Att Edinburgh The Twenty one day of March Jaj viic and one years
Report Sir Gilbert Eliot anent the Talliduce
Sir Gilbert Eliot having Reported the answer he Receaved from the Duke of Hamilton and Marques of Tweeddale anent the Coppies of the Talliduce anent Caledonia, and the Councill not being Satisfied therwith They ordered a macer of privy Councill furthwith, to go and shew the Saids Two Noblemen, That the Councill Required them to attend the board Instantly, And the Lord Marques having come to attend the Councill, The Lords Recommended to the Earle of Leven, Lord Advocat and Lord Thesaurer deput To go out and Speak with the said Lord Marques which being done, The Lord Advocat Reported to the Councill That the Marques hade Engadged to deliver his Coppy to Sir Gilbert Eliot Clerk to the Privy Councill, wherupon the Councill gave order to the said Sir Gilbert to go out and acquaint the said Marques, That the Councill Expected the Said Coppy Should be delivered into their said Clerk this day betwixt and Two of the Clock in the afternoon which was done by the said Sir Gilbert Eliot accordingly, And His Grace The Duke of Hamilton having Compeared, To attend the Councill, and the Saids three privy Councellors having gone out To Speak with the Duke They returned their Report that the Duke hade Said to them he gott the paper from a person whose face he never did See before, and that he did not understand the paper, but when he hade looked the same throw, and finding it wrong in the names he did Cast it by him, And upon his word of Honour declares he did not give or Send the Said Coppy to any person whatsomever, But declares he Shall Examine his Servants, if they or any of them have taken up the Same, and make what furder search he can for finding the said Coppy, and if and how soon he can fall upon the same he shall give it in to the Clerks of privy Councill which Report being made to the Councill, They dismissed the said Duke.
1. NRS, PC1/52, 202.
1. NRS, PC1/52, 202.