Act, 4 February 1701, Edinburgh

Procedure, 30 December 1701, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The Fourth day of February Jaj viic and One years



Act Liberating Henry Paine

Anent the Petition given in to His majesties high Commissioner and the Lords of His majesties privy Councill by Henry Paine Englishman prisoner in the Castle of Stirling, Shewing That more then Ten years miserable Imprisonment within this Kingdom hade brought their petitioner to old age and Extream poverty accompanied with frequent Sicknes and many other afflicitions that are the Constant attendants of both Hade their petitioner in the whole course of his lyfe been Injurious to the nation in generall or any person of it in particular he wold neither Consent to perish then desire Compassion or help from their Lordships mercy or Justice Knowing it wold be the highest Impudence to Seek it, But Seing he is not Conscious of any such guilt, he Therfore Humbly begged in manner and to the Effect underwritten as the said petition bears. His Majesties high Commsisioner and the Lords of his Majesties privy Councill having Considered this petition given in to them by the within Henry Payne, They heirby Recommend to the Earle of Mar Governour of the Castle of Stirling, and in his absence gives order and Warrant to the nixt Commanding officer there, To Sett the petitioner at liberty furth of the said Castle, for which This shall be to all Concerned a Sufficient Warrant.

Att Edinburgh The Fourth day of February Jaj viic and One years



Act Liberating Henry Paine

Anent the Petition given in to His majesties high Commissioner and the Lords of His majesties privy Councill by Henry Paine Englishman prisoner in the Castle of Stirling, Shewing That more then Ten years miserable Imprisonment within this Kingdom hade brought their petitioner to old age and Extream poverty accompanied with frequent Sicknes and many other afflicitions that are the Constant attendants of both Hade their petitioner in the whole course of his lyfe been Injurious to the nation in generall or any person of it in particular he wold neither Consent to perish then desire Compassion or help from their Lordships mercy or Justice Knowing it wold be the highest Impudence to Seek it, But Seing he is not Conscious of any such guilt, he Therfore Humbly begged in manner and to the Effect underwritten as the said petition bears. His Majesties high Commsisioner and the Lords of his Majesties privy Councill having Considered this petition given in to them by the within Henry Payne, They heirby Recommend to the Earle of Mar Governour of the Castle of Stirling, and in his absence gives order and Warrant to the nixt Commanding officer there, To Sett the petitioner at liberty furth of the said Castle, for which This shall be to all Concerned a Sufficient Warrant.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 169-70.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 169-70.