Act, 12 June 1701, Edinburgh

Procedure, 30 December 1701, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The tuelth day of June 1701



Act the divinity Colledge of Saint Andrews anent half ane months Cess in Inglistouns hands

Anent the petition given in and presented to the Lords of His Majesties privie Councill By the professors of the Divinitie Colledge of Saintandrews Humblie Shewing That where wpon application made by the petitioners to the Commission of parliament for visitation of schoolls and Colledges and a Representation therin contained of the state of the said Divinitie Colledge and how the Rents therof were damnified in the oume of Fyve hundreth merks yearly taken off the said Colledge for ane augmention to the Minister of Tinnigham and that all the rents therof did fall very short of the payment of the professors and the other necessary expenses of the said Colledge The said Commission by their act of the date the fourth day of March Jaj vijc Did Recomend to the saids Lords to allow to the said Divinitie Colledg What pairt of the halfmoneths Cess granted to the universite of Saintandrews by the parliament Jaj vjc Eightie one is yet in the hands of Inglistoun Collector therof And seing that by the said Act of parliament The Distribution of the said half moneths Cess is given to the saids Lords which was the ground of the said Representation And that their Lordships have alrady by their act dated the seventh of November Jaj vjc nynty fyve appoynted to the other tuo Colledges their shares and proportiones therof which was in effect more than would have fallen to them had the petitioners intrest at that time bein considerd And therfore Craveing To the effect aftermentioned As the said petition bears The Lords of His majesties privie Councill haveing considered this petition given in to them by the professors of the Divinitie Colledge of Saint Andrews They doe heirby allow the professors of the said halfmoneths Cess yet resting in Hugh Wallace of Inglistounes hand the Collector And Grants warrant to the saids Masters for uplifting and receaveing therof And if need beis to calland persew Inglistoun therfore

Att Edinburgh The tuelth day of June 1701



Act the divinity Colledge of Saint Andrews anent half ane months Cess in Inglistouns hands

Anent the petition given in and presented to the Lords of His Majesties privie Councill By the professors of the Divinitie Colledge of Saintandrews Humblie Shewing That where wpon application made by the petitioners to the Commission of parliament for visitation of schoolls and Colledges and a Representation therin contained of the state of the said Divinitie Colledge and how the Rents therof were damnified in the oume of Fyve hundreth merks yearly taken off the said Colledge for ane augmention to the Minister of Tinnigham and that all the rents therof did fall very short of the payment of the professors and the other necessary expenses of the said Colledge The said Commission by their act of the date the fourth day of March Jaj vijc Did Recomend to the saids Lords to allow to the said Divinitie Colledg What pairt of the halfmoneths Cess granted to the universite of Saintandrews by the parliament Jaj vjc Eightie one is yet in the hands of Inglistoun Collector therof And seing that by the said Act of parliament The Distribution of the said half moneths Cess is given to the saids Lords which was the ground of the said Representation And that their Lordships have alrady by their act dated the seventh of November Jaj vjc nynty fyve appoynted to the other tuo Colledges their shares and proportiones therof which was in effect more than would have fallen to them had the petitioners intrest at that time bein considerd And therfore Craveing To the effect aftermentioned As the said petition bears The Lords of His majesties privie Councill haveing considered this petition given in to them by the professors of the Divinitie Colledge of Saint Andrews They doe heirby allow the professors of the said halfmoneths Cess yet resting in Hugh Wallace of Inglistounes hand the Collector And Grants warrant to the saids Masters for uplifting and receaveing therof And if need beis to calland persew Inglistoun therfore

1. NRS, PC2/28, 87r-87v.

1. NRS, PC2/28, 87r-87v.