Att Edinburgh The Seventeenth day of Aprile Jaj viic and one years
Act The Earle of Rothes
Anent the Petition given in to the Lords of His majestys privy Councill by John Earle of Rothes for himself and in name of the rest of the Commissioners of Assessment for the Shyre of Fife Shewing That their petitioners being Conveened upon some publict Concern of the Shyre, There were brought in to them Complaints from all hands, Especialy from the poorer and meaner Sort of the Shyre, Complaining greivously of oppressive methods and Severe Exactions by the Collectors of the pole, deputed by the fermorers therof, and particularly that Some were over reached, by a deputation granted to own and Latently recalled, of which the people not being Certiorat did make payment, and So were oblidged to pay over again to a Second person deputed. That they were called from one Corner of the Shyre, To Compear before a Justice of peace in another Corner, off purpose to harass them and Extort more money, altho the Shyre for Conveniency be divided into districts, and it was most reasonable, That the Collector Should have observed the order of the districts, Especialy now in the tyme of Labouring and this occasioned decreets in absence at the humour of the pursuer, and Severe Exactions therupon, That Severalls notwithstanding they hade discharges of the pole and others tho it was notour they hade payed, but hade lost their discharges being minut papers were Conveened and decreeted, or else were forced to Compositions which the poor people are easily brought to, and Severall other particulars Complained upon which were tedious to repeat, and it being Impossible to follow out the ordinar remedies in Law, where the people are poor, and the Charges of the pursute more heavy then the reparations to be acclaimed, Therfore They thought it their duty to lay the caice before their Lordships not having any power or authority to that purpose themselves, That their Lordships might as the most propper and Speediest remedy remitt to a certan number of the Commissioners of assessment or other qualifyed Gentlemen as their Lordships Shall think fitt in every district to take tryall of the matters of Fact above represented and other grounds of Complaint with power to them to Call before them the Fermorers deputs, and lead all probation and to report to their Lordships That their Lordships may provyde Such Remeed as Shall be necessar in such a caice, and for the better and more Speedy dispatch of what Complaints, Their Lordships may appoint Commissioners for the Severall districts or presbetries of the Shyre, And Therfore Humbly Craving to the Effect underwrittin as the Said petition bears. The Lords of His Majestys privy Councill having considered the above petition given in to them by John Earle of Rothes, They heirby Recommend and gives order and warrant to the respective Commissioners of Supply within each of the respective, Four presbetrys of Dumfermling, Kirkaldy, St Andrews and Couper for the bounds therof, to take tryall of the matters of Fact Represented in the said petition and other grounds of Complaint against the Collectors and Sub-collectors of the polemoney Jaj vic nynty three Jaj vic nynty Eight, Jaj vic nynty Five, with power to them with in the said respective bounds, To Call before them the Saids Collectors Sub-Collectors or other deputs, and lead all manner of probation upon the matters of Fact represented in the said bill and other grounds of Complaint that shall be made to them, and appoints the saids Commissioners, to make ther Report to the Councill betwixt and the 22d of July next to come.
1. NRS, PC1/52, 215.
1. NRS, PC1/52, 215.