Act, 6 November 1701, Edinburgh

Procedure, 30 December 1701, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh 6th November 1701



Act for a Contribution to the persones who suffered by the fyre in the Land mercat

Anent the petition given in and presented to the Lords of his majesties privie Counsell by those who suffered by the late fyre in the land mercat Showeing that it haveing pleased God by the late dreadfull fyre, to Consume their houses and the whole substance, of some of them, so as the petitioners and ther famelies are Reduced to very great streats and are no able to subsist unless some way releived, In Consideration whereof they with all humility apply to the saids Lords of privie Counsell to Interpose ther authority and allowes a Collection for the petitioners releive within the City of Edinburgh and suburbs to be Collected in the way and maner and att such tyme as their magistrats and ministers should juge most Convenient, and Therefore Craveing to the effect after mentioned as the said petition bears, The Lords of his majesties privie Counsell haveing Considered this petition given in to them by the persones who suffered by the late fyre, in the land mercat, of Edinburgh, they hereby recomend, to the Lord provest of Edinburgh, and allow him and the magistrats of the said burgh with adyce of the ministers thereof and such of the neighbours as they shall think fitt to Call to Cause a voluntar Contribution, to be made through the haill burgh of Edinburgh, and Liberties thereof for the releife of the petitioners, to be Collected and gathered wpon such dayes and in such way and maner as they shall think fitt to apoynt, and ordains the haill soume of money thatt shall be Collected and Gathered by the forsaid voluntar Collection to be delivered in and payed to Thomas Fisher Thesaurer to Herriots Hospitall to be by him destribute and given out to such of the saids persones, who suffered by the late fyre by such proportions, as the saids magistrats with advyce forsaid shall think fitt to appoynt

Att Edinburgh 6th November 1701



Act for a Contribution to the persones who suffered by the fyre in the Land mercat

Anent the petition given in and presented to the Lords of his majesties privie Counsell by those who suffered by the late fyre in the land mercat Showeing that it haveing pleased God by the late dreadfull fyre, to Consume their houses and the whole substance, of some of them, so as the petitioners and ther famelies are Reduced to very great streats and are no able to subsist unless some way releived, In Consideration whereof they with all humility apply to the saids Lords of privie Counsell to Interpose ther authority and allowes a Collection for the petitioners releive within the City of Edinburgh and suburbs to be Collected in the way and maner and att such tyme as their magistrats and ministers should juge most Convenient, and Therefore Craveing to the effect after mentioned as the said petition bears, The Lords of his majesties privie Counsell haveing Considered this petition given in to them by the persones who suffered by the late fyre, in the land mercat, of Edinburgh, they hereby recomend, to the Lord provest of Edinburgh, and allow him and the magistrats of the said burgh with adyce of the ministers thereof and such of the neighbours as they shall think fitt to Call to Cause a voluntar Contribution, to be made through the haill burgh of Edinburgh, and Liberties thereof for the releife of the petitioners, to be Collected and gathered wpon such dayes and in such way and maner as they shall think fitt to apoynt, and ordains the haill soume of money thatt shall be Collected and Gathered by the forsaid voluntar Collection to be delivered in and payed to Thomas Fisher Thesaurer to Herriots Hospitall to be by him destribute and given out to such of the saids persones, who suffered by the late fyre by such proportions, as the saids magistrats with advyce forsaid shall think fitt to appoynt

1. NRS, PC2/28, 150r-150v.

1. NRS, PC2/28, 150r-150v.