Att Edinburgh the Twenty fourth of November Jaj viic and one years
Letter: royal
Letter from his Majestie In answer to the Councill Adress
Followes his Majesties Letter in answer to the forsaid adress
Sic Supra Scribitur William Rex
Right Trusty and right weell beloved Cousin and Councillor Right Trusty and intirely beloved Cousins and2 Councillors, Right trusty and right well beloved Cousins and Councillors Right trusty and well beloved Councillors and trusty and well beloved Councillors, Wee greet yow well; Your adress has been presented by our Secretaries; and as it is most acceptable to us to have the reiterated assurances of your Loyaltie and affection to our person and government So it is more especially now in this extraordinary Junctur when the French King has offered Such ane indignity to us and our people by owning the pretended prince of Wales as King of our dominions of Scotland England and Ireland; Wee Doe Ther fore Returne yow our hearty thanks for what yow have done upon this Occasion And wee doe assur yow of our Royall protection and concurrance in the promitting of what may be for the true intrest and advantadge of the Subjects of that our ancient kingdome. Wee have also great Satisfaction in the other dutifull and Loyall adresses which wee have received from our other Subjects which will be more particularly, Signified to them by our Secretaries by our Command; And Wee are Sensible Nothing will more effectually disappoint the bad designes of our and their enemies Then that it does appear That our Subjects are firme in their Loyalty and affection to Us; And that ther is a fixt and muttuall confidence betwixt Us and our people Which wee will take care to preserve by mantaineing and promotting all their religious and Civill concernes And not doubting of your care in what may be necessary for the Support of our Government and quiet of our people; Wee bid yow heartily farewell Given at our Court at Hamtoune Court the Eighteinth day of November i70i and of our reigne the 13th year. By his Majesties Command Sic Subscribitur Seafield.
1. NRS, PC1/52, 319-320.
2. The phrase ‘Cousins and’ is an insertion.
1. NRS, PC1/52, 319-320.
2. The phrase ‘Cousins and’ is an insertion.