Order, 11 February 1701, Edinburgh

Procedure, 30 December 1701, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The Eleventh day of Febrwary one thousand seven hundreth and one years



Recommendation to the Theasurie in favours of the servants in Exchequer

Anent a petition given in To His Majesties high Commissioner and Lords of privie Councill by the servants in Excheqwer Shewing That by the freqwent meetings of the last sessions of parliament the ordinary meitings of Theasurie and Exchequer were postponed By which the petitioners (notwithstanding of their constant attendance) were frustrated the usewall casuallties that acress to them in tyme of session which (under God) is a great mean of the subsistance of themselves and their Families In consideration wherof The parliament (To whom the petitioners meined themselves) were inclyned (as usual) To give them a Recomendation to the Lords of Thesaury for some small gratification in Liew therof But the parliament being adjurned before the samen was granted Therfore Craveing to the effect aftermentioned as the said petition bears His Grace his majesties high Commissioner and Lords of privie Councill haveing considered the above petition given in to them by the saids servants of Excheqwer They heirby Recomend to the Lords Commissioners of His majesties Theasury to grant such a small gratification upon consideration of what is above represented as their Lordships shall think fitt

Att Edinburgh The Eleventh day of Febrwary one thousand seven hundreth and one years



Recommendation to the Theasurie in favours of the servants in Exchequer

Anent a petition given in To His Majesties high Commissioner and Lords of privie Councill by the servants in Excheqwer Shewing That by the freqwent meetings of the last sessions of parliament the ordinary meitings of Theasurie and Exchequer were postponed By which the petitioners (notwithstanding of their constant attendance) were frustrated the usewall casuallties that acress to them in tyme of session which (under God) is a great mean of the subsistance of themselves and their Families In consideration wherof The parliament (To whom the petitioners meined themselves) were inclyned (as usual) To give them a Recomendation to the Lords of Thesaury for some small gratification in Liew therof But the parliament being adjurned before the samen was granted Therfore Craveing to the effect aftermentioned as the said petition bears His Grace his majesties high Commissioner and Lords of privie Councill haveing considered the above petition given in to them by the saids servants of Excheqwer They heirby Recomend to the Lords Commissioners of His majesties Theasury to grant such a small gratification upon consideration of what is above represented as their Lordships shall think fitt

1. NRS, PC2/28, 31v.

1. NRS, PC2/28, 31v.