Att Edinburgh The Sixth day of March Jaj viic and one years
Recommendation To the Lord Advocat To Sequestrat Wallace the Earl of Seaforth and his Sister
The Lords of His majestys privy Councill, do heirby Recommend to Sir James Stewart His majestys Advocat, To give orders for Sequestrating […] Wallace daughter to umquhill Sir William Wallace of Craigie, In the hands of […] Bigger of Wolmet To Remain therin till furder order of Councill as also for Secureing the person of the present Earle of Seaforth and of […] his Sister german, in the hands of the Laird of Caddell therin to Remain, untill they appear before the Privy Councill, And Recommends to the said Lord Advocat, to wryte to the Sheriff of […] Requireing his assistance in this affairs and that he set the order Execute.
1. NRS, PC1/52, 191-2.
1. NRS, PC1/52, 191-2.