Act, 15 April 1701, Edinburgh

Procedure, 30 December 1701, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Fyfteinth day of Apryll 1701



Act Mathias Partus and Woolslie Dischargeing summar warrands against them

Anent the petition given in and presented to the Lords of his Majesties privie Councill By Mr Mathias Partus and John Woolslie merchants Humbly Shewing That where for some time past the petitioners have setled themselves in the toun of Annan as a convenient place for sea trade Tho heretofore very litle frequented And therby have brought considerable effects into this Kingdome not only to the Advantage of his Majesties revenew at least tuelve of Fyftein hundreth pounds per annum But also the promoteing of trade and the imployeing of many people to work In this Kingdome and that with very good success But since out of prejudice envy or designe against the petitioners have of late greatly vexed them by obtaining summar warrands for arreisting their persons wpon the pretence of English debts as was not unknowne to their Lordships Which depts they were clear and Just and as for all their Scots debts They hoped they had effects in Scotland for ten times more then the value and seing they being setled residenters in this Kingdome in mainer forsaid might thorrow their Lordships favour Justly acclaim the Comon priviledge of scotsmen not ot be at all troubled by summar warrands for English debts nor yet for scots debts without there be some exraordinary cause for it Therfore Humbly Craveing to the effect aftermentioned As the said petition bears The Lords of His Majesties privie Councill haveing considered the above petition given in to them by the saids Mathias Partus and John Woolslie They Doe heirby ordain that no summar orders be given for areisting the petitioenrs persons wpon bare claims of Debt alledged due by the petitioners to Englishmen and that no such summar orders be given against the saids petitioners even upon any scots debt save by Deliverance of the Lords of privie Councill in presence

Att Edinburgh the Fyfteinth day of Apryll 1701



Act Mathias Partus and Woolslie Dischargeing summar warrands against them

Anent the petition given in and presented to the Lords of his Majesties privie Councill By Mr Mathias Partus and John Woolslie merchants Humbly Shewing That where for some time past the petitioners have setled themselves in the toun of Annan as a convenient place for sea trade Tho heretofore very litle frequented And therby have brought considerable effects into this Kingdome not only to the Advantage of his Majesties revenew at least tuelve of Fyftein hundreth pounds per annum But also the promoteing of trade and the imployeing of many people to work In this Kingdome and that with very good success But since out of prejudice envy or designe against the petitioners have of late greatly vexed them by obtaining summar warrands for arreisting their persons wpon the pretence of English debts as was not unknowne to their Lordships Which depts they were clear and Just and as for all their Scots debts They hoped they had effects in Scotland for ten times more then the value and seing they being setled residenters in this Kingdome in mainer forsaid might thorrow their Lordships favour Justly acclaim the Comon priviledge of scotsmen not ot be at all troubled by summar warrands for English debts nor yet for scots debts without there be some exraordinary cause for it Therfore Humbly Craveing to the effect aftermentioned As the said petition bears The Lords of His Majesties privie Councill haveing considered the above petition given in to them by the saids Mathias Partus and John Woolslie They Doe heirby ordain that no summar orders be given for areisting the petitioenrs persons wpon bare claims of Debt alledged due by the petitioners to Englishmen and that no such summar orders be given against the saids petitioners even upon any scots debt save by Deliverance of the Lords of privie Councill in presence

1. NRS, PC2/28, 78v-79r.

1. NRS, PC2/28, 78v-79r.