Act, 15 July 1701, Edinburgh

Procedure, 30 December 1701, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The Fyfetin day of Jully One thousand Sivenhundred and on years



Act In favours of the Lady Cardross anent ane vacant stipend

Anent The petitione Given in and presented To the right honourable The Lord Chancellor and Lords of his majesties Privie counsell Be Catharine Lady Cardross Sheueth that wher the deceast Heny Lord Cardross the petitioners husband uas undoubted patrone of the paroches and kirks of Port and Kippen haveing destinated the vaccant stippands of the said paroches conforme to the laues and acts of parliament therannent And Granted commissione and factorie to James Campbell of Kerinoch to uplift the vaccant stippant of the said parroch of Port during the vaccancie therof to be uplifted for the uses forsaid as the said factorie of the dait the Eight day of September one thousand Sixhundred and nynty tuo yeares more fully beares To uhich factory the said James Campbell by the ordour and express consent of the said Henry Lord Cardross assigned Robert Grahame in Shanaquhill uith pouer to him to uplift the said vaccant stippend in stead of the said James Campbell as the assignatione of the dait the tenth and Tuentie seventh2 dayes of aprile one thousand sixhundred and nynty three years bears and the said Henry Lord Cardross haveing Lykeuayes impoured Mr Uilliam Leckie of Descheorss to uplift the vaccand stippands of the said Kirk of Kippen for the said uses for the cropts one thousand sixhundred and nynty and One tho if and sixhundred and nynty one to be applyed for repairing of the said church and Bridge in the said paroch conforme to the mortificatione and comissione therannent of the dait the thirtine day of October One thousand sixhundred and nynty three yeares And the said Robert Grahame and Mr Uilliam Leckey be uilling to compt uith the petitionar petitionar as factrix appointed by the Lords of Sessione For uplifting the rents of the estate of Cardross concerning the applicatione of the said vaccant Stippand for the uses Forsaid upon the petitionares Granting discharges to them after compt and reckning uhich the petitionar is uilling3 to doe uithout the Lords of his majesties privie counsell authority By Granting uarrand to the petitioner for that effect as also the petitionar being informed that ther is some pairt of the vaccand Stippand of the said paroch of Kippen since the cropts one thousand sixhunred and nynty and one thousand sixhundred and nynty one yeares uhich is not payable and still in the hands of the persones lyable in payment therof And therfor Craveing that the Lords of his majesties privie councill might be pleased to Grant uarrand to the petitionar to compt and Recken uith the said Robert Grahame and Mr Uilliam Leckie and to discharge them upon their instructing that uhat is disbursed by them of their Collectione is appleyed for pious uses in the termes of the Commissiones abovementioned and that the money yet in their hands may be appleyed for the uses forsaid att the petitionares sight and directione As also to impoure the petitionar to Grant ane Commisione to […] to uplift so much of the vaccand stippand of the said paroch of Kypen as is yet in the hands of the persones Lyable in payment therof and to applye the same for pious uses in the termes of the act of parliament and to ordaine letters of horning to be raised att the petitioneres instance. against the said factores and other persones Lyable in payment of the said vaccant stipends The Lords of his majesties privie councill Haveing considered the petitione Given in to them upon the day and dait of thir presents Be the said petitionar, They Doe heirby grant uarrand to the petitionar to Call the above mentioned Robert Grahame and Mr Uilliam Leckey to ane accompt and Reckoning of the writtine vaccant stippands and to discharge them upon their instructing that uhat is disbursed by them of their collectione uas applyed for pious uses in the termes of the commissiones mentioned in the Bill and alloues the money yet in their hands to be applyed for the uses specified in the bill att sight and directione of the said petitionar and the saids Lords of his majesties privie councill Doe heirby Impoure the said petitionar to Grant commission to Uilliam Cunninghame of Boquhane factor to uplift so much as the vaccand Stippand of the paroch of Kippen as is yet in the hands of the persones lyable in payment therof and to applye the same for pious uses in the termes of the act of parliament And ordaines lettares of horning to be raised att the instance of the sad petitionar and the said factor against the persones lyable in payment of the said vaccant stippands conforme to the decreit of Locality upon Fifetine dayes in forme as effires and letters att the instance of the said petitionar against the saids factores upon their respective Bands for makeing them compt and Reckone for uhat they hade intromitted uith and uplifted of the saids vaccant Stippands

Att Edinburgh The Fyfetin day of Jully One thousand Sivenhundred and on years



Act In favours of the Lady Cardross anent ane vacant stipend

Anent The petitione Given in and presented To the right honourable The Lord Chancellor and Lords of his majesties Privie counsell Be Catharine Lady Cardross Sheueth that wher the deceast Heny Lord Cardross the petitioners husband uas undoubted patrone of the paroches and kirks of Port and Kippen haveing destinated the vaccant stippands of the said paroches conforme to the laues and acts of parliament therannent And Granted commissione and factorie to James Campbell of Kerinoch to uplift the vaccant stippant of the said parroch of Port during the vaccancie therof to be uplifted for the uses forsaid as the said factorie of the dait the Eight day of September one thousand Sixhundred and nynty tuo yeares more fully beares To uhich factory the said James Campbell by the ordour and express consent of the said Henry Lord Cardross assigned Robert Grahame in Shanaquhill uith pouer to him to uplift the said vaccant stippend in stead of the said James Campbell as the assignatione of the dait the tenth and Tuentie seventh2 dayes of aprile one thousand sixhundred and nynty three years bears and the said Henry Lord Cardross haveing Lykeuayes impoured Mr Uilliam Leckie of Descheorss to uplift the vaccand stippands of the said Kirk of Kippen for the said uses for the cropts one thousand sixhundred and nynty and One tho if and sixhundred and nynty one to be applyed for repairing of the said church and Bridge in the said paroch conforme to the mortificatione and comissione therannent of the dait the thirtine day of October One thousand sixhundred and nynty three yeares And the said Robert Grahame and Mr Uilliam Leckey be uilling to compt uith the petitionar petitionar as factrix appointed by the Lords of Sessione For uplifting the rents of the estate of Cardross concerning the applicatione of the said vaccant Stippand for the uses Forsaid upon the petitionares Granting discharges to them after compt and reckning uhich the petitionar is uilling3 to doe uithout the Lords of his majesties privie counsell authority By Granting uarrand to the petitioner for that effect as also the petitionar being informed that ther is some pairt of the vaccand Stippand of the said paroch of Kippen since the cropts one thousand sixhunred and nynty and one thousand sixhundred and nynty one yeares uhich is not payable and still in the hands of the persones lyable in payment therof And therfor Craveing that the Lords of his majesties privie councill might be pleased to Grant uarrand to the petitionar to compt and Recken uith the said Robert Grahame and Mr Uilliam Leckie and to discharge them upon their instructing that uhat is disbursed by them of their Collectione is appleyed for pious uses in the termes of the Commissiones abovementioned and that the money yet in their hands may be appleyed for the uses forsaid att the petitionares sight and directione As also to impoure the petitionar to Grant ane Commisione to […] to uplift so much of the vaccand stippand of the said paroch of Kypen as is yet in the hands of the persones Lyable in payment therof and to applye the same for pious uses in the termes of the act of parliament and to ordaine letters of horning to be raised att the petitioneres instance. against the said factores and other persones Lyable in payment of the said vaccant stipends The Lords of his majesties privie councill Haveing considered the petitione Given in to them upon the day and dait of thir presents Be the said petitionar, They Doe heirby grant uarrand to the petitionar to Call the above mentioned Robert Grahame and Mr Uilliam Leckey to ane accompt and Reckoning of the writtine vaccant stippands and to discharge them upon their instructing that uhat is disbursed by them of their collectione uas applyed for pious uses in the termes of the commissiones mentioned in the Bill and alloues the money yet in their hands to be applyed for the uses specified in the bill att sight and directione of the said petitionar and the saids Lords of his majesties privie councill Doe heirby Impoure the said petitionar to Grant commission to Uilliam Cunninghame of Boquhane factor to uplift so much as the vaccand Stippand of the paroch of Kippen as is yet in the hands of the persones lyable in payment therof and to applye the same for pious uses in the termes of the act of parliament And ordaines lettares of horning to be raised att the instance of the sad petitionar and the said factor against the persones lyable in payment of the said vaccant stippands conforme to the decreit of Locality upon Fifetine dayes in forme as effires and letters att the instance of the said petitionar against the saids factores upon their respective Bands for makeing them compt and Reckone for uhat they hade intromitted uith and uplifted of the saids vaccant Stippands

1. NRS, PC2/28, 113r-114r.

2. The word ‘Tuentie’ has been corrected from an earlier word, while ‘seventh’ is an insertion.

3. Sic. Recte ‘unwilling’.

1. NRS, PC2/28, 113r-114r.

2. The word ‘Tuentie’ has been corrected from an earlier word, while ‘seventh’ is an insertion.

3. Sic. Recte ‘unwilling’.