Act, 10 June 1701, Edinburgh

Procedure, 30 December 1701, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh the Tenth day of June Jaj viic and one years



Act Repriveing John Weir to the 19 Juny

Anent the petition given in to the Lords of his Majesties privy Councill by John Weir prisoner in the Tolbooth of Edinburgh Shewing That wher the Saids Lords poor petitioner being under the Sentance of Death to die tomorrow If the saids Lords in pitie Compassion and mercie to him prevented not the Samen by changing the sentance pronunced against him from death to Banishment The saids Lords might remember by the petitioners Last reprive the petitioner could expect no furder favor from the saids Lords except from the discoveries that the petitioner made to the saids Lords could appear to be reall and that the petitioner could find the evidences against Such as the petitioner told the saids Lords were guilty of the crymes of theift Roberie or false Coyne or be assisting in getting any Such persones apprehended And this the petitioner have performed with all the care and dilligence and faith fullness that the petitioner think any in his Circumstances could be able to doe; And the saids Lords might beleive that the petitioner would not So desemble with the Saids Lords as either to tell that which the petitioner know not to be truth or to conceall any thing the discoveries wherof would aither please the saids Lords or be a kyndnes to the Country, And since the petitioners Last repriveall ther was Severall persones come to the knowledge of goods that was Stollen from them some of which is and would be given again and the value of the rest either in goods or money and that in a short time the persones being able in whose custody the Same are; as also Some persones have been apprehended; and that by the information that the petitioner gave anent particularly Andrew How of Panells who the petitioner hears was prisoner in the Tolbooth of Glasgow and if he had the instruments and false Coyne that were taken in his house and upon his person were once before the saids Lords The petitioner hoped his ingenuity would appear and if the saids Lords were pleased to Change his Sentance from Death to Banishment and in the mean while to detain him prisoner for such time as the saids Lords should think fitt that the petitioner may be more assisting in getting Such persones apprehended and Convict as may be greatly for the satisfaction of the saids Lords and the good of the Countrey And Therfore Humbly Craveing the Saids Lords would consider the premisses and in pity and Compassion of the petitioner, his poor wife, and Child But especially in mercy to the petitioners Soul (the petitioner being So unfitt for death) to change the Sentance of death pronunced against the petitioner to Banishment had in the mean while to order the petitioner to continue in prison dureing the Saids Lords pleasure that the petitioner might be instrumentall of getting rogues discovered apprehended and convicted which will be both Satisfieing to the saids Lords and profitable to the Countrey As the petition bears The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill haveing Considered the above petition given in to them by the above John Weir They here by Repryve the petitioner from the sentance of death pronunced against him by the Lords of his Majesties Justiciary untill Thursday eight dayes being the Nynteinth day of June instant inclussive And ordaines the Magistrats of Edinburgh to See the Said Sentance put to execution against the said John Weir petitioner upon Frayday eight dayes being the Twenty day of the said moneth without all farder delay or repryve Sic Subscribitur Mar P Leven, Montgomry Boyle, James Stewart John Maxwell C Campbell James Murray David Home

Att Edinburgh the Tenth day of June Jaj viic and one years



Act Repriveing John Weir to the 19 Juny

Anent the petition given in to the Lords of his Majesties privy Councill by John Weir prisoner in the Tolbooth of Edinburgh Shewing That wher the Saids Lords poor petitioner being under the Sentance of Death to die tomorrow If the saids Lords in pitie Compassion and mercie to him prevented not the Samen by changing the sentance pronunced against him from death to Banishment The saids Lords might remember by the petitioners Last reprive the petitioner could expect no furder favor from the saids Lords except from the discoveries that the petitioner made to the saids Lords could appear to be reall and that the petitioner could find the evidences against Such as the petitioner told the saids Lords were guilty of the crymes of theift Roberie or false Coyne or be assisting in getting any Such persones apprehended And this the petitioner have performed with all the care and dilligence and faith fullness that the petitioner think any in his Circumstances could be able to doe; And the saids Lords might beleive that the petitioner would not So desemble with the Saids Lords as either to tell that which the petitioner know not to be truth or to conceall any thing the discoveries wherof would aither please the saids Lords or be a kyndnes to the Country, And since the petitioners Last repriveall ther was Severall persones come to the knowledge of goods that was Stollen from them some of which is and would be given again and the value of the rest either in goods or money and that in a short time the persones being able in whose custody the Same are; as also Some persones have been apprehended; and that by the information that the petitioner gave anent particularly Andrew How of Panells who the petitioner hears was prisoner in the Tolbooth of Glasgow and if he had the instruments and false Coyne that were taken in his house and upon his person were once before the saids Lords The petitioner hoped his ingenuity would appear and if the saids Lords were pleased to Change his Sentance from Death to Banishment and in the mean while to detain him prisoner for such time as the saids Lords should think fitt that the petitioner may be more assisting in getting Such persones apprehended and Convict as may be greatly for the satisfaction of the saids Lords and the good of the Countrey And Therfore Humbly Craveing the Saids Lords would consider the premisses and in pity and Compassion of the petitioner, his poor wife, and Child But especially in mercy to the petitioners Soul (the petitioner being So unfitt for death) to change the Sentance of death pronunced against the petitioner to Banishment had in the mean while to order the petitioner to continue in prison dureing the Saids Lords pleasure that the petitioner might be instrumentall of getting rogues discovered apprehended and convicted which will be both Satisfieing to the saids Lords and profitable to the Countrey As the petition bears The Lords of his Majesties privy Councill haveing Considered the above petition given in to them by the above John Weir They here by Repryve the petitioner from the sentance of death pronunced against him by the Lords of his Majesties Justiciary untill Thursday eight dayes being the Nynteinth day of June instant inclussive And ordaines the Magistrats of Edinburgh to See the Said Sentance put to execution against the said John Weir petitioner upon Frayday eight dayes being the Twenty day of the said moneth without all farder delay or repryve Sic Subscribitur Mar P Leven, Montgomry Boyle, James Stewart John Maxwell C Campbell James Murray David Home

1. NRS, PC1/52, 229-31.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 229-31.