Att Edinburgh The Tenth day of July Jaj viic and one years
Recommendation To the Thesaurie In favors of Hall of Munkrig
Anent a petition given in to the Lords of his Majesties privy Councill be Alexander Hall of Munkrig Shewing That wher the petitioner being informed by some rogues That the petitioner apprehended in the English side That John Weir under Sentence of death was able to make discoveries of a sett and Gange of Theeves and Robbers who Made their trade to steall from Scotland and carie their goods to England And to Steall from that againe and to bring in to Scotland And to Committ robberies and villanies in both kingdomes The petitioner came from England to this and upon ane petition given in be the petitioner The saids Lords procured ane reprive to the said John to the effect that the said John might not only have time to make discoveries; Bot that the petitioner might have time to seize these discovered In prosecution wherof the petitioner hade not only discovered a great many rogues; Bot as Likewayes Seized Seaveralls of them by Warrand; And hade also Seized severall horsses which was Stollen The doeing wherof has not only occasioned the petitioners attendance for the space of ane moneth or therby But has also put the petitioner to a great deall of Charge and expence by Imploying people to goe to Severall Corners in the Countrey for Seizeing both men and horss And that tho their be very great discoveries made and severalls seized as was weell knowen to some of the saids Lords number yet if the matter were not farder prosecute all yet done would not root out the Gange and that the petitioner would not be able to bear the expence already depursed And what would be furder requyred to make the matter effectuall Unless the saids Lords provided Some way for reimbursment therof and what the petitioner hade already expended and for provideing the petitioner of money for doeing of what was yet to be done The petitioner was in formed be one William Pringle in […] Regiment That the Sett of rogues who find that they are like to be discovered were way laying the petitioners and have some of ther oun dayly at Edinburgh to gett nottice when the petitioner was to goe home with ane designe to Murdeir the petitioner That their villanies might not come to be 2 detected which they see the petitioner was in a fair way to doe And Therfore Humbly Craveing the saids Lords would take such methods as they should think fitt both for reimburseing the petitioner of the expences he had been at gratifieing him for his paines and trouble; And enabling him for prosecuteing the discovery and apprehending of such as were not discovered or apprehended as also to call the said William Pringle before the saids Lords and to examine him upon what he knew of the designe of assassinating the petitioner Seing he discovers the thing to the petitioner yet he refused to tell what they were or how he came to know it As the petition bears The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill haveing Considered a petition given in to them be Alexander Hall of Munkrig They hereby Remitt the samen to the Comittie Already appointed upon the petition formerly given in be the said petitioner upon the nynteinth day of June last And the saids Lords doe hereby Recommend to the said Committie to examine […] Barley and […] Armstrong prisoners for thift and as robbers and theives and to examine […] Pringle anent what he knowes of the designe to assassinat the said Alexander Hall and who the persones Concerned in that Combination are And the Councill Have added and hereby adds the Marques of Annandale to be upon the former Committie formerly appointed upon the forsaid bill; And the said Committie haveing accordingly mett And the 3 Marquess of Annandale haveing this day verbally Reported to the Lords of his Majesties privy Councill from the Committie appointed upon the petition given in be Alexander Hall of Munkridge That petitioner has been at Considerable expensses And made Considerable discoveries of Stealling of horsses both in England and Scotland; And that the said petitioner is but in a mean caice And that it is the Committies oppinion That he be Recommended to thesaurie For Twenty fyve pounds Sterling; And the saids Lords haveing Considered the said verball report They have Recommended and hereby Recommends to the Lords Commissioners of his Majesties Thesaurie to cause payment be made to the said Alexander Hall of Munkridge of the said Soume of Twenty fyve pounds Sterling for repairing him of a part of the expences depursed by him in seeking and finding out the robbers and horss steallers.
1. NRS, PC1/52, 249-51.
2. One illegible word scored out here.
3. The word ‘Earl’ scored out here.
1. NRS, PC1/52, 249-51.
2. One illegible word scored out here.
3. The word ‘Earl’ scored out here.