Proclamation, 23 September 1701(pm), Edinburgh

Procedure, 30 December 1701, Edinburgh

[23 September 1701] Eodem Die Post Meridiem



[Proclamation anent a traitorous paper]

Proclamation anent a traiterous paper Read Voted and approven and appointed to be published the morow wherof the tenor Followes
William by the Grace of God King of great Brittaine France and Ireland defender of the faith; To […] Macers of our privy Councill Messingers at armes our shiriffs in that part Conjunctllie and Severallie Specialy constitute Greeting Forasmuchas Some Malicious and wicked persones have presumed Clandestinly to affix upon the marcat cross of Edinburgh a traiterous paper containeing a declaration of the right and Succession of the Imperiall Crown of this our realme to be devolved upon the death of the late King James on the person of the pretended prince of Wales as only Lawfull Sone to the late King James In detestation to which wicked and treasonable deed; Wee with the advice of the Lords of our privy Councill, Have Ordained the said paper to be burnt solemnly by the hand of the Hangman at the said marcat cross as being most wicked pernicious and rebellious Requyreing and most Strictly Commanding; Likeas Wee with advice forsaid Requyre and most Strictly Command all our good Subjects to doe and use their outmost endeavors for discovering and bring to condigne punishment the authors accessories, and all others Airt and part of the advizeing makeing and affixing of the said wicked paper, as they would not be judged Concealers and not reveilers of the cryme of Lese-Majestie and treason and otherwayes answerable under their highest perill; Lykeas in farder abhorence of the said most wicked and villianous attempt and for the more effectuall discovery of such as may be anywayes the Contrivers advisers authors or abbatters assisters or otherwayes accessory to the makeing or affixing of the forsaid Traiterous paper, Wee with forsaid have thought fitt to offer and assure and hereby offer and assure the soume of Six Thousand pounds Scots money to be given and delyvered to any person whatsoever even though ane accomplice in the said wicked matter; Whom wee hereby indemnifie upon their makeing of the discovery of the other authors therof and accessories therto; So as they may be brought to condigne punishment to be payed to them Immediatly without delay as a due reward of their good Service by the Lords of our Thesaury; Likeas Wee with advice forsaid Doe hereby Requyre and Command the saids Lords of our Thesaury to make punctuall payment to the said discoverer of the forsaid soume of reward Immediatly without all delay as said is Our Will is Heirfore and wee Charge yow Strictly and Command That incontinent these our Letters seen yee pass to the marcat Cross of Edinburgh and ther at in our name and authoritie make publict intimation hereof that non pretend Ignorance And wee ordaine these presents to be printed Given under Our Signet att Edinburgh the twenty third day of September and of our reigne the threteinth year 170i Sic Subscribitur

[23 September 1701] Eodem Die Post Meridiem



[Proclamation anent a traitorous paper]

Proclamation anent a traiterous paper Read Voted and approven and appointed to be published the morow wherof the tenor Followes
William by the Grace of God King of great Brittaine France and Ireland defender of the faith; To […] Macers of our privy Councill Messingers at armes our shiriffs in that part Conjunctllie and Severallie Specialy constitute Greeting Forasmuchas Some Malicious and wicked persones have presumed Clandestinly to affix upon the marcat cross of Edinburgh a traiterous paper containeing a declaration of the right and Succession of the Imperiall Crown of this our realme to be devolved upon the death of the late King James on the person of the pretended prince of Wales as only Lawfull Sone to the late King James In detestation to which wicked and treasonable deed; Wee with the advice of the Lords of our privy Councill, Have Ordained the said paper to be burnt solemnly by the hand of the Hangman at the said marcat cross as being most wicked pernicious and rebellious Requyreing and most Strictly Commanding; Likeas Wee with advice forsaid Requyre and most Strictly Command all our good Subjects to doe and use their outmost endeavors for discovering and bring to condigne punishment the authors accessories, and all others Airt and part of the advizeing makeing and affixing of the said wicked paper, as they would not be judged Concealers and not reveilers of the cryme of Lese-Majestie and treason and otherwayes answerable under their highest perill; Lykeas in farder abhorence of the said most wicked and villianous attempt and for the more effectuall discovery of such as may be anywayes the Contrivers advisers authors or abbatters assisters or otherwayes accessory to the makeing or affixing of the forsaid Traiterous paper, Wee with forsaid have thought fitt to offer and assure and hereby offer and assure the soume of Six Thousand pounds Scots money to be given and delyvered to any person whatsoever even though ane accomplice in the said wicked matter; Whom wee hereby indemnifie upon their makeing of the discovery of the other authors therof and accessories therto; So as they may be brought to condigne punishment to be payed to them Immediatly without delay as a due reward of their good Service by the Lords of our Thesaury; Likeas Wee with advice forsaid Doe hereby Requyre and Command the saids Lords of our Thesaury to make punctuall payment to the said discoverer of the forsaid soume of reward Immediatly without all delay as said is Our Will is Heirfore and wee Charge yow Strictly and Command That incontinent these our Letters seen yee pass to the marcat Cross of Edinburgh and ther at in our name and authoritie make publict intimation hereof that non pretend Ignorance And wee ordaine these presents to be printed Given under Our Signet att Edinburgh the twenty third day of September and of our reigne the threteinth year 170i Sic Subscribitur

1. NRS, PC1/52, 289-91.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 289-91.