Act, 17 April 1701, Edinburgh

Procedure, 30 December 1701, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The Seventeenth day of Aprile Jaj viic and one years



Act In favors of George Robertson

Anent the Petition given in to the Lords of His majestys privy Councill by George Robertson merchant in Glasgow Shewing That where he sent Adam Johnston his prentice to Ireland in November last with a litle boat from Gourock to buy bear, and that he accordingly bought the Same in december and put it on board of the Lewis Sloop of Belfast in January which hath ever Since been Stopt by contrary winds, untill that She arrived on Thursday last at Carss dyke, And Seing the Said Adam Johnston hath made faith upon the premises before the Baillies of Glasgow, as his deposition heirwith produced bears. And that the forsaid parcell of bear is only about a Hundred bolls or therby and that the same is arreisted by Blackhouse by vertue of their Lordships Commission, and who also knows the truth of what is here represented, And Therfore Humbly Craving to the Effect aftermentioned, as the said petition bears The Lords of His Majesties Privy Councill having Considered this petition given in to them by the above George Robertsone with his Servants Oath mentioned in and produced therwith, They heirby discharge and Louse the above arreistment laid on by Black house upon the above victuall, and declares the said parcell to be free therof in any Sort.

Att Edinburgh The Seventeenth day of Aprile Jaj viic and one years



Act In favors of George Robertson

Anent the Petition given in to the Lords of His majestys privy Councill by George Robertson merchant in Glasgow Shewing That where he sent Adam Johnston his prentice to Ireland in November last with a litle boat from Gourock to buy bear, and that he accordingly bought the Same in december and put it on board of the Lewis Sloop of Belfast in January which hath ever Since been Stopt by contrary winds, untill that She arrived on Thursday last at Carss dyke, And Seing the Said Adam Johnston hath made faith upon the premises before the Baillies of Glasgow, as his deposition heirwith produced bears. And that the forsaid parcell of bear is only about a Hundred bolls or therby and that the same is arreisted by Blackhouse by vertue of their Lordships Commission, and who also knows the truth of what is here represented, And Therfore Humbly Craving to the Effect aftermentioned, as the said petition bears The Lords of His Majesties Privy Councill having Considered this petition given in to them by the above George Robertsone with his Servants Oath mentioned in and produced therwith, They heirby discharge and Louse the above arreistment laid on by Black house upon the above victuall, and declares the said parcell to be free therof in any Sort.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 211.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 211.