Att Edinburgh the fourt day of March 1701
Act for ane Contribution for ane Harbour at Eymouth
Anent the petition given in and presented to the Lords of His Majesties privie Councill By Sir John Home of Blacader and Sir John Swintoun of that ilk for themselves and in name and behalf of the remanent Commissioners of Supplie and other Heretors within the Shyre of Berwick Shewing That where The port and harbour of Eymouth would be the only harbour and convenient port betwixt Leith and Humbarmouth in Yorkshyre fitt for the shelter of vessells in Distress saileing North or south as also the Daptnes of water would be more there then at Leith And so more capable to receive greater vessells as a Certificat under severall Skippers, pillots and seaments hands produced did Instruct if there were a safe harbour or peir built there Thorrow want wherof there hath been many shipps taken within sight of the port by privateirs Which might have Escaped if they durst have attempted to have sought the harbour as also severall shipps and boats who pairtly by storme and pairtly by privateirs have been forced in thither have perished in the very mouth of the harbour for want of a peer or head there Lykewayes many shipps after a long voyage haveing aryved at the mouth of the Firth and ther meett with strong westerly winds have bein again Forced back to sea and for many dayes after have not bein able to reach the Firth But have bein driven to Norway and other remote places to their great Loss so that thorow these inconveniencies The shyres of Berwick and Roxburgh are Necessitat to Furnish themselves with the greatest pairt of their most usefull Comodities from Berwick, Neucastle and other touns in England wherby the mony is exported which would be prevented if there were a safe and convenient harbour at that port as also It would tend much to the advancement of Trade and the bettering of His Majesties Customes. And in respect the building such a safe and sufficient port Doeth requyre a very considerable soume of mony and that Contributions at the Church doors are ordinarly but inconsiderable and that this is a matter of great Importance and concerne to the whole Nation Therfore Craveing that the Lordships would have bein pleased to consider the premises and therupon to appoynt a generall voluntary contribution thorrow the whole Kingdome for the use abovewrytten And to Nominat and appoynt George Winraham of Eymouth Collector thereof who was content to give bond to apply what he received for the uses above wrytten and to be Comptable to their Lordships for the samen and to Recomend to the venerable Assemblie then sitting To cause Intimat and Collect the samen in the respective paroches of this Kingdome in such wayes and methods as they shall think fitt for making the same most effectuall for the ends abovespecified as the said petition bears The Lords of His Majesties privie Councill haveing considered the above petition given in to them by the above Sir John Home of Blacader and Sir John Suintoun of that ilk for themselves and in name and behalf of the remanent Commissioners of Supplie and heretors of the shyre of Berwick They Doe heirby allow a voluntar Collection to be made at the Church dores of the severall paroches within this KingdomeAnd that upon such dayes as the Ministers of the severall paroches and the saids petitioners shall agree wpon To be Applyed for rebuilding the port and harbour of Eymouth and Appoynts the Contributions which shall be Collected and gathered wpon this account to be given and Delivered to George Winraham of Eymouth Collector therof In respect the said George Before extracting heirof had given bond and found sufficient Caution acted within the books of privie Councill That he shall Collect and apply the saids Collections or contributions for building the said port or Harbour of Eymouth and that by Advyce and at sight of Patrick Earle of Marchmont Lord High Chancelor of Scotland The said Sir John Home and Sir John Swintoun and Sir Patrick Home Advocat his Majesties solicitor And Appoynts Intimation to be made of this act att the paroch Churches where the Collections shall be made And that upon the sabath dayes Immediatly preceiding the dayes appointed or to be appoynted for these Collections.
1. NRS, PC2/28, 45r-46r.
1. NRS, PC2/28, 45r-46r.