Act, 27 February 1701, Edinburgh

Procedure, 30 December 1701, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The tuenty seventh day of February Jai vijc and ane



Act In favours of Mr William Gordon and Sir William Hopes Witnesses

Anent the petition given in and presented to the Lords of His Majesties privie Councill By Alexander Philp horse man Alexander King, James Lothian David Wacker, Thomas Corstorphine James Anderson David Balfour Thomas Keie, John Broun George Miller, William Anderson George Balfour James Broun Thomas Colvill all horse men and Margaret Kay a Horsewoman, Alexander Henderson, James Forgan, Robert Buttercase, John Oswald John Duncan, David Balfor younger, George Russell, Thomas Broun James Anderson Thomas Oliphant, George Steven, Thomas Scott, James Brown, Robert Millar, and James and John Kaes all Footmen Humbly Sheuing That where The petitioners being about thretty in number have now attended these seventein dayes bygone heir att Edinburgh being cited as witneses att Mr William Gordons instance before the saids Lords To the petitioners great loss by reason of their absence from home in tyme of Laubouring and seed tyme whereby their affairs are neglected and they have bein at such expenses in stayeing hear as they had nothing aither to subsist on or to cary them home to their oune houses so that many of them may starve if remeid were not provyded by their Lordships Its Therfore humbly Intreated The saids Lords would consider and Commisserat their caises and Modifie large expenses to be payed by the persewars of the proces before their Lordships for the petitioners Charges of comeing hither, attending so long, and caryeing them back to their houses and Lykwayes for the great loss they have sustained by the Neglect of their Countrie affairs As the said petitione bears The Lords of Her2 Majesties privie Councill haveing considered the above petition given in to them by the above witnesses in the Mutuall proces before their Lordships att the Instance of Mr William Gordon against Sir William Hope et e contra They heirby Decerne and ordain Each partie to content and pay to each witnes Cited and appeared for hon in ther above proces The soumes following viz To each horseman of the saids witnesses sixtein shilling scots per diem and to each Footman of the saids witneses Eight Shilling scots per diem and that from the sixteinth day of February instant to the first day of March nixt to come Inclusive and where any of the saids witneses are cited and examined and examined3 at the instances of both pairties The saids Lords ordains each partie to pay the half of the saids witneses expenses whether Horesemen or Footmen as said is and ordains Letters of Horning on Fyftien dayes and others necessary to be direct heiron in Forme as effeirs

Att Edinburgh The tuenty seventh day of February Jai vijc and ane



Act In favours of Mr William Gordon and Sir William Hopes Witnesses

Anent the petition given in and presented to the Lords of His Majesties privie Councill By Alexander Philp horse man Alexander King, James Lothian David Wacker, Thomas Corstorphine James Anderson David Balfour Thomas Keie, John Broun George Miller, William Anderson George Balfour James Broun Thomas Colvill all horse men and Margaret Kay a Horsewoman, Alexander Henderson, James Forgan, Robert Buttercase, John Oswald John Duncan, David Balfor younger, George Russell, Thomas Broun James Anderson Thomas Oliphant, George Steven, Thomas Scott, James Brown, Robert Millar, and James and John Kaes all Footmen Humbly Sheuing That where The petitioners being about thretty in number have now attended these seventein dayes bygone heir att Edinburgh being cited as witneses att Mr William Gordons instance before the saids Lords To the petitioners great loss by reason of their absence from home in tyme of Laubouring and seed tyme whereby their affairs are neglected and they have bein at such expenses in stayeing hear as they had nothing aither to subsist on or to cary them home to their oune houses so that many of them may starve if remeid were not provyded by their Lordships Its Therfore humbly Intreated The saids Lords would consider and Commisserat their caises and Modifie large expenses to be payed by the persewars of the proces before their Lordships for the petitioners Charges of comeing hither, attending so long, and caryeing them back to their houses and Lykwayes for the great loss they have sustained by the Neglect of their Countrie affairs As the said petitione bears The Lords of Her2 Majesties privie Councill haveing considered the above petition given in to them by the above witnesses in the Mutuall proces before their Lordships att the Instance of Mr William Gordon against Sir William Hope et e contra They heirby Decerne and ordain Each partie to content and pay to each witnes Cited and appeared for hon in ther above proces The soumes following viz To each horseman of the saids witnesses sixtein shilling scots per diem and to each Footman of the saids witneses Eight Shilling scots per diem and that from the sixteinth day of February instant to the first day of March nixt to come Inclusive and where any of the saids witneses are cited and examined and examined3 at the instances of both pairties The saids Lords ordains each partie to pay the half of the saids witneses expenses whether Horesemen or Footmen as said is and ordains Letters of Horning on Fyftien dayes and others necessary to be direct heiron in Forme as effeirs

1. NRS, PC2/28, 39v-40r.

2. Sic.

3. Sic.

1. NRS, PC2/28, 39v-40r.

2. Sic.

3. Sic.