Act, 4 February 1701, Edinburgh

Procedure, 30 December 1701, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The Fourth day of February Jaj viic and One years



Act Taking off Hugh Patersons Confynement

Anent The Petition given in to his Grace, His majesties High Commissioner, and The Honourable Lords of His majesties privy Councill by Hugh Patersone Chirurgeon Appothecary in Edinburgh, Humbly Shewing That in obedience to their Lordships Sentence appointing their petitioner to Remove Ten Myles from Edinburgh, Immediatly betook himself to the Countrey, and hes Exactly observed the distance of his forsaid Confynement with all peaceableness and Submission now for Seventh Moneths bypast, during which tyme he hes so far lost the Exercise of his Employment The Patients who were his Customers being oblidged to provyde themselves otherways, That his family Suffers Exceedingly therby and are lyke to be obnoxius to greater Inconveniencies, unless their Lordships Be graciously pleased to free their Petitioner from his forsaid Confynement, and allow him to Return to Edinburgh for the Exercise of his Employment and provide his family of what may be necessary for their Support, and humbly begged their Lordships, might the rather Consider and Compassionat his Condition, That the Continuance of this Sentence upon a person of his Condition and Imployment wold amount to litle less, then a forfalture, at least will make him So detitute and desolat of Imployment and Bussines as for many years to come, he Shall not be able to provide bread to his family by his Imployment, Which he Spent much of his Stock to breed and qualify himself for. And Therfore Humbly Craveing in manner and to the Effect aftermentioned as the said petition bears. His Majesties High Commissioner and Lords of His Majesties privy Councill having Considered this petition given in to them by the above Hugh Patersone, They heirby take off the above Sentence of Confynement pronunced against the said petitioner, and declares him quite thereof, and free therfrae in all tyme comeing, and allows him to Return to the City of Edinburgh and to follow the Exercise of his Imployment, as Chirurgeon apothecary for the necessar Support of his family.

Att Edinburgh The Fourth day of February Jaj viic and One years



Act Taking off Hugh Patersons Confynement

Anent The Petition given in to his Grace, His majesties High Commissioner, and The Honourable Lords of His majesties privy Councill by Hugh Patersone Chirurgeon Appothecary in Edinburgh, Humbly Shewing That in obedience to their Lordships Sentence appointing their petitioner to Remove Ten Myles from Edinburgh, Immediatly betook himself to the Countrey, and hes Exactly observed the distance of his forsaid Confynement with all peaceableness and Submission now for Seventh Moneths bypast, during which tyme he hes so far lost the Exercise of his Employment The Patients who were his Customers being oblidged to provyde themselves otherways, That his family Suffers Exceedingly therby and are lyke to be obnoxius to greater Inconveniencies, unless their Lordships Be graciously pleased to free their Petitioner from his forsaid Confynement, and allow him to Return to Edinburgh for the Exercise of his Employment and provide his family of what may be necessary for their Support, and humbly begged their Lordships, might the rather Consider and Compassionat his Condition, That the Continuance of this Sentence upon a person of his Condition and Imployment wold amount to litle less, then a forfalture, at least will make him So detitute and desolat of Imployment and Bussines as for many years to come, he Shall not be able to provide bread to his family by his Imployment, Which he Spent much of his Stock to breed and qualify himself for. And Therfore Humbly Craveing in manner and to the Effect aftermentioned as the said petition bears. His Majesties High Commissioner and Lords of His Majesties privy Councill having Considered this petition given in to them by the above Hugh Patersone, They heirby take off the above Sentence of Confynement pronunced against the said petitioner, and declares him quite thereof, and free therfrae in all tyme comeing, and allows him to Return to the City of Edinburgh and to follow the Exercise of his Imployment, as Chirurgeon apothecary for the necessar Support of his family.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 170-1.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 170-1.