Edinburgh 26 September 1701
Act for sequestrating the papers of the Estait of Greigstoune
Anent the petition given in and presented to the Lords of his majesties privie Counsell, by the Friends and Relations of the famely of Greigstoun, Showeing That the crose of the said poor famely desrves the greatest Compassion, In so farr as, ther being two sones and three daughters, the eldest sone Mr John Bonnar, under a deep melancholly, these severall years, is now not Suj Compos, or Capable of any busines and the second sone Robert, is nottourely very weak Likeas Margaret the eldest of the daughters, is become furious and Mary all least fatuus, So that Anna doeth only remain, with any measure of sense, But yet she also hath been induced, in Contemplation of a marriage, to elinate from the said Mr John her eldest brother, a disposition of off the whole Estate to herselfe and David Sinclair whom she purposes to marie, and the aires to be procreat bewixt them, which failzeing to the said David and his aire and assignies whatsomever, and that as is Informed without any reservation whereby this David is Likely to gett the whole Estate whereupon the forsaid unfortunat childeren should subsist, and also to Carie away the fie thereof, There being no probability of any airs of the mariage, all which happens throw the weaknes of the said Mr John, and seing that this Case is most extrordinary and requires some present Remedie which Can only be provyded by the saids Lords of privie Counsell, and Therefore Craveing to the effect after mentioned as the said petition bears, The Lords of his majesties privie Counsell haveing Considered this petition, given in to them, be the saids friends and relations of the family of Greigstoun, They hereby give order, and warrant to the Earle of Rothes, sheriff principall of the shyre of Fyfe within which shyre the saids lands of Gregstoun lyes or to the sheriff deput of the said shyre, to Search for and sequestrat, the papers and writes, of the within Estate of Greigstoun, that may be in the possession of the within Mr John Bonnar, And ordains the saids writes and papers, to remain Sequestrat in the hands of the said sheriff principall or his deputs untill further order and the saids Lords authorizes and requires the saids sheriff principall or his deputs as said is to Sequestrat, and Cause wplift, the rents mailes and duties of the said Estate of Greigstoun, and ordains the saids rents to remain Sequestrat in the hands of the said sheriff principall or his deputs for the behoofe of the within famely, untill the Condition of the said Mr John be tryed, by a breife of Idiotrie or ther Reduction raised on the within disposition be discusst before the Lords of Counsell and session.
1. NRS, PC2/28, 148v-149v.
1. NRS, PC2/28, 148v-149v.