Edinburgh The Twenty Sixth day of September Jaj viic and one years
Proclamation anent the Staple-port
Proclamation anent the Staple port Read votted approven and Signed and appointed to be published, wherof the tenor followes William by the Grace of God King of France and Ireland defender of the faith To […] macers of our privy Councill, messengers at armes; our Shirriffs in that part, Conjuncttlie and Severallie Specially Greeting; Forasmuchas by a treaty betwixt our Commissioners appointed by us as Marquis of Camphir, And the Commissioners of our toune of Camphir; And the Royall Burrows of this our ancient Kingdome concerning the Continuation and re-establishment of the Staple port of this kingdome within the forsaid toune; The Steple port of this kingdome within the forsaid toune; The Steple port of this kingdom for the Neitherlands is re-established by Contract and Setled at the said toun of Camphir and the said Contract ratified and approven by the Estates of Zeland and the Convention of our Royal Burrows on the one and other parts; And wee being Satisfied that the said Contract is for the advantage of Trade and Comerce of this our ancient kingdom And by long experience it hath been found that the toune of Camphire, Is the most convenient and fitt place to be the Staple port of this our kingdome Have Therfore by a Signatur under our royall hand of the date the twenty day of March One thousand Six hundred Nyntie Nyne Ratified approved and confirmed the Said Contract in its wholl heads clausses and articles And Wee being furder resolved that the same be duely observed by all the Subjects of this our ancient kingdom tradeing to the Unitted Provinces of the Neitherlands, And that all the Standing Lawes and acts of parliament with all other acts of our Councillor Exchequer relateing to the said Staple and acts of Convention of our Royall-burrowes be put to full and vigorous execution for the due and exact observance of the said Steple-port for the futur Did by our former proclamation of the date the Threttie day of the said moneth of March One Thousand Six hundred Nyntie Nyne; Ordaine the Said Staple to be oberved by all our good Subjects in maner amply therin and hereafter expressed And Seing That Notwithstanding of the forsaid establishment of the Staple and proclamation therupon emitted; the Same hath not (as is informed) been duely observed and obeyed; Therfore Wee with the advice of the Lords of our privy Councill Doe hereby Requyre and Command all our Subjects to give due and punctuall obedience to the Lawes and acts of parliament, with all other acts of our privy Councill or Exchequer relateing to the Said Steple and acts of the Convention of our Royal burrows made for the observeing of the Steple port which are all hereby declared to be in full force, And Seing now the forsaid Scots Staple-port is re-established and continued at the said toun of Camphire, Therfore Wee with advice for said prohibit and Discharge all Merchants and Skiper or any other of our Subjects to export furth of this kingdome any goods ware, or Commodities which are or Shall be declared to be Staple-Commodities to any other port or place of the Unitted Provinces of the Neitherlands, but only to the said Staple-port and Town of Camphire in Zeland under the pains and certifications contained in the saids acts of parliament with all other acts of Councill or Exchequer relateing to the said Staple, and acts of Convention of burrows, Which paines and penalties, wee ordaine to be exacted from the transgressors with all rigour, And that they be furder proceeded against As our privy Councill Shall find cause, And wee with advice forsaid doe hereby Requyre the farmers tacksmen or Collectors of our Customes and their Sub Collectors and Surveyors for the time being that they make exact Search and tryall of all Staple-goods and Commodities That Shall be hereafter2 Exported furth of this kingdome; to any part or port of the Unitted Provinces in the Neitherlands, and that they and their Clerks and all the Clerks of Cocquetts take Sufficient Security from the Merchants or Skipers Saillen and transporters of goods to the said Neitherlands; That they shall cary and Liver the same at the said Staple-port of Camphire at no other place nor port within the said Unitted Provinces; and that they shall nor break bulk before their aryveall therat; Conforme to the acts of parliement oblidging the exporters to report Certificats from the Conservator or his deputes at Camphire, bearing that the said Staple-Commodities were livered ther without breaking bulk as they will be answerable to the Lords of our privy Councill theranent And wee doe ordaine the Saids Certificats to be delyvered in quarterly by the Collectors and their Clerks at the Severall ports to the agent of our Royall Burrows or person Commissionat by them in his vice and place for the time, to the end exact dilligence may be done by him against all the transgressors of the said Staple conforme to the Lawes and acts made theranent; And Farder that the said agent or person Commissionat in his vice doe and use exact dilligence in the premisses and give ane exact and particular account thereof to the Lords of our privy Councill, as oft as he shall be by them requyred; Under the pain of Deprivation and such farder paines as they shall think fit to inflict. Our Will is Herefore and wee Charge yow Strictly and Command That incontinent thir our Letters Seen yee pass to the marcat cross of Edinburgh and wholl remanent Royal burrows of this kingdom and other places needfull and therat in our name and authority by open proclamation make publication of the premisses to the effect our Royall Burrowes and all Merchants and other persones may have timeous Notice hereof and give due and punctuall obedience as they will be answerable at their outmost perill; And appoints Coppies to be affixed at the Severall Custome houses and Sea ports of this kingdom That non pretend Ignorance And Ordaines these presents to be printed, Given under our Signet at Edinburgh the Twenty sixth day of September Jaj viic and one years And of our reign the threteinth year. Sic Subscribitur.
1. NRS, PC1/52, 300-2.
2. One illegible word scored out here.
1. NRS, PC1/52, 300-2.
2. One illegible word scored out here.