But that the ship is so disabled that she cannot persew the voyage And therefore Humbly Craveing in mainer and to the effect aftermentioned As the said petition bears The Lords of his Majesties privie Councill haveing consdered His petition given in to them by the saids John and James Marjorybanks William Neilson Archibald Cockburne George Lauson William Dumbar John Baillie Alexander Tait Garven Plumber for themselves and severall other Merchants in Edinburgh concerned in the Cargo aboard the saintandrew of Leith with the bills of Loadning and letters produced They Doe Allow and grant warrand to the saids petitioners to Hyre and send a ship to the River of Burdeaux And there Load aboard the number of four Tuns of vinigar and […] peices of Brandie extending to Fourtein Tunn or therby formerly shipped aboard the said Saint Andrew of Leith stranded in the said River And that thretty nyn peices of Brandie extending to ten tunne as pairt of the said Fourty Tunns are Loaded in the said ship the saintandrew Therfore Requyres and ordains the Tacksmen of His majesties customes and Forraigne excise And their substacksmen Collectors Surveyers and waiters and other officers of the Customhouse To Receave ane entrie of the saids four Tunns of vinegar And thretty nyn peices of Brandie extending to ten tune therof By the saids petitioners shipped aboard the said Saint Andrew And that albeit the said ship and Brandie shall aryve after the first day of May next to come The saids petitioners payeing the Customes and other duties used and wont And heirby Discharges all persons whatsomever to trouble or molest them in the execution of the premises

Att Edinburgh the Fyfteinth day of Apryll 1701



Act Gavin Plummer and others anent Import some wines

Anent the petition given in to the Lords of His Majesties privie Councill by John and James Marjorybanks William Neilson Archibald Cockburne George Lauson William Dumbar John Baillie Alexander Tait Gavin Plumber for themselves and severall other Merchants in Edinburgh concerned in the Cargo of the Saint Andrew of Leith Shewing that Charles Charters Master of the Saint Andrews of Leith Loaden with Wine and Brandie from Burdeaux bound for this place was stranded at the pole head comeing out of the River of Burdeaux wpon the tuenty sixt of March last old stile and the saids petitioners haveing advyce with this post that most pairt of the Loadning is saved But that the ship is so disabled that she cannot persew the voyage And therefore Humbly Craveing in mainer and to the effect aftermentioned As the said petition bears The Lords of his Majesties privie Councill haveing consdered His petition given in to them by the saids John and James Marjorybanks William Neilson Archibald Cockburne George Lauson William Dumbar John Baillie Alexander Tait Garven Plumber for themselves and severall other Merchants in Edinburgh concerned in the Cargo aboard the saintandrew of Leith with the bills of Loadning and letters produced They Doe Allow and grant warrand to the saids petitioners to Hyre and send a ship to the River of Burdeaux And there Load aboard the number of four Tuns of vinigar and […] peices of Brandie extending to Fourtein Tunn or therby formerly shipped aboard the said Saint Andrew of Leith stranded in the said River And that thretty nyn peices of Brandie extending to ten tunne as pairt of the said Fourty Tunns are Loaded in the said ship the saintandrew Therfore Requyres and ordains the Tacksmen of His majesties customes and Forraigne excise And their substacksmen Collectors Surveyers and waiters and other officers of the Customhouse To Receave ane entrie of the saids four Tunns of vinegar And thretty nyn peices of Brandie extending to ten tune therof By the saids petitioners shipped aboard the said Saint Andrew And that albeit the said ship and Brandie shall aryve after the first day of May next to come The saids petitioners payeing the Customes and other duties used and wont And heirby Discharges all persons whatsomever to trouble or molest them in the execution of the premises

1. NRS, PC2/28, 80r-80v.

1. NRS, PC2/28, 80r-80v.

Petition, 15 April 1701, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Fyfteinth day of Apryll 1701



Mr David Nicolsons petition refused

The Lords of his Majesties privie Councill Haveing considered the petition given in to them by Mr David Nicolson Laufull sone to the Deceast Doctor John Nicolson late parson of Erroll against a petition given in formerly by Helen Ayton Relict of the Deceast Doctor Aleaxnder Balfour and a petition The said Helen Aytoun by way of ansuer therto They Hereby Adhere to their Interloquitor pronounced by them upon the fourt day of March last by past And have Refused and hereby Refuse the desire of the said Mr David Nicolson his petition And ordains the said act or Interloquitor pronounced upon the said Helen her petition upon the said fourt day of March last bypast to be extracted and given out

Att Edinburgh the Fyfteinth day of Apryll 1701



Mr David Nicolsons petition refused

The Lords of his Majesties privie Councill Haveing considered the petition given in to them by Mr David Nicolson Laufull sone to the Deceast Doctor John Nicolson late parson of Erroll against a petition given in formerly by Helen Ayton Relict of the Deceast Doctor Aleaxnder Balfour and a petition The said Helen Aytoun by way of ansuer therto They Hereby Adhere to their Interloquitor pronounced by them upon the fourt day of March last by past And have Refused and hereby Refuse the desire of the said Mr David Nicolson his petition And ordains the said act or Interloquitor pronounced upon the said Helen her petition upon the said fourt day of March last bypast to be extracted and given out

1. NRS, PC2/28, 79v-80r.

1. NRS, PC2/28, 79v-80r.

Act, 15 April 1701, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Fyfteinth day of Apryll 1701



Act Scot of Giblistoun for Concurrence of the forces against his debitors in Zetland

Anent the petition given in and presented to the Lords of His majesties privie Coucnill By Mr George Scott of Giblistoun late stewart of Oknay Humblie Shewing That where the petitioner being for fyve years Tacksman of His Majesties rents of Orknay and Zetland He Imployed a Chamberlain in Zetland and did take Nivine of Windoues Bruce of Munus Wmphray of Sands and Mitchell of Westshoar Heretors in the Countrie Bound for the Chamberlains Dilligence and faithfullnes And the Chamberlain and his Cautioners haveing keeped up sixtein thousand punds of the Rents payable to the petitioner He was necessitat to raise his oune fortune and pay on the same to the Thesaurie in place therof and prosecuet a tedious and expensive Compt and rakening before the Lords of Session against the Chamberlain and his Cautioners And after the petitioner had obtained Decreits of suspension of the first decreit And Decreit of Adjudication therupon He was Infeft under the great seall and Decreits of Mailes and duties taken against the tennents possessors and Intrometters with the rents of the Lands Adjudged When the petitioner cam to put these dilligences in execution by Messingers at armes and Nottars publict caried from Edinburgh to Zetland of purpose Were openly and Masterfully deforced The Messinger Nottar and their assistants crewelly beat and wounded as ane Instrument of Deforce under the Messinger and Nottars hand and Diverse famours witneses2 produced did testifie and therefore Craveing to the effect aftermentioned As the said petition bears The Lords of His Majesties privie Councill haveing Considered the above petition given into them by the said Mr George Scot Giblistoun with the execution of Deforcement mentioend therin and produced therewith They heirby Give order and warrand to Samuell Maclelland present stewart of Oknay and Zetland and his successors in that office and their deputes and also the Commanding officers of any of his majesties Forces that are or shall happin to be for the time In Orknay and Zetland to give the petitioner and the Messingers at armes and other officars of the Law Imployed by him what concurrence and assistance shall be necessary for putting the petitioners Legall dilligence in execution against the above named persons debitors and tennents and Intrometters of the laws Adjudged by him

Att Edinburgh the Fyfteinth day of Apryll 1701



Act Scot of Giblistoun for Concurrence of the forces against his debitors in Zetland

Anent the petition given in and presented to the Lords of His majesties privie Coucnill By Mr George Scott of Giblistoun late stewart of Oknay Humblie Shewing That where the petitioner being for fyve years Tacksman of His Majesties rents of Orknay and Zetland He Imployed a Chamberlain in Zetland and did take Nivine of Windoues Bruce of Munus Wmphray of Sands and Mitchell of Westshoar Heretors in the Countrie Bound for the Chamberlains Dilligence and faithfullnes And the Chamberlain and his Cautioners haveing keeped up sixtein thousand punds of the Rents payable to the petitioner He was necessitat to raise his oune fortune and pay on the same to the Thesaurie in place therof and prosecuet a tedious and expensive Compt and rakening before the Lords of Session against the Chamberlain and his Cautioners And after the petitioner had obtained Decreits of suspension of the first decreit And Decreit of Adjudication therupon He was Infeft under the great seall and Decreits of Mailes and duties taken against the tennents possessors and Intrometters with the rents of the Lands Adjudged When the petitioner cam to put these dilligences in execution by Messingers at armes and Nottars publict caried from Edinburgh to Zetland of purpose Were openly and Masterfully deforced The Messinger Nottar and their assistants crewelly beat and wounded as ane Instrument of Deforce under the Messinger and Nottars hand and Diverse famours witneses2 produced did testifie and therefore Craveing to the effect aftermentioned As the said petition bears The Lords of His Majesties privie Councill haveing Considered the above petition given into them by the said Mr George Scot Giblistoun with the execution of Deforcement mentioend therin and produced therewith They heirby Give order and warrand to Samuell Maclelland present stewart of Oknay and Zetland and his successors in that office and their deputes and also the Commanding officers of any of his majesties Forces that are or shall happin to be for the time In Orknay and Zetland to give the petitioner and the Messingers at armes and other officars of the Law Imployed by him what concurrence and assistance shall be necessary for putting the petitioners Legall dilligence in execution against the above named persons debitors and tennents and Intrometters of the laws Adjudged by him

1. NRS, PC2/28, 79r-79v.

2. There word ‘Heirwith’ scored out here.

1. NRS, PC2/28, 79r-79v.

2. There word ‘Heirwith’ scored out here.

Warrant, 15 April 1701, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Fyfteinth day of Apryll 1701



Warrant for publishing the Act in favors of the Caird manufactorie at Leith

The Lords of his Majesties privie Councill Doe heirby allow the act of privie Councill In favours of the Caird Manufactorie at Leith dated the thretteinth day of March last to be published at the Mercat Cross of Edinburgh and other places needfull

Att Edinburgh the Fyfteinth day of Apryll 1701



Warrant for publishing the Act in favors of the Caird manufactorie at Leith

The Lords of his Majesties privie Councill Doe heirby allow the act of privie Councill In favours of the Caird Manufactorie at Leith dated the thretteinth day of March last to be published at the Mercat Cross of Edinburgh and other places needfull

1. NRS, PC2/28, 79r-79v.

1. NRS, PC2/28, 79r-79v.

Act, 15 April 1701, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Fyfteinth day of Apryll 1701



Act Mathias Partus and Woolslie Dischargeing summar warrands against them

Anent the petition given in and presented to the Lords of his Majesties privie Councill By Mr Mathias Partus and John Woolslie merchants Humbly Shewing That where for some time past the petitioners have setled themselves in the toun of Annan as a convenient place for sea trade Tho heretofore very litle frequented And therby have brought considerable effects into this Kingdome not only to the Advantage of his Majesties revenew at least tuelve of Fyftein hundreth pounds per annum But also the promoteing of trade and the imployeing of many people to work In this Kingdome and that with very good success But since out of prejudice envy or designe against the petitioners have of late greatly vexed them by obtaining summar warrands for arreisting their persons wpon the pretence of English debts as was not unknowne to their Lordships Which depts they were clear and Just and as for all their Scots debts They hoped they had effects in Scotland for ten times more then the value and seing they being setled residenters in this Kingdome in mainer forsaid might thorrow their Lordships favour Justly acclaim the Comon priviledge of scotsmen not ot be at all troubled by summar warrands for English debts nor yet for scots debts without there be some exraordinary cause for it Therfore Humbly Craveing to the effect aftermentioned As the said petition bears The Lords of His Majesties privie Councill haveing considered the above petition given in to them by the saids Mathias Partus and John Woolslie They Doe heirby ordain that no summar orders be given for areisting the petitioenrs persons wpon bare claims of Debt alledged due by the petitioners to Englishmen and that no such summar orders be given against the saids petitioners even upon any scots debt save by Deliverance of the Lords of privie Councill in presence

Att Edinburgh the Fyfteinth day of Apryll 1701



Act Mathias Partus and Woolslie Dischargeing summar warrands against them

Anent the petition given in and presented to the Lords of his Majesties privie Councill By Mr Mathias Partus and John Woolslie merchants Humbly Shewing That where for some time past the petitioners have setled themselves in the toun of Annan as a convenient place for sea trade Tho heretofore very litle frequented And therby have brought considerable effects into this Kingdome not only to the Advantage of his Majesties revenew at least tuelve of Fyftein hundreth pounds per annum But also the promoteing of trade and the imployeing of many people to work In this Kingdome and that with very good success But since out of prejudice envy or designe against the petitioners have of late greatly vexed them by obtaining summar warrands for arreisting their persons wpon the pretence of English debts as was not unknowne to their Lordships Which depts they were clear and Just and as for all their Scots debts They hoped they had effects in Scotland for ten times more then the value and seing they being setled residenters in this Kingdome in mainer forsaid might thorrow their Lordships favour Justly acclaim the Comon priviledge of scotsmen not ot be at all troubled by summar warrands for English debts nor yet for scots debts without there be some exraordinary cause for it Therfore Humbly Craveing to the effect aftermentioned As the said petition bears The Lords of His Majesties privie Councill haveing considered the above petition given in to them by the saids Mathias Partus and John Woolslie They Doe heirby ordain that no summar orders be given for areisting the petitioenrs persons wpon bare claims of Debt alledged due by the petitioners to Englishmen and that no such summar orders be given against the saids petitioners even upon any scots debt save by Deliverance of the Lords of privie Councill in presence

1. NRS, PC2/28, 78v-79r.

1. NRS, PC2/28, 78v-79r.

Act, 15 April 1701, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Fyfteinth day of Apryll 1701



Act George Linn anent a silk Manufactorie

Anent the petition given in and presented to the Lords of His Majesties privie Councill by George Lin Merchant in Edinburgh Humbly Shewing That the petitioner being presently to goe out of the Kingdome for Conduceing and Engadgeing Forraigne tradesmen Skilfull and expert in the art of makeing of stuffs made of silk, silk and hair, Worsett and silk and silk and Cotton such as is fitt for men and womens apparall whereby the Countrie may be profitablie and decently served at easie rates if due and suteable encowragements were granted by the saids Lords by Declareing and Erecting the forsaid work into a Manufactorie Conforme to the pouer and authoritie Lodged with their Lordships by the severall Laues and acts of parliament made anent Manufctories And particularly by the tuelth act of the parliament Jajvjc and Eighty seven and seing so good and usefull a work can naither be sett up nor the Charge and expenses of bringing home straingers borne without the said encurragement were granted And therfore Craveing to the effect aftermentioned As the said petition bears The Lords of His Majesties privie Councill haveing considered the above petition given in to them by the said George Lin They heirby Erect the above work of makeing stuffs made of silk, and silk and hair, and silk and Cotton and worsted and silk into a Manufactorie And Declares the same to have all the liberties priviledges and Immunities belonging and granted to any other Manufactory within the Kingdom by the acts of parliament Jaj vjc sixtie one and Jaj vjc and Eightie one years

Att Edinburgh the Fyfteinth day of Apryll 1701



Act George Linn anent a silk Manufactorie

Anent the petition given in and presented to the Lords of His Majesties privie Councill by George Lin Merchant in Edinburgh Humbly Shewing That the petitioner being presently to goe out of the Kingdome for Conduceing and Engadgeing Forraigne tradesmen Skilfull and expert in the art of makeing of stuffs made of silk, silk and hair, Worsett and silk and silk and Cotton such as is fitt for men and womens apparall whereby the Countrie may be profitablie and decently served at easie rates if due and suteable encowragements were granted by the saids Lords by Declareing and Erecting the forsaid work into a Manufactorie Conforme to the pouer and authoritie Lodged with their Lordships by the severall Laues and acts of parliament made anent Manufctories And particularly by the tuelth act of the parliament Jajvjc and Eighty seven and seing so good and usefull a work can naither be sett up nor the Charge and expenses of bringing home straingers borne without the said encurragement were granted And therfore Craveing to the effect aftermentioned As the said petition bears The Lords of His Majesties privie Councill haveing considered the above petition given in to them by the said George Lin They heirby Erect the above work of makeing stuffs made of silk, and silk and hair, and silk and Cotton and worsted and silk into a Manufactorie And Declares the same to have all the liberties priviledges and Immunities belonging and granted to any other Manufactory within the Kingdom by the acts of parliament Jaj vjc sixtie one and Jaj vjc and Eightie one years

1. NRS, PC2/28, 78r-78v.

1. NRS, PC2/28, 78r-78v.

Sederunt, 15 April 1701, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Fyfteinth day of Apryll 17011



Lord Chancelor; Earl of Buchan; Earl of Lothian; Earl of Annandale; Viscount Tarbat; Lord Montgomrie; Lord Forbes; Lord President of Session; Lord Advocat; Lord Thesaurer deput; Lord Justice clerk; Lord Aberuchill; Lord Crocerig; Lord Rankeilor; Lord Phesdo; Mr Frances Montgomrie; Laird of Grant; Laird of Steinstoun; Lord provost of Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Fyfteinth day of Apryll 17011



Lord Chancelor; Earl of Buchan; Earl of Lothian; Earl of Annandale; Viscount Tarbat; Lord Montgomrie; Lord Forbes; Lord President of Session; Lord Advocat; Lord Thesaurer deput; Lord Justice clerk; Lord Aberuchill; Lord Crocerig; Lord Rankeilor; Lord Phesdo; Mr Frances Montgomrie; Laird of Grant; Laird of Steinstoun; Lord provost of Edinburgh

1. NRS, PC2/28, 78r.

2. NRS, PC2/28, 78r.

1. NRS, PC2/28, 78r.

2. NRS, PC2/28, 78r.

Warrant, 15 April 1701, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The Fifteenth day of Aprile Jai viic and one years



Warrant for Horning at Ferguslys Instance against The Sub Collectors of the polemoney

The Lords of His majestys privy Councill, do heirby allow their Clerks to give out Letters at the Instance of William Cochran of Fergusly 2 Tacksman of the Late pole laid on by act of parliament against his Collectors of the said pole according to a List of the saids Collectors and the pole Collected and resting by them to be given in and Subscryved by the said William Cochran, and appoints him to give in a List of the Saids Collectors and pole collected and resting by them duely Subscryved by him, to the Saids Clerks of privy Councill, before the saids Letters shall be given out by the Saids Clerks.

Att Edinburgh The Fifteenth day of Aprile Jai viic and one years



Warrant for Horning at Ferguslys Instance against The Sub Collectors of the polemoney

The Lords of His majestys privy Councill, do heirby allow their Clerks to give out Letters at the Instance of William Cochran of Fergusly 2 Tacksman of the Late pole laid on by act of parliament against his Collectors of the said pole according to a List of the saids Collectors and the pole Collected and resting by them to be given in and Subscryved by the said William Cochran, and appoints him to give in a List of the Saids Collectors and pole collected and resting by them duely Subscryved by him, to the Saids Clerks of privy Councill, before the saids Letters shall be given out by the Saids Clerks.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 209.

2. The word ‘against’ scored out here.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 209.

2. The word ‘against’ scored out here.

Sederunt, 15 April 1701, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The Fifteenth day of Aprile Jai viic and one years1



Lord Chancellor; Earl of Buchan; Earl of Lothian; Earl of Annandale; Viscount Tarbat; Lord Montgomry; Lord Forbes; Lord President of Session; Lord Advocat; Lord Thesaurer Deput; Lord Justice Clerk; Lord Aberuchill; Lord Crossrigg; Lord Rankeilor; Lord Phesdoe; Mr Fr: Montgomry; Laird of Grant; Laird of Stevensone; Lord Provost of Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The Fifteenth day of Aprile Jai viic and one years1



Lord Chancellor; Earl of Buchan; Earl of Lothian; Earl of Annandale; Viscount Tarbat; Lord Montgomry; Lord Forbes; Lord President of Session; Lord Advocat; Lord Thesaurer Deput; Lord Justice Clerk; Lord Aberuchill; Lord Crossrigg; Lord Rankeilor; Lord Phesdoe; Mr Fr: Montgomry; Laird of Grant; Laird of Stevensone; Lord Provost of Edinburgh

1. NRS, PC1/52, 209.

2. NRS, PC1/52, 209.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 209.

2. NRS, PC1/52, 209.