Att Edinburgh 25 September 1701
Act for half ane years stipend to Mr James Crocket
Anent the petition given in and presented to the Lords of his majesties privie Counsell by Mr James Crocket Minister att Cappet Showeing that the petitioner being Cited to Compeir before ther Lordships, wpon the twenty thrid instant he did accordingly Compear, and ther Lordships did then ordain him, to desist from preaching, any Longer, in the said Kirk of Capet and to remove him from his manse and Gleib att martimes nixt, and the petitioner haveing srved the Cure att the said Kirk, and attended and visited the sick, within the said parish, all this tyme, till it pleased ther Lordships to Silence him and Therefore Humblie Craveing ther Lordships to the effect under written, as the said petition bears, The Saids Lords haveing Considered the forsaid petition they hereby Recomend to the Lords Commissioners of his majesties Thesaurie to ordain the above halfe years stipend to be payed to the petitioner In maner mentioned in the said petition
1. NRS, PC2/28, 148r.
1. NRS, PC2/28, 148r.