Att Edinburgh The Fourteenth day of March Jaj viic and one years
Commission To John Alexander of Blackhouse anent Importing Irish victuall
The Commission underwrittin being Read was voted approven and Signed wherof the tenor follows
William by the grace of God King of Great Brittain France and Ireland defender of the faith, To all and Sundry our Leidges whom it Effeirs greeting Forasmuchas The Importing of Irish victuall of any Sort into this Kingdom Is discharged by Severall Lords and acts of parliament under the pains and Certifications therincontained, As also Wee with advice of the Lords of our privy Councill by our proclamation of the date the Sixth day of January last by past in pursuance of the forsaids acts of parliament Have in like manner prohibited and discharged the Importing of any grain or victuall from the Said Kingdom of Ireland from and after the date of the forsaid proclamation under the pains and Certifications Contained in the forsaids acts of parliament. And Wee Considering the best and fittest way for making the Saids acts Effectuall and putting the same to due and vigorous Execution to be, That some person or persons, of vigilance and Fidelity, be Commissioned and Impowered with carefulness, to appoint deputs Servants and others to watch alongst the Sea Coast at such places where the said victuall uses to be Imported, Therfore wee with advice of the Lords of our Privy Councill, do heirby give and grant full power authority and Commission to John Alexander of Blackhouse by himself his deputs and Servants and Such others as he Shall appoint, for whom he is to be answerable to put all Laws acts and proclamations against Importing of Irish Grain or victuall to due and vigorous Execution, and for that Effect to Search for, Sease and apprehend all Irish victuall Imported from Ireland into this Kingdom Since the Sixth day of January last by past, (not allowed off by the Lords of our privy Councill) and that for and within the bounds betwixt the three march Stones at the mouth of Lochryan betwixt Glennap being the march betwixt the Sheriffdoms of Air and Galloway unto the Sound of Mull Inclusive whither on the main or Isles belonging to this Kingdom within the Saids bounds, which victuall So Imported The Said John Alexander of Black house and these Intrusted and Imployed by him are heirby authorized and Required, To Stave Sink and destroy and to Seaze upon and apprehend, and take into their Custody the boats barks and other Vessells, wherin the Said Victuall shall be Imported Which are heirby declared to be Confiscat to be disposed upon at their pleasure for their own use and behove, Together with the half of the Fynes, Imposed upon the Importers Resetters or heretors by the saids acts of parliament, and for the more Effectuall Execution of this our Commission, Wee with advice forsaid grant full power warrant and authority to the Said John Alexander of Blackhouse and his forsaids within the bounds abovementioned, to Seaze all barks passadge boats whither Scottish or Irish, untill the Skippers and owners therof, Find Caution that they Shall not Import Irish Victuall, with power to our Said Commissioner and his forsaids to Search for all boats barks or other Vessells, wherin any Irish victuall may be Suspected to be aboard, in order to be Imported and upon discovery therof, to put the Laws and acts of parlaiment made against Importing victuall from Ireland to all vigorous Execution, and if upon pregnant presumptions our said Commissioner or these Intrusted by him Shall Suspect any persons guilty of Importing Irish victuall into this Kingdom, They are heirby Impowreed and authorized to Conveen any Such person or persons before the nearest magistrats of brugh or Landwart, and to lead all manner of probation against them for Convicting them therof wherupon the Saids magistrats are to give present and ready Justice, and all Sheriffs Stewarts Baillies of Regalities and Barronies and all heretors, are heirby ordered to give their Speedy assistance to our Said Circumstances and this Intrusted by him, whenever they shall be required for the more effectuall Execution heirof, and also the officers of any of our garrisons or troops, shall be oblidged to Concurr, and assist with a pairty of Souldiers as they shall be desyred upon any Extraordinary occasion, and the said John Alexander of Blackhouse and these Intrusted by him are heirby Impowered with Consent of the magistrats of the place conform to and in the terms of the forsaids acts of parliament to Send any person to prison found guilty of Contraveening the Saids Laws and acts of Parliament made against Importing of Irish victuall into this Kingdom, The Saids magistrats being free of the prisoners Charges, and in caice any person or persons shall make open resistance against the said John Alexander and his forsaids or any Called to their assistance, The Said John Alexander and these Intrusted or Imployed by him or giving assistance to them, Shall never be Called in question or pursued therfor Civilly or Criminally in tyme coming, but he and they are heirby fully freed and Indemnifyed therof forever, And Its heirby declared That the Said John Alexander before taking out of this present Commission Shall Find Caution that for every boat of Irish victuall that shall be Imported within the bounds forsaids after the day and date heirof and shall not be Seazed by him or these Intrusted by him, she Shall be lyable to pay to the Receaver of our Crown Rents, The Soume of one Hundered pounds Sterling unless at Least they Seaze upon the men and victuall and Resetters therof within Twenty days after the boat hes made its esckape and give ane account therof to the Lords of our privy Councill which Shall Exoner pro tanto, and for the Said John Alexander his farder Encouradgement wee with advice forsaid allow him, To retain and apply for his own use and behoove the half of the Fynes provided and payable to us by the Laws and acts of Parliament made against Importing of Irish Victuall, and this Commission to Endure and Continue ay and while this present Commission be recalled, Given under our Signet att Edinburgh The forteenth day of March, 1701 Sic Subscribitur Marchmont Cancellar: Lauderdale Leven, Tarbat, Forbes, James Steuart, Adam Cockburne C Campbelle, David Home F Montgomerie.
1. NRS, PC1/52, 195-7.
1. NRS, PC1/52, 195-7.