Att Edinburgh The Twentie fourth day of July Jaj viic and one years
Act In favors of the Earle of Orkney’s officers
The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill haveing Considered a Representation made to them be John Whit Levetenant Collonell to his Majesties Royall Regiment of foot Commanded by the Earle of Orkney They hereby Give order and warrant to and appoints and ordaines their Clerks To give to the said Livt Collonell and the other officers of the two Battallions of foot Commanded by the said Earle of Orkney Extracts as they shall be required of his majesties Letter direct to the Councill anent executeing of the saids regiments dated the fifth day of Juny last by past; And the saids Lords Doe hereby appoint Mussleburgh Fisheraw and Prestonpans to be the places for quartering of deserters or recruites to be taken on or seized upon by the saids officers And ordaines the Inhabitants of the respective places to quarter the saids deserters or recruites; The saids officers allways paying for their quarters and ordaines all Magistrats to give assistance to the saids officers in Seizeing and apprehending all deserters who have deserted from the saids two Battallieins, And the Councill Doe hereby Allow the said Livetenent Coll or any others of the officers of the saids two Battallians to Levie men for recruiting the Saids two Battallians; And for that effect Allowes the saids officers to cause Beatt Drums within the burgh of Edinburgh or any other burgh or places within this kingdome And appoints all magistrats and others in power within this kingdom to be assisting to the saids officers in any thing that relates to any volunteers that engadges in his Majesties Service; And Appoints the saids officers to have the benefitt of all persones for detaineing their saids men recruits or deserters free of payment of any house dues The officers allwayes mantaineing the saids prisoners in meat and drink.
1. NRS, PC1/52, 262-3.
1. NRS, PC1/52, 262-3.