Act, 25 March 1701, Edinburgh

Procedure, 30 December 1701, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The Twenty Fifth day of March Jaj viic and one years



Act Rot Wood Engraver

Anent the Petition given in to the Lords of His Majestys privy Councill by Robert Wood Engraver therto Subscriving, Shewing That their Lordships petitioner being Imployed by Mr John Thomson to cutt the Coppy of a French Talliduce, Called Europa, with Two Columns of noblemens names, according to the first Skaitch written with Mr Thomsons own hand, given by the petitioner to my Lord Polwarth on Friday last, which the petitioner agreed to doe as other plates for a certan Soume, answerable to the pains and pryce of the Copper, He came therafter and would have Two other Columns with Severall names of Barrons and Burgesses with ane Emblem or Hierogliphie, which the petitioner hade no knowledge off, and refused to go any further Length in it. Upon which the said Mr Thomson and Auchmouty took away the plate and keeped it four days, and returned the plate with the words Engraven, within the Two Laurrells and many names of the Barrons which Mr Thomson and Auchmouty declared they were done by James Clerk Cutter to His Majestys mint, after which the petitioner wrought it without any knowledge to give offence even as he cutt a Specie book to Mr Brown Author of the Rotula, The design of which he knew not at this tyme, whereupon their petitioner being Informed their Lordships were making Inquiry into the said matter, he voluntarly appeared before their Lordships and gave ingeniously all the account of the said matter, Consistent with his Knowledge and Seing the petitioner is ane Engraver to his trade and knew nothing of any design which could find any of their Lordships but publictly and bona fide, did Engrave the said plate in pursuance of His Employment for Earning of his bread and that he is not in a Condition to maintain himself in prison, And Therfore Humbly Craving to the Effect underwritting as the said petition bears The Lords of His Majestys privy Councill having Considered this petition given in to them by the above Robert Wood They do heirby Recommend to Sir James Stewart His Majestys Advocat To Examine the petitioner anent the Copper plate mentioned in the petition, And do heirby give full power and authority to the said Lord Advocat to sett the petitioner at Liberty if his Lordship thinks fitt The petitioner first giving Bond and finding Sufficient Caution acted in the books of privy Councill or their Committee or Committy’s or the Lords Commissioners of His majestys Justiciary whensoever he shall be called or Required thereto, under the penalty of Fyve Hundered merks Scots in caice the said petitioner shall Failzie or transgress in any part of the premises.

Att Edinburgh The Twenty Fifth day of March Jaj viic and one years



Act Rot Wood Engraver

Anent the Petition given in to the Lords of His Majestys privy Councill by Robert Wood Engraver therto Subscriving, Shewing That their Lordships petitioner being Imployed by Mr John Thomson to cutt the Coppy of a French Talliduce, Called Europa, with Two Columns of noblemens names, according to the first Skaitch written with Mr Thomsons own hand, given by the petitioner to my Lord Polwarth on Friday last, which the petitioner agreed to doe as other plates for a certan Soume, answerable to the pains and pryce of the Copper, He came therafter and would have Two other Columns with Severall names of Barrons and Burgesses with ane Emblem or Hierogliphie, which the petitioner hade no knowledge off, and refused to go any further Length in it. Upon which the said Mr Thomson and Auchmouty took away the plate and keeped it four days, and returned the plate with the words Engraven, within the Two Laurrells and many names of the Barrons which Mr Thomson and Auchmouty declared they were done by James Clerk Cutter to His Majestys mint, after which the petitioner wrought it without any knowledge to give offence even as he cutt a Specie book to Mr Brown Author of the Rotula, The design of which he knew not at this tyme, whereupon their petitioner being Informed their Lordships were making Inquiry into the said matter, he voluntarly appeared before their Lordships and gave ingeniously all the account of the said matter, Consistent with his Knowledge and Seing the petitioner is ane Engraver to his trade and knew nothing of any design which could find any of their Lordships but publictly and bona fide, did Engrave the said plate in pursuance of His Employment for Earning of his bread and that he is not in a Condition to maintain himself in prison, And Therfore Humbly Craving to the Effect underwritting as the said petition bears The Lords of His Majestys privy Councill having Considered this petition given in to them by the above Robert Wood They do heirby Recommend to Sir James Stewart His Majestys Advocat To Examine the petitioner anent the Copper plate mentioned in the petition, And do heirby give full power and authority to the said Lord Advocat to sett the petitioner at Liberty if his Lordship thinks fitt The petitioner first giving Bond and finding Sufficient Caution acted in the books of privy Councill or their Committee or Committy’s or the Lords Commissioners of His majestys Justiciary whensoever he shall be called or Required thereto, under the penalty of Fyve Hundered merks Scots in caice the said petitioner shall Failzie or transgress in any part of the premises.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 204-5.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 204-5.