Act, 6 March 1701(pm), Edinburgh

Procedure, 30 December 1701, Edinburgh

Eodem Die [6 March 1701] post meridiem



Act anent the Custodie of Aberladie

Anent the petition given in and present to the Lords of His Majesties privie Councill By Dam Alison Skeen Lady Mersingtoun Major Charles Suintoun and James Suintoun of Mersingtoun Humbly Shewing That where Andrew Fletcher of Aberladie is now past his pupilage and hath been these severall years And is at present in Custodie of Sir Alexander Cumming of Culter his Tutor Dative And that it appears that he is obnoxious to Influences as to the Choise of his Curators to the dissatisfaction of both Father and mothers freinds and that there is nothing intended save that he should make such an equall Choise that may be most to his advantage And therfore Craveing The saids Lords to order him to be sequestrat in the keeping and Custodie of the Lord Crossrig a relation and person acceptable to both syds untill the said matter were setled Att the sight of any of the said Lords their number And in the mein tyme to stopp the Choiseing of Curators As their Lordships use was in the lyke caises As the said petition bears The Lords of His Majesties privie Councill haveing considered the above petition given in to them by the Lady Mersingtoun with the Ansuers made therto and another petition by the said Lady by way of reply to the saids ansuers They heirby Appoynt the said Andrew Fletcher of Aberladie to be sequestrat in the hands and house of Sir Gilbert Eliot of Headhsaw Advocat Clerk to his Majesties privie Councill therin to remain for the space of Fourtein dayes from the day and date heirof being unto the tuentieth of March instant To the effect he may freely choise his Curators about the end of the said time without being influenced by aither partie and in the mean tyme sists procedure in the Choiseing of the saids Curators untill the fyfteinth day of the said moneth And ordains The said Andrew Fletcher of Aberladie and Mary Suintoun Lady Kennet and Livetenant Collonell James Bruce her Husband To enter the said Andrew Fletcher to Sir Gilbert Eliots house And ordains Letters of Horning on Fourty eight hours to be direct heiron under the signet of Councill and others need full in ferme as effeirs

Eodem Die [6 March 1701] post meridiem



Act anent the Custodie of Aberladie

Anent the petition given in and present to the Lords of His Majesties privie Councill By Dam Alison Skeen Lady Mersingtoun Major Charles Suintoun and James Suintoun of Mersingtoun Humbly Shewing That where Andrew Fletcher of Aberladie is now past his pupilage and hath been these severall years And is at present in Custodie of Sir Alexander Cumming of Culter his Tutor Dative And that it appears that he is obnoxious to Influences as to the Choise of his Curators to the dissatisfaction of both Father and mothers freinds and that there is nothing intended save that he should make such an equall Choise that may be most to his advantage And therfore Craveing The saids Lords to order him to be sequestrat in the keeping and Custodie of the Lord Crossrig a relation and person acceptable to both syds untill the said matter were setled Att the sight of any of the said Lords their number And in the mein tyme to stopp the Choiseing of Curators As their Lordships use was in the lyke caises As the said petition bears The Lords of His Majesties privie Councill haveing considered the above petition given in to them by the Lady Mersingtoun with the Ansuers made therto and another petition by the said Lady by way of reply to the saids ansuers They heirby Appoynt the said Andrew Fletcher of Aberladie to be sequestrat in the hands and house of Sir Gilbert Eliot of Headhsaw Advocat Clerk to his Majesties privie Councill therin to remain for the space of Fourtein dayes from the day and date heirof being unto the tuentieth of March instant To the effect he may freely choise his Curators about the end of the said time without being influenced by aither partie and in the mean tyme sists procedure in the Choiseing of the saids Curators untill the fyfteinth day of the said moneth And ordains The said Andrew Fletcher of Aberladie and Mary Suintoun Lady Kennet and Livetenant Collonell James Bruce her Husband To enter the said Andrew Fletcher to Sir Gilbert Eliots house And ordains Letters of Horning on Fourty eight hours to be direct heiron under the signet of Councill and others need full in ferme as effeirs

1. NRS, PC2/28, 47v-48r.

1. NRS, PC2/28, 47v-48r.