Att Edinburgh 25 September 1701
Act Lord Advocat anent printeing the abridgements as within
Anent the petition Given and presented to the Lords of his majesties privie Counsell by Sir James Steart his majesties advocat showeing That he hath Continued the former Index or abridgement made of the acts of parliament Jaj vjc and eighty one, and all preceeding to the parliaments, and acts thereof since the said year one thousand six hunder and eighty one includeing and digesting the said acts, as much as possible, under the same heads, to the effect that all acts, wpon the Same Subject may be laid to gather for the more advantage, and Therefore He humbly Craves to the effect after mentioned, The Lords of his majeties privie Counsell haveing Considered this petition, given in to them, by the above Sir James Stewart his majesties advocat, they hereby Grant Licence, to the petitioner, and his assignes for printing the within abridgement, as now Continued, that is Includeing the former, with a Continuation thereof, to the last session of parliament Current inclusive and discharges any other person to print vend or sell any other abridgement but that of the said Lord advocats dureing the space of nynteen yeras from the day and date hereof, without his Lordship or assignies ther warrand and Commission, under the pain of seasing wpon, and forefaulteing of the saids abridgements for the use of the said Lord advocat and his assigneyes, and further under the pain of the hundred merks scots, to be payed by the Contraveeners, to the said Lord advocat, or his forsaids besydes the seasure and forefaulter forsaid.
1. NRS, PC2/28, 146v-147r.
1. NRS, PC2/28, 146v-147r.