Act, 6 November 1701, Edinburgh

Procedure, 30 December 1701, Edinburgh

Edinburgh the Sixth day of November Jaj viic and one years



Act Allowing Advocats to plead for Allaster More

Anent a petition given in to the Lords of his Majesties privy Councill be Alaster More Mcdonald; Shewing That wher the petitioner hade been upwards of an Twelue moneth prisoner both North and South and for the most part in Irons for alledged robberty and depredationes, and is now sent north to be tryed before the Commissioners of Justiciary at Aberdeen Notwithstanding the fair hopes he hade of a tryall here before the Lord Justice Generall and Commissioners of Justiciary Conforme to the saids Lords of Justiciary their precept and Ordinance upon his application Craveing his Majesties advocat who ordered his Imprisonment in the Tolbooth of Edinburgh might insist within terme of Law Conforme to the late act of parliament, And albeit the saids Lords hade in the interim ordained the petitioner to be transmitted to Aberdeen as said is; yett it is himbly hoped the Saids Lords meaning therby was not that any priviledge Competent to him by the said act of parliament anent undue delayes in trials Should be denyed him, or yet that he should Loss the benefit of the dayes already elapsed Since the date of the Said application; Therfore and Seing the Saids Lords hade been So favorable as to ordaine the trial and Sentance theron to be transmitted to the Saids Lords before any procedure to execution. All that is humbly begg’d by the petitioner Is that in respect Aberdeen is a place wher Such Lawiers as are here as Edinburgh cannot be hade And that the procurators or Lawiers ther may declyne pleading for the petitioner In respect of the power and authority of his adversaries beside that the petitioner his defences can never be manadged without a faithfull interpreter of the Irish as weell on his part as on the accusers part And Therfore humbly Craveing the Saids Lords would be graciously pleased by their delyverance theron To Ordain Adam Gordon Mr Alexander Thomson and Androw Logie or any two of them to plead the petitioners defence and exculpation upon what ever grounds Competent in Law, And Likeways to allow him the Nomination of ane interpreter on his part as well as the pursuers have on their part As the petition bears The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill Haveing Considered the above petition given in to them by Allaster More Mcdonald; They doe hereby Allow the abovenamed Adam Gordon, Mr Alexander Thomson and Androw Logie or any others the petitioner shall Imploy to plead for him in the cause and tryall abovementioned.

Edinburgh the Sixth day of November Jaj viic and one years



Act Allowing Advocats to plead for Allaster More

Anent a petition given in to the Lords of his Majesties privy Councill be Alaster More Mcdonald; Shewing That wher the petitioner hade been upwards of an Twelue moneth prisoner both North and South and for the most part in Irons for alledged robberty and depredationes, and is now sent north to be tryed before the Commissioners of Justiciary at Aberdeen Notwithstanding the fair hopes he hade of a tryall here before the Lord Justice Generall and Commissioners of Justiciary Conforme to the saids Lords of Justiciary their precept and Ordinance upon his application Craveing his Majesties advocat who ordered his Imprisonment in the Tolbooth of Edinburgh might insist within terme of Law Conforme to the late act of parliament, And albeit the saids Lords hade in the interim ordained the petitioner to be transmitted to Aberdeen as said is; yett it is himbly hoped the Saids Lords meaning therby was not that any priviledge Competent to him by the said act of parliament anent undue delayes in trials Should be denyed him, or yet that he should Loss the benefit of the dayes already elapsed Since the date of the Said application; Therfore and Seing the Saids Lords hade been So favorable as to ordaine the trial and Sentance theron to be transmitted to the Saids Lords before any procedure to execution. All that is humbly begg’d by the petitioner Is that in respect Aberdeen is a place wher Such Lawiers as are here as Edinburgh cannot be hade And that the procurators or Lawiers ther may declyne pleading for the petitioner In respect of the power and authority of his adversaries beside that the petitioner his defences can never be manadged without a faithfull interpreter of the Irish as weell on his part as on the accusers part And Therfore humbly Craveing the Saids Lords would be graciously pleased by their delyverance theron To Ordain Adam Gordon Mr Alexander Thomson and Androw Logie or any two of them to plead the petitioners defence and exculpation upon what ever grounds Competent in Law, And Likeways to allow him the Nomination of ane interpreter on his part as well as the pursuers have on their part As the petition bears The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill Haveing Considered the above petition given in to them by Allaster More Mcdonald; They doe hereby Allow the abovenamed Adam Gordon, Mr Alexander Thomson and Androw Logie or any others the petitioner shall Imploy to plead for him in the cause and tryall abovementioned.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 309-10.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 309-10.