Letter: royal, 4 February 1701, Edinburgh

Procedure, 30 December 1701, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The Fourth day of February Jaj viic and One years


Letter: royal

Letter from the King To the Commissioner Requireing him to Repair to London

The Subsequent Letter from the King to the Commissioners was Read and ordered to be Recorded, whereof the tenor follows.
Supra Scribitur William Rex
Right Trusty and Entirely beloved Cousin and Councellor, Wee greet yow well, Wheras Wee think it necessary to Consult with yow about what relates to our Service in this Juncture, Wee do therfore Require yow as soon as a Close is put to this present Session of Parliament, To Repair thither with all convenient dilligence, and Seing Wee think fitt, yow Should continue to Represent our Royall person as our Commissioner, Wee do heirby authorize and Impower yow to bear the Character and act as our Commissioner as Fully and freely in all Respects as yow have done any tyme Since the granting of our Commission for that Effect, and that untill yow come into our presence So wee bid yow heartily farewell, Given at our Court at Hampton Court The Twenty Fifth day of January 1701 and of our Reign the Twelfth year, By his majesties Command sic subscribitur Robert Pringle, directed on the back Thus. To James duke of Queensberry our Commissioner to the Parliament of our antient Kingdom of Scotland.

Att Edinburgh The Fourth day of February Jaj viic and One years


Letter: royal

Letter from the King To the Commissioner Requireing him to Repair to London

The Subsequent Letter from the King to the Commissioners was Read and ordered to be Recorded, whereof the tenor follows.
Supra Scribitur William Rex
Right Trusty and Entirely beloved Cousin and Councellor, Wee greet yow well, Wheras Wee think it necessary to Consult with yow about what relates to our Service in this Juncture, Wee do therfore Require yow as soon as a Close is put to this present Session of Parliament, To Repair thither with all convenient dilligence, and Seing Wee think fitt, yow Should continue to Represent our Royall person as our Commissioner, Wee do heirby authorize and Impower yow to bear the Character and act as our Commissioner as Fully and freely in all Respects as yow have done any tyme Since the granting of our Commission for that Effect, and that untill yow come into our presence So wee bid yow heartily farewell, Given at our Court at Hampton Court The Twenty Fifth day of January 1701 and of our Reign the Twelfth year, By his majesties Command sic subscribitur Robert Pringle, directed on the back Thus. To James duke of Queensberry our Commissioner to the Parliament of our antient Kingdom of Scotland.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 169.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 169.