Letter: royal, 22 July 1701, Edinburgh

Procedure, 30 December 1701, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The Twentie two day of July Jaj viic and one years


Letter: royal

Letter from the King for transporting two Battallions of foot Commanded by the Earl of Orkney to Holland

Letter from the King to the Councill acquainting them That his Majesties too Battalions of foot Commanded by the Earle of Orkney are to be transported from Ireland to Holland and declareing his majesties will and pleasure; That upon application to be made by the officers of the saids Regiments The Councill give encouradgment and assistance by allowing them to beat drums and takeing such other methods for Levieing men as are usueall Giveing allwayes Speciall orders Read and ordered to be Recorded Wherof the tenor followes.
Sic Supra Scribitur William Rex
Right Trustie and Right weell beloved Cousin and Councillor; Right trustie and intirely beloved Cousin and Councillor Right trustie and well beloved Cousin and Councillors, Right trustie and weell beloved Councellors and trustie and well beloved Councillors Wee Greet yow weell Wheras wee have thought fitt for our service to order our two Battalions of foott Commanded by the Earle of Orkney to be transported from Ireland to Holland; And their being a Considerable number of men wanted for Compleating the saids Battallions; And some officers being to repair to that our kingdome for raiseing these men. It is our will and pleasure; That upon their application yow give them all due encouradgment and assistance Allowing them to beatt drums and take such other methods of Levieing men as are usuall and legall in such occasiones Giveing allwayes Speciall orders for preventing all Disorders and abuses in makeing the saids Levies, so wee bid yow heartily farewell Given at our Court at Kensingtoune the 5th day of June 170i and of our rigne the 13th year By his Majesties Command Sic Subscribitur Carmicheall.

Att Edinburgh The Twentie two day of July Jaj viic and one years


Letter: royal

Letter from the King for transporting two Battallions of foot Commanded by the Earl of Orkney to Holland

Letter from the King to the Councill acquainting them That his Majesties too Battalions of foot Commanded by the Earle of Orkney are to be transported from Ireland to Holland and declareing his majesties will and pleasure; That upon application to be made by the officers of the saids Regiments The Councill give encouradgment and assistance by allowing them to beat drums and takeing such other methods for Levieing men as are usueall Giveing allwayes Speciall orders Read and ordered to be Recorded Wherof the tenor followes.
Sic Supra Scribitur William Rex
Right Trustie and Right weell beloved Cousin and Councillor; Right trustie and intirely beloved Cousin and Councillor Right trustie and well beloved Cousin and Councillors, Right trustie and weell beloved Councellors and trustie and well beloved Councillors Wee Greet yow weell Wheras wee have thought fitt for our service to order our two Battalions of foott Commanded by the Earle of Orkney to be transported from Ireland to Holland; And their being a Considerable number of men wanted for Compleating the saids Battallions; And some officers being to repair to that our kingdome for raiseing these men. It is our will and pleasure; That upon their application yow give them all due encouradgment and assistance Allowing them to beatt drums and take such other methods of Levieing men as are usuall and legall in such occasiones Giveing allwayes Speciall orders for preventing all Disorders and abuses in makeing the saids Levies, so wee bid yow heartily farewell Given at our Court at Kensingtoune the 5th day of June 170i and of our rigne the 13th year By his Majesties Command Sic Subscribitur Carmicheall.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 257-8.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 257-8.