Att Edinburgh the Eighteenth day of February one thousand seventy and one
Act in favours of Mathew Frew anent Irish victwall
Anent a petition given in to the Lords of his Majesties privie Councill by Mathew Frew Merchant in Kilwinning and partners Shewing That the petitioner haveing bought a qwantity of Barley and oats with about ane hundreth bolls of meall in Ireland and haveing caused shipp more then the one half therof aboard long before their Lordships prohibition which did aryve at Irvine and Saltcoats within a few dayes after the proclamation But was hindered to be Livered there be cause of the proclamation Though the victwall was aryved before the publishing att any of the saids places As Lykwayes the petitioner haveing hyred a vessell for Transporting the rest of the said victwall for which the petitioner had payed The said vessell was shipwraked and cast away betwixt Ireland and Scotland Wherby the petitioner was disappoynted in the tymous Transporting therof And seing the forsaid proclamation was a great surpryse to the petitioner And that the prohibition therin Concerned from the date when it was not in their pouer to give due obedience therto in the preceise termes therof And that the petitioners have been alrady great losers both by shipwrack of the said ship And the remainder of said bear Extending to seven hundreth bolls of oats it being detained in Ireland so that the petitioners were readie to verifie the presents before any Judge on the place on oath Therfore Craveing to the effect aftermentioned As the said petition bears The Lords of his Majesties privie Councill haveing considered the above petitione given in to them by the within Mathew Frew and pairtners doe heirby Allow the petitioners to dispose of the victwall already arryved And Lykwayes to Import the seven hundreth bolls of bear and ane hundreth bolls of oats as the remainder of the bargain alrady payed for And which the above shipwrack only hindered to be Imported long agoe And Discharges all Collectors and their servants of the Custome houses in this Kingdome to trouble or Molest the petitioners in Livering and Disposeing of the victwall alrady Imported of the above qwantitie of bear and oats to be Imported Notwithstanding of the above prohibition The petitioner alwayes first giveing their oaths before the Admirall deput of the bounds in mainer as is above offered
1. NRS, PC2/28, 33r-v.
1. NRS, PC2/28, 33r-v.