Procedure, 25 March 1701, Edinburgh

Procedure, 30 December 1701, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The Twenty Fifth day of March Jaj viic and one years



Committee anent John Weir prisoner in Edinburgh tolbooth

Sir James Stewart His Majesties Advocat having represented to the Lords of His Majestys Privy Councill, That John Weir who is Imprisoned for false Coyn and […] hes made severall discoveries of Robbery and other Crymes, and Craves to be reprived being Sentenced to dy on Friday next, The saids Lords do heirby Remitt to the Committee appointed anent the Copper plate about Scotland and some members of parliament to Call for and Examine the said John Weir, and to consider the discoveries already made by him, and heirby adds the Earles of Lauderdale and Annandale to be upon the forsaid Committee, and continues the quorum as formerly.

Att Edinburgh The Twenty Fifth day of March Jaj viic and one years



Committee anent John Weir prisoner in Edinburgh tolbooth

Sir James Stewart His Majesties Advocat having represented to the Lords of His Majestys Privy Councill, That John Weir who is Imprisoned for false Coyn and […] hes made severall discoveries of Robbery and other Crymes, and Craves to be reprived being Sentenced to dy on Friday next, The saids Lords do heirby Remitt to the Committee appointed anent the Copper plate about Scotland and some members of parliament to Call for and Examine the said John Weir, and to consider the discoveries already made by him, and heirby adds the Earles of Lauderdale and Annandale to be upon the forsaid Committee, and continues the quorum as formerly.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 204.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 204.