Att Edinburgh the second day of Apryll 1701
Act William Mirrie Merchant in Edinburgh for entering some Hatts
Anent the petition given in and presented to the Lords of His Majesties privie Councill By William Mirie Merchant in Edinburgh Humblie Shewing That where the petitioner being at London in the Moneths of December and January last Did shipp aboard of James Law skipper his ship on the seventh of February last six Dozon and tuo hatts and whih goods were bought at London the beginning of February last before the petitioner could come to the Knouledge of the act of parliament prohibiting such goods Att which time the petitioner bought and shipped also tuo old Carpets and six peices of stamped Callico as will appear by the Envoy and bill of Loadning shouen to the saids Lords And which goods the Tacksmen refused to enter without their Lordships warrant Therfore Craveing the saids Lords to allow the petitioner ane entrie of this saids goods he being nowayes intentionally a contraveener of the act of parliament And the samen goods being shipped before he could come to the knouledge of the said prochibitory act Especially Being their Lordships did grant the like warrant to James Mitchell Merchant in Edinburgh allowing the entrie of a box of hatts in the said ship As the said petition bears The Lords of His Majesties privie Councill haveing considered the above petitione given in to them by the said William Mirrie They hereby give order and warrand to the Tacksmen of His Majesties Customes their Collectors and Clerks Survyors, Waiters and others officers to allow the petitioner to enter the above six Dozen and tuo hatts and six peices of stamped Calligoe wpon payment of the ordinary and accustomed duties therfore
1. NRS, PC2/28, 77r-77v.
1. NRS, PC2/28, 77r-77v.