Eodem Die [13 March 1701] post Merediem
Act The Managers of the Caird Manufactorie of Leith Continueing their priviledges
Anent the petition given in and presented to the Lords of Her Majesties privie Councill by John Hay William Adam and Euin Macgreigor for themselves and their pairtners in the Caird Manufactorie at Leith Shewing That where both by Letters patent under the great seall and severall acts of parliament privie Councill and Exchequer the Caird work at Leith hath bein Erected and established into a Manufactorie with sundrie rights Immunities and priviedges to be enjoyed by them Dureing the time and space therin exprest and by experience it being found that the forsaid Manufactorie is both necessary and usefull to the Nation and hath allwayes bein specially countenanced and taken care of by the Government wpon that account and aught now much more to be preserved, mantained and Incurraged when under all the dificulties and discurragemetns they have met with They have attained to that prefection in makeing of Cairds That their sufficencie is found and plainly attested by all the Manufactories in the Kingdome that make use of Wooll and Tow Ciards As Certificats shouen to the saids Lords hes testified Lykeas if the priviledges and Immunities heirofore enjoyed by them under their Lordships Countenance and favour They can make cairds in such quantities that they are weell able to serve and furnish the whole Kingdome albeit they doe not pretend to the priviledge and hindering and discourageing any other Caird Manufactories to be sett up within the Kingdome And besyds all this tho at first the saids petitiones brought home workmen from abroad with great Charges Yet now they Imploy only scotsmen of their oune breeding and at some times maintained near ane hundreth Families at this work which if it should be suffered to decay would be in hazard of starveing and be in ruine And seeing by severall acts of parliament And particularly by the tuelth act of the parliament Jaj vjc Eightie seven Their Lordships are Impouered and authorized not only to erect Manufactories But Lykewayes to Declare works already sett up to be Manufactories and to grant in thair favours the severall rights priviledges and Immunities provyded by the severall acts of parliament made theranent And Therfore Humbly Supplicating The saids Lords would be pleased to continue and Declare the saids petitioners and their pairtners to be ane Manufactorie And to grant them and their successors in the said Caird works at Leith all priviledges, rights, Liberties, and Immunitiy granted and provuded in favours of this Manufactorie for the space of nyntein years next after the date heirof or such space as the said Lords shall think fitt As the said petition bears Which petition being read in presence of the saids Lords shall think fitt As the said petition bears Which petition being read in presence of the saids Lords They wpon the tuenty fyft day of Febrwary last Nominated and ppoynted some of their oune number to be a Committie to meet and consdier and sett doun rules anent Manufactoriess and the regulating therof in time comeing Which Committtee haveing upon the tuelth day of March instant met and haveing seen the patent under the great seall for the Caird Manufactorie at Leith Togither with the acts of Councill and Exchequer And also Certificats from severall of the Cheiff Manufactories of this Nation hes by the Import of old and Furbished Cairds And haveing considered the petition given in by the said Caird Manufactorie to the Secret Councill It is the Committies opinion that the act of Exhcequer of the Fiftein of July Jaj vjc Eightie one years Which relates especially to the prohibition of Importing old and Furbished Cairds be Renewed and extended to all time comeing That being both for the Advantage of the Nation and conforme to the act of parliament of the date the tuenty nynth of September Jaj vjc sixtie three years As Also that their former priviledges of Freedom from Custom and duties as to the goods Imported for the use of their Manufactorie be restricted to wyer Imported for their use allennarly and as to wyer That it be extended for all tyme comeing and this but prejudice to any other of the Leidges to set up Caird Manufactories at their pleasure and with the same priviledges As the said Report subscrvyed by the said Committie Extant in proces bears Which Report being this day read In presence of the saids Lords of His Majesties privie Councill And they haveing at length considered the same They Have Approven and heirby Approves of the said Report And have appoynted this act to be extended in the termes therof
1. NRS, PC2/28, 72r-73r.
1. NRS, PC2/28, 72r-73r.