Act, 13 March 1701, Edinburgh

Procedure, 30 December 1701, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the thretteinth day of March 1701



Act Captain Drummond continuing the Advyseing the cause Byres against him till the first of June

Anent the petition given in to the Lords of His2 Majesties privie Councill By Captain William Drummond Humbly Shewing Wheras in the action persewed by James Byres Merchant in Edinburgh against the petitioner before the saids Lords He did represent severall provocationes and maletreatments given by him to the petitioner wherupon The saids Lords were pleased to allow the petitioner ane Reconvention against him which is raised And the Materiall witneses therto ab initio being some of them at Blackhall and some at Greenock upwards of Fyftie myles of therby from this place and the petitioner being cited wpon the tenth to Compear the eleventh instant and so straitned with time Therfore Craveing the saids Lords to Delay the receveeing of any Report of Advyseing of Mr Byres his probation for such a compitent time as the petitioner might get his witnesses also adduced Epsecially considering there is one witnes that hes already Deponed wpon the provocations and Maltreatments before the Baillies who is now gone out of toun As the said petition bears The Lords of His Majesties privie Councill haveing Considered this above petition given in to them by the above Captain Drummond They heirby Allow the petitioner to raise a Reconvention against the first Councill day in June next And continues the Advyseing the probation in James Byres his proces untill the said day

Att Edinburgh the thretteinth day of March 1701



Act Captain Drummond continuing the Advyseing the cause Byres against him till the first of June

Anent the petition given in to the Lords of His2 Majesties privie Councill By Captain William Drummond Humbly Shewing Wheras in the action persewed by James Byres Merchant in Edinburgh against the petitioner before the saids Lords He did represent severall provocationes and maletreatments given by him to the petitioner wherupon The saids Lords were pleased to allow the petitioner ane Reconvention against him which is raised And the Materiall witneses therto ab initio being some of them at Blackhall and some at Greenock upwards of Fyftie myles of therby from this place and the petitioner being cited wpon the tenth to Compear the eleventh instant and so straitned with time Therfore Craveing the saids Lords to Delay the receveeing of any Report of Advyseing of Mr Byres his probation for such a compitent time as the petitioner might get his witnesses also adduced Epsecially considering there is one witnes that hes already Deponed wpon the provocations and Maltreatments before the Baillies who is now gone out of toun As the said petition bears The Lords of His Majesties privie Councill haveing Considered this above petition given in to them by the above Captain Drummond They heirby Allow the petitioner to raise a Reconvention against the first Councill day in June next And continues the Advyseing the probation in James Byres his proces untill the said day

1. NRS, PC2/28, 68v-69r.

2. Corrected from ‘Her’.

1. NRS, PC2/28, 68v-69r.

2. Corrected from ‘Her’.