Procedure, 2 August 1701, Edinburgh

Procedure, 30 December 1701, Edinburgh

Att Edinburgh The Fifth day of August Jaj viic and one years Ante meridiem



The Earle of Southerland received a privy Councillor

The Earle of Southerland who by his Majesties Letter to the Councill Last Sederunt Is appointed to be received a privy Councillor being present this day and haveing Sworn the oath of alledgance and Signed the same with the assurance and association And the Lord high Chancelor haveing administrat to him the oath de fideli his Lordship was received a privy Councillor in the termes of his Majesties Letter and took his place at the board accordingly.

Att Edinburgh The Fifth day of August Jaj viic and one years Ante meridiem



The Earle of Southerland received a privy Councillor

The Earle of Southerland who by his Majesties Letter to the Councill Last Sederunt Is appointed to be received a privy Councillor being present this day and haveing Sworn the oath of alledgance and Signed the same with the assurance and association And the Lord high Chancelor haveing administrat to him the oath de fideli his Lordship was received a privy Councillor in the termes of his Majesties Letter and took his place at the board accordingly.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 275.

1. NRS, PC1/52, 275.